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Rate the last film you saw


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A Dog's Breakfast

A film written and directed by David Hewlett (Mckay in Stargate Atlantis). An interesting plot and quite funny to boot.



Quite boring the second time round...there aren't enough deaths.


The Orphanage

Took a while to get going, but when it did I enjoyed it.

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Walk The Line


I only knew a little about Johnny Cash, and only knew Ring Of Fire and Walk The Line by him, which I think is a good thing. I had no expectations.


I thought it was great. Quite a sombre tale in parts, but the music was great, as was the acting. I'd only ever seen Jaoquin Phoenix in The Vilage, where he kinda had no room to act.



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good film is walk the line. I'm a Cash fan and Pheonix and wassername did amazingly well.


Also: never seen Gladiator, Paj? He's the emperor.


Oh yeah..so he is. Last time I saw Gladiator was when I was about 10, though, so I forget things.

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Batman: The Dark Knight


It was alright, a bit too frothy, which is a problem when you're going for a more "realistic" aesthetic. The dramatic pacing has the more developmental scenes skipping by rather too fast, a little too eager to get to the next crisis point. Heath was definitely one of the better things in the film, but Bale looks awfully uncomfortable as both Bruce and Bat. It was better then Batman Begins anyway.


Was the only person who noticed a few British accents in some of the extra-heavy scenes?

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Hellraiser 1, 2 + 3


1 was alright, the storyline was a little weak and the 'Cenobytes' costumes made me laugh a little. 5/10


2 was better than 1. The storyline was better but it was still weak. 6/10


3 was just rubbish and I started to get bored half-way through. 3/10


I couldn't even attempt to watch 4, maybe another day...

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The Simpsons Movie.


5th time I've watched it now and I still love it. :grin: I can't help it... I do love The Simpsons too much...




6 Bears out of 7.


Dr. Zhivago


Amazingly beautiful film. The way it's filmed and the scenes are fantastic. The whole story is an absolute epic classic. They don't make them like that any more. Also the acting was fantastic as was the directing. :grin:


Throughly enjoyed it and I'm glad I got to experience the film in a cinema.


6 and a half Bears out of 7. :D


Hard Candy


Brilliant Psychological thriller, I didn't realise just how psychotic the main character was. Much better than I thought it was going to be. A tense film that had my heart racing.


5 Bears and a half bears out of 7.

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The Kingdom


Tense and gripping. Some of the political awareness of the situation does take a backseat to the action in places but overall it succeeds in delivering its message.




How Peter Berg went on to direct the horrible Hancock is beyond me.

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Been meaning to re-watch this for ages. But think I need to watch it with someone, otherwise I become distracted. Fantastic film though. And the end bit with Tetsuo (where he turns into some giant intenstine baby thing) is disturbing.




And while watching I was thinking of the rumoured live action remake which is rumoured to have Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Tetsuo (which I think could work) and it got me to rewatch a bit of Mysterious Skin. I have to say, the rape scene near the end is horiffic. Completely unnerving...just...horrible. (but in a fantastic piece of filmmaking way). 8


(oh wait apparently they are making a live action Akira movie split into two films, the first of which is out next summer oh and Leonardo diCaprio is playing Kaneda because he helped finance -_- always meant to read the manga but im getting off topic here..)

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Akira is fucking wicked. Alot of it used to go over my head when I was younger (the psychic explosion bit in particular) but I watched it more recently and it's a masterpiece.


DiCaprio as Kaneda you say? Interesting....interesting. He's a fucking quality actor. Very underrated as a pretty boy but he's so talented.

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Hard Candy


Brilliant Psychological thriller, I didn't realise just how psychotic the main character was. Much better than I thought it was going to be. A tense film that had my heart racing.


5 Bears and a half bears out of 7.


I loved how I assumed it would be what you'd expect from a film about a girl groomed by a paedo.


How wrong I was.



I love the bit where she has the epilator/shocker thingy and she's in the shower.


It just screams to mind "YOU MASSIVE BASTARD SON OF A CUNT!!!"

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Lady In the Water


Urm, I don't get the point of it tbh.


the point of her coming to our world, that would be appreciated :/




Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Had this on HD-DVD for a while now, and just decided to watch it...




I have never seen such a colourful film in all my life :D


The visionary of the film was amazing, it just sucked you right in!


I also LOVED the characters, especially Willy Wonka, and I though Johnny Depp played him amazingly well. I loved how he responded to the kids, he was just so quirky and weird :)


Also, I found the film quite dark in places, I mean, the oompa loompas creeped me out whenever they did the dances, but had me giggling at the same time. And Willy Wonka didn't seem surprised at the unfortunate events happening to the children, I'm guessing he planned it all?


In all, I loved it, and didn't leave me feeling disappointed :D


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Lady In the Water


Urm, I don't get the point of it tbh.


the point of her coming to our world, that would be appreciated :/


The point of it was that M Night Shamalamalamalamalamalan had conned you into watching another one of his films.

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