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Rate the last film you saw


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In Hell

A Van Damme film that was quite good. Felt abit rushed along and the ads ruined the feeling of giving up hope and losing yourself. Not award winning stuff but not as bad as everyone makes out Van Damme films are. The mandatory prison rape scene had me frozen in fear as usual, why cant there be a prison film without it?

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Mission impossible 3:


It's quite good, worth watching if you liked the others ones. It's the sort of film meant for the cinima lots of explostions and shooting. I would rate it about 7/10.


100% agree, watched it today, 7/10 is about right.

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The Shawshank Redemption -- Gentle and brutal and devastating and heart-warming all at the same time. It was a priviledge to watch Morgan Freeman act as Red. I loved the tactility, like in Saving Private Ryan when Tom Hanks gently unscrews the cap on his metal water bottle, and metal scrapes on metal and resounds in your ear -- and suddenly you're on Omaha and it's 1944. Yeah. Like that. A really warm, special piece of art.


I have FF: Advent Children in my bag so I'll go check that out.

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Guest Stefkov

Kung Fu Hustle.

what the fuck was going on. awesome fighting though, most of it was so funny. but i stick by m first statement. what the fuck was happening.

anyhoo i think it deserves: 9-10/10

just funny

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In a 1984 esque britian in the grasp of a huge civil service organisation a young daydreaming office clerk embarks on a mission to save the life of a young woman accused of terrorism due to a printing machine typo.


A surreal masterpiece that swings from comedic, haunting, beutiful and disturbing within the blink of an eye. highlights include a battle between a knight with mechanical wings and a gigantic samurai and Robert Dniro as an action man heating enginear.



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Ong Bak


Pretty generic story with a generic bad guy but awesome fighting scenes with a little piece of slapstick. Sometimes the hero gets hurt and in the next scene the wound is nowhere to be seen. That was a bit annoying. The actors are pretty solid but the german dub was pretty bad.



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I loved Cabin Fever so my anticipation was high when I watched this yesterday. I was not disappointed. Some people hate this, but I don't see why. It's entertaining, the parts that are supposed to be funny are funny and the parts that are supposed to be freaky are freaky. The acting is excellent aswell. We can expect much great Eli Roth in the future, he's brilliant. Also this is possibly the most disturbing movie I've ever seen (or well, the disturbing parts of it were). And I've seen alot.



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Went round a friends round to ask him something and him and his wife were watching Dirty Shame with Johnny Noxville. So bloody bizarre. Its about a town where people get a concusion and turn into sex addicts, but have really bizarre fetishes. And Noxville is some kind of sexual Jesus and the main character is his 12th deciple. At times you sit there thinking "What the hell is going on" and then occassionally laughing at its weirdness/stupidity.

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Wicker Park

Extraordinary psychological thriller that starts off slow and is difficult to understand whats going on, but it all comes together in the end. Fails to entertain although it does capture you into wanting to find out the truth. But meh, yet another nothing special film. I'm a bit harsh on films but thats just me...



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Peter Jackson's Dead Alive/Brain Dead.




Hilarious, great puppet and animatronic special effects which I adore, blood and cheesy acting combine to create one of the funniest zombie horror movies ever made. I think they used every one of my favourite old-time special effect tricks in this film, which could make that spider-armed boss in Mortal Kombat give a half-dozen thumbs up.

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Falling Down - 8/10


Plot Outline: An unemployed defence worker frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society, begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them.


This one was on BBC1 the other night and I gave it a chance, it was totally worth it and felt a lot like Minority Report but 10 years before it's time.

Some of Michael Douglas' finest work (along with The Game).


Really recommended to anyone who liked the above mentioned films.


Be sure to check out Phone Booth tonight at 10pm on 4. Considering it took 3 days to film it's quite excellent.

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Peter Jackson's Dead Alive/Brain Dead.




Hilarious, great puppet and animatronic special effects which I adore, blood and cheesy acting combine to create one of the funniest zombie horror movies ever made. I think they used every one of my favourite old-time special effect tricks in this film, which could make that spider-armed boss in Mortal Kombat give a half-dozen thumbs up.


The Rat Monkey rules. Its a great film and probably the only film where zombies procreate. Highlight to find out.

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