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Escape From The Planet Of The Apes


Actually great! Often hilarious, completely tragic and thought-provoking.


I seriously had no idea the PotA films had such messages within them. This is probably my fave so far (watched 3/5), just for how funny it is, whilst not being either a comedy (it's not at all) or a tragedy.




Mate, hahahah. I didn't think you'd like any of the films after the second one, but I'm glad you like Escape. I've got a very soft spot for it. :D


Anyway, went out and bought the boxset today! :D

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Watched the Dirty Harry sequels over the past few day's :-


Magnum Force

Very good. The one that feel's most like the original.


The Enforcer

Boring. Paring Harry with a female partner didn't really work as it seemed to focus on humour too much, and the story wasn't explained well enough and wasn't intresting.


Sudden Impact

My favourite sequel. During the first 15 minutes you think you're just gonna be watching the same formula again, but it soon changes. Nice mix of everything and Eastwood is on top form on and off camera.


The Dead Pool

A sequel too far. Felt like a Lethal Weapon film and made a caricature out of Harry. Should have ended the series with Sudden Impact.

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Starwars Episode 1: Phantom Menace.


Not as bad as I remember, Ani didn't annoy me as much this time and Jar Jar Binks was bearable. Though still annoying. To think I liked him when I was 9...


Great parts was the fight with Darth Maul and the battle just outside Naboo and of course the Podracing which watching it gave me the urge to play it on the N64!!! I did exactly that which was fun fun FUN!


I'd give it 4 Bears out of 7. :D


I've decided to watch them in Episode 1-6 order as I have never done this before. :)

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Starwars Episode 1: Phantom Menace.


Not as bad as I remember, Ani didn't annoy me as much this time and Jar Jar Binks was bearable. Though still annoying. To think I liked him when I was 9...


Great parts was the fight with Darth Maul and the battle just outside Naboo and of course the Podracing which watching it gave me the urge to play it on the N64!!! I did exactly that which was fun fun FUN!


I'd give it 4 Bears out of 7. :D


I've decided to watch them in Episode 1-6 order as I have never done this before. :)


I should watch them all in order, i never have either and there like, my favorite films :D

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Yeh, but I didn't say 'cause apparently your meant to go in not knowing he's in it. He ain't on any of the promo stuff, posters and whatnot - he isn't even on the imdb page. So I thought it would be slightly spoilerish to name him lol


That said, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt were rather good as well...

He wasn't even famous at the time it came out... He was the dude from Usual Suspects. You gotta remember that.

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Don't know where I heard about this film, but I decided to give it a watch. Creates suspense and horror brilliantly well, the acting is also top-notch from what I can tell (as it's a Spanish film). The only downside is that the characters are rather dull. Still, very enjoyable.

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Don't know where I heard about this film, but I decided to give it a watch. Creates suspense and horror brilliantly well, the acting is also top-notch from what I can tell (as it's a Spanish film). The only downside is that the characters are rather dull. Still, very enjoyable.


Ive decided I dont like films with subtitles. Although it was good, I simply missed a lot of the visuals, due to reading. :(

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Ive decided I dont like films with subtitles. Although it was good, I simply missed a lot of the visuals, due to reading. :(




Maybe you're a slow reader.




I'm about to watch Don't Look Now, which I've heard very good things about. Be back in a while with a review.

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Im certainly not fast, but I do think its a perfectly valid complaint. You undeniably have to take your eyes/focus off the action, for a certain percentage/amount of time.


I suppose, but for ones like Pan's Labyrinth and Lady Vengeance (two that come to my head and have heavy focus on the visual), I never missed much.




Don't Look Now


Beautiful and chilling imagery, and one of the strangest films I've seen in a while. In a good way.


Perfect suspense building.


I can never go to Venice now, though.



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Im certainly not fast, but I do think its a perfectly valid complaint. You undeniably have to take your eyes/focus off the action, for a certain percentage/amount of time.


There's always the terrible US remake (when it's out, that is).


I also generally don't like subtitles, but some films can get me in a kind of trance where I focus on the main screen, but somehow also read the subtitles.

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So, after buying the boxset, I spent yesterday evening/early morning of today watching:


Planet of the Apes


Now, the series has always interested me. Its classic Science-Fiction at its best. But, not only that, but there are quite a lot of issues being addressed in the film. Equality and Race being two of the most important ones. Charlton Heston is superbly on form, as well, and there are at least half a dozen great lines that will remain part of Film History for years to come.


The film starts out pretty strong, with Heston sharing his thoughts in space, and moments later left stranded on an "unknown planet."


The apes, particularly Zira make this film so much more enjoyable. And, what can be said that hasn't been said before about the climax of the film? Its a great plot-twist, and one that has, for many years, been ruined by the boxart for the film, or from posters of the film. Such a shame, given that the twist would lose a lot of its power if you're expecting it.


9/10. Such an incredible film.

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The Rock


pr0 action film. It's the kind of film you could watch every day for a week and not get bored of. You've got Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery and Ed Harris on top form, with one of the best soundtracks I've heard.


Plus it's a delight to see Dr. Cox screaming like a pussy as Connery pimpsmacks him.


Nine Shabba's



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Police Story Part II


Stars Jackie Chan once more, this time he is faced with bomb experts who threaten to ruin and destroy a huge business empire. Stunts are probably as good as the original, minus the mall fight, but at least there is a short bus scene followed by jumping through solid glass. And the final fight at the end in the factory is quite good as well. Solid story and a solid cast featuring much of the original cast from the first movie, my score is



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