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Man on the Moon


Jim Carrey's portrayal of the late Andy Kaufman. And what a performance from Carrey, i could not see one bad thing with this movie. This is one of the rarer movies where you laugh, smile and cry all in the duration because of how well he plays the part. From the opening to the end and then throughout the movie was hilarity. Seriously you have to see this movie. Even though Man on the Moon is nearly 10 years old it is in my opinion one of the finest Jim Carrey performances ever.



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I love the way their filmed. It's Greengrass, all his movies are that way. I personally find it benefits the movie. Anywho, they're not good films. They're okay films. Ultimatum, however, is a great film, an action masterpiece, both identity and supremacy fall flat to it's feet. Too over the top? Don't really think so, all it does is follow the books and provide formidable action, without being nonsensically über-powered. Seriously, Bourne Ultimatum is the best of it's kind. Not that there's any real competition, but for whatever it's worth, it's the king of the genre, no sweat.


Bourne is good, but no way is he king of the genre. The chase aspect is excellent, and the violence presented is decent but falls short of other recent efforts such as Casino Royale. The plot is nearly impossible to follow, but isn't luckily anywhere near the central premise of the film. It's essentially a linear path of sequences where Bourne has to evade capture to get somewhere, and that's where all the interest is. It's the classic pursuit movie.


Also, I really do feel some of the camera work was rather over the top in Ultimatum. In one scene it looks the two CIA chiefs are trying to have coffee during an earthquake.

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Just back from watching Wall-e, and of course I enjoyed it muchly. i don't get why people are saying it's 'deep' and shit, though.


Sat right at the front, far left, so had a skewed view the whole time. Most of the stuff in Wall-e's house-thing was too dark too see. Also, I question the use of a lighter as an object of amazement in a kid's film...


the malfunctioning robots were awesome, and there were lots of nice little bits that were cool - like the cleaning-bot jumping off the line, and a few lame bits. not my favourite movie of the summer, but definitely one of the best pixar films yet. Not that anyone didn't know that already.



tonight I got Solaris and The Lost Boys, woot.

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Let me see what I watched last week:




This film was fun and entertaining but a load of rubbish. some fights were good to watch but the rest was just a bit naff.


3 and a half Bears out of 7

Wedding Crashers:


I actually found this much funnier than I thought it would be and it cheered me up on a bad day! There wasn't too many laugh out loud moments but there was a definite smile on myface throughout the movie.


4 and a half Bears out of 7


Pirates of the Carribean:


I was suprised when my mum wanted to watch this with me last weekend and she actually enjoyed it. :D It's only about the 3rd time I've watched the film all the way through, it is still a very good movie in my eyes and it was longer than I remembered which was a good thing. :grin:


5 Bears out of 7.

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Bourne is good, but no way is he king of the genre. The chase aspect is excellent, and the violence presented is decent but falls short of other recent efforts such as Casino Royale. The plot is nearly impossible to follow, but isn't luckily anywhere near the central premise of the film. It's essentially a linear path of sequences where Bourne has to evade capture to get somewhere, and that's where all the interest is. It's the classic pursuit movie.


Also, I really do feel some of the camera work was rather over the top in Ultimatum. In one scene it looks the two CIA chiefs are trying to have coffee during an earthquake.


Casino Royale is possibly the best Bond movie, it's between that or Golfinger. However, it doesn't even come close to Ultimatum, especially in the field which you so gladly mentioned: the violence. One of Ultimatum's best points is the raw power of the fights, not over hollywood-ized "punch meetings" like in Casino Royale... I mean, violence is so romanticized in thse films, the only exceptions in recent years that spring to mind are fight club and the bourne trilogy. where the violence actually is human. As for the plot, it's practically non-existant, and yes, it's a pursuit movie, I know so. And now tell me, who is the king of the genre, in your opinion? Bonds are out of the picture, they're like espionage for romantics with ADD.

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Seriously...what the fuck?


What? I love the movie, but there barely is any plot. It's pretty much like Matrix Reloaded, all the plot is concentrated in one scene, like


Hi Jason Bourne, this is your life, and this is what your life was, now kill me and get it over with. The end. All the rest is solid action and "how to get there"


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What? I love the movie, but there barely is any plot. It's pretty much like Matrix Reloaded, all the plot is concentrated in one scene, like


Hi Jason Bourne, this is your life, and this is what your life was, now kill me and get it over with. The end. All the rest is solid action and "how to get there"


The same could be said for any film...

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Get Smart


Eh, I guess it's your typical comedy movie or something. I was hoping it would be funny but I only laughed a couple of times. Worth watching? Not really in my opinion (unless these type of comedies are your kind of thing), but sadly there were no other options.

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Boo ya. good film. Nice nuances. had no idea what I was letting myself in for, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Clear, yet leaves lots of room for interpretation.


I really liked Solaris. I thought the soundtrack was fantastic and the visuals were...chilled.


I want to get it on Blu-Ray.

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The Strangers


If I wasn't so tired I'm pretty sure it would have made me jump a lot more and evoked more of a reaction, but that said I found it very tense and disturbing. Had more to offer than many horror films that get released these days.






Personally I absolutely love the handi-cam horror genre and this was probably my favourite of the lot. Apart from the odd scene which killed some of the reality, I was actually jumping, flinching and squirming throughout the entire ordeal. I also love how the horror starts so spontaneously. Fantastic and one of the best horrors I've seen in my opinion.



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jsut finished The Lost Boys, and I thought the initiation section was great, but the cast wasn't strong enough, the plot was fairly roughly pasted together and... well, and the good guys won. I can see why it's a cult favourite, of course!


I really liked Solaris. I thought the soundtrack was fantastic and the visuals were...chilled.


I want to get it on Blu-Ray.


I agree! The ambience is so good.

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'Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?'

10 / 10, One of the best films I've ever seen


On a completely unrelated note, why is Se7en not available on DVD anywhere? They should really issue some more DVDs... I neeed to see it

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Oh please, if Bond is aimed at ADD suffers then Bourne must be designed for old Day Of The Jackal fans suffering from advanced Alzheimer's.


Seriously gaggle, wtf? Bond is bond, it's not supposed to inovate or reinvigorate anything, nor has it ever done it, it's classic action, done the same way it's always been done. Ultimatum takes that, and elevates the action's quality to a new level... it's pretty much a fact, by now, I mean, it's pretty much critical and community consensus, Ultimatum > Bond, ain't no denying it. Wether or not you preffer it, is a different matter.


The same could be said for any film...


Lies. Look at your avatar... that's a movie with a plot. Want more?



Boo ya. good film. Nice nuances. had no idea what I was letting myself in for, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Clear, yet leaves lots of room for interpretation.


I think it's possibly the worst remake ever made. Ok, I'm exagerating, but yeah, it takes a pretty big dump on the original.

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