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I'm a Zombie movie lover, and this was fucking nuts, one of the best up with the "Dead" four, and for the first time the shaky Cam actually WORKED, Blair Witch shakey came doesn't work for a lot of films that do it (Cloverfield beig one that it does work well with) , but this just flowed bloody brilliantly, the ending was a bit WTF the night vision ruined it a bit for me but still worked well. I want this on DVD.


Rating...Made me scream like a little girl/10

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Well I've watched 3 pretty amazing films tjis last week. and one meh one...


Amores Perros


Brilliance. Reminded me strongly of Crash, but even better, this is now in my top 5 films. Can't say I found the story about the model nearly as interesting as the other two, but i guess it showed nice contrast between the lives of the poor an the rich. And it had Gael García Bernal in it for bonus points ;)




Battle Royal


Mental premise, mental film. Pretty brutal at times, especially the stabby stab stab in the groin. Made me think what Id do if my class were thrown into that...

The beginning confused me though... Id assumed it was like a flash-forward, so at the end i was waiting for the girl to come out of nowhere and pwn everyone.... never happened.

Still, great film




The Departed


Surprisingly brilliant mob movie. Vair interesting story and.... yeh just generally supurb. I actually can't decide if i liked it more than Goodfellas...




Oh yeahse and


Matrix Revolutions


Not as bad as everyone says ;)


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you're almost right. it's far, far worse than anyone would admit after being duped in to seeing it after the also super shit 2nd film.


Agreed, both of the sequels are crimes against cinema. I was never massively taken by The Matrix in the first place but in comparison its a relative masterwork.


The Wachowsky Brothers can eat my shit. They suck, big time.

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The Departed


Surprisingly brilliant mob movie. Vair interesting story and.... yeh just generally supurb. I actually can't decide if i liked it more than Goodfellas...





I watched that the other day and agree with your raiting. Haven't seen Goodfellas yet (a crime I know) but I did purchase it last year, but when I got home the wrong disk was in (some Patricia Arquette film - ugh) and as I had brought the DVD from a-far, I couldn't really return it.


Also watched :-




Good popcorn flick, but it does suffer a bit once the gang are in orbit, and like many young girls, I must confess that I find the ending pretty neat :heh: CGI is still very impressive.



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Iron Man


For once I really have to thank Scientology, because if it wasn't for them, Tom Cruise would still be pretty normal (maybe) and got the role of Tony Stark. Instead we got a brilliant actor that absolutely fits the role.

Actually I think the film could be so much more but it's still very good. The action scenes are fun to watch, some of the dialogue is hilarious and the Iron Man suit is awesome - even the building process and I liked all the little hints at the comics.



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It doesn't matter how many time I see it, this movie is fucking brilliant.


Hell yes! I absolutely :heart: this movie!



Iron Man


Loved it. Robert Downey Jnr. is brilliant in it. Gwyneth Paltrow is gorgeous in it.

It really did the comics justice! 8/10!

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It doesn't matter how many time I see it, this movie is fucking brilliant.


Same here mate. I've probably watched it at least 6 times. :smile:


Also watched Iron Man last night...loved it. Downey Jnr was really good as Starks and Gwyneth was looking mighty fine! Briliant action scenes as well.



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Speed Racer


I went into this movie not too sure what to expect. I never really watched the original cartoon but I liked the trailers and am a fan of anime.


Thankfully I thought it was very good, the dialogue wasnt as bad as I was expecting along with the acting. The race scenes were very well done and enjoyable. The colours in this movie were brilliant, everything was just so bright and vibrant and I loved that.


Im looking forward to this being released on dvd because I really did enjoy watching it.



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Paris, je t'aime


I loved, loved, loved this movie. Don't let the name put you off, it's a very accessible movie. It's eighteen short stories, all by different directors ranging from the famous (like the Coen brothers) to the obscure. One or two of the stories are duds, but 95% of the film is truly excellent. 9/10




It's a musical... But it's good. :wtf: I was surprised to find that it's a charming little indie movie. Well worth getting on DVD. 8/10


Speed Racer


I could barely make out what was happening on screen. Things were spinning and there was lots of strobe lights and loud noises and it was just a mess. I left the cinema with a headache. Eat too many Skittles and throw them up on a screen and you have Speed Racer. 4/10

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