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Rate the last film you saw


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Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End

Holy hell this film is awful. Clichéd, confusing and often annoying plot, i didn't know what was going on half the time, action sequences could have been ripped out of the last two films and the ending was just stupid.


Give me the original any day.



Supprisingly good, Michael Bay yet again serves up a fantastic action film. Great voice acting and reimagining of the cartoon.


Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

Not bad, apparently its the worst book, but i found it rather entertaining. Plus some of the girls are getting rather attractive :p But anyway, i'm looking forward to the next one, so i guess its a decent sign that i actually liked it.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind


It has to be one of the most confusing movies i have ever seen. It starts out good then it moves on to scenes with Joel (Carrey) is crying for no apparent reason and upset.


Luckly it is all explained throughout the movie, as long as you don't blink or drink alcohol during it, it will all be fine.


An amazing movie of which i give it 9/10

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Platoon. 10/10. Woah, what the fuck? Charlie Sheen is actually tolerable? Who knew. Brilliant film, like, I don't watch many war films, but this has to be up there with Apocalypse Now and Saving Private Ryan.


Hey! Private Ryan is good, but not in the same class of Apocalypse Now, Platoon or Full Metal Jacket!

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bits of it are- it's just that large parts of it are flag waving jizz.


Just watched Sunshine again as I got the DVD for my birthday last weekend.


Fucking hell it's good. It's like the perfect 70's and 80's dark sci-fi, only better. 20 quizzical physicists out of 5.

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Funny Games U.S.

Michael Haneke's American remake of his own 1997 Austrian film, "Funny Games". It looks the same, the soundtrack is the same, the editing is very similar, but the performances are very different. A wonderful performance from Naomi Watts in the role of Ann, Tim Roth doesn't carry off his part as well as he should and the kid (Devon Gearheart) is phenomenal. As for the two home invaders they're a bit of a mixed bag. Brady Corbert is wonderful as Peter, but Michael Pitt doesn't have the menace required to back up his wit in the role of Paul.


Definately not as intense or powerful as the original, but still a great film that will hopefully reach (and shock) a larger audience this time around.



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Funny Games U.S.

Michael Haneke's American remake of his own 1997 Austrian film, "Funny Games". It looks the same, the soundtrack is the same, the editing is very similar, but the performances are very different. A wonderful performance from Naomi Watts in the role of Ann, Tim Roth doesn't carry off his part as well as he should and the kid (Devon Gearheart) is phenomenal. As for the two home invaders they're a bit of a mixed bag. Brady Corbert is wonderful as Peter, but Michael Pitt doesn't have the menace required to back up his wit in the role of Paul.


Definately not as intense or powerful as the original, but still a great film that will hopefully reach (and shock) are larger audience this time around.




Ive been meaning to watch the original Funny Games, didnt even realise the remake was finished.

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Ummm...Paths of Glory.


Alright. Bleak. But I wasn't in the mood. I was in a good happy mood. So I got bored and wrote the works rota (not that writing the rota is a happy job but needed to be done and I was being made to watch it)



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A-bloody-mazing. Utterly bleak, but utterly beautiful. If you have any kind of interest in Joy Division, see it see it see it! If you don't, see it anyway simply for the intensity of the perfomances and the fantastic cinematography and directing.


Ooooh. I saw that 2 weeks ago at the cornerhouse. It really is the most doleful thing I've seen for a long time. There was like, maybe one character you actually become endeared to, and that was his wife. I also saw the guy that plays Ian Curtis walking around in Fallowfield, looking ridiculously moody. Bitchin film though.

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Hostel: I actually really enjoyed this. I'm not big on horror/gornography, or at least I thought I wasn't, but I had a good time. Good DVD extras too.


The Invasion: the critics have really dumped on this but it wasn't a bad flick by any extent of the imagination. Plus, you have to be especially brave (as far as those critics and their ivory towers go) to sign up to a movie that requires you to do 'emotionless'. I can just imagine some goon at The New Yorker licking his lips in the theatre as they introduced that.


Also: goin' to see Control tomorrow.


You should check it out, really good film. The remake was done a few months back, won't be out until around February though, I managed to catch a showing at the London Film Festival.


I wish I lived closer to London! What did you see?

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Bad Santa


It was a lot better than what I thought it would be. Somehow, the film made me want the main character to become a good guy. The film was full of laughs, and the acting was top notch. It did seem to drag on for a while though in the middle but all in all a good film.



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Stephen Kings It


One of the wierdest, freakiest and down right mental movies I've ever seen. Mr Pennywise was brilliant, though the effects made me laugh in places. Quite a chilling movie. Though after readind about the book I wish it would have followed the novel more closely.




Black Christmas


Second tim of seeing it now,and it's still alright. A good laugh basically. A few jumpy moments an the end was brilliant (well the death was anyway). A few funny moments too.




When a Stranger Calls


Agin, my second time watching the movie. I really like it, well when it starts to get interesting anyways. Te start gets a little repetative, but when she find the body and the policeman ays that great line of the phone, it gets good.



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I watched the modern remake of "The Italian Job" last night. Unfortunately at the start someone said "this film is great because it's so realistic" which meant that I had to point out unrealistic things all the way through, and ruined it for myself and everyone else there. Good work me.

The film was average, very average.

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