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Rate the last film you saw


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I think it was like this:


"No, Omega."



Normally I'm not too bothered about product placements. I mean real products keep the film real, I hate it when they use silly fake names though.

However in Casino Royale they really tried to do the shots so that the Sony logo was visible on every piece of technology. That's overdoing it a bit imo, but normally I'm not too bothered.


Casino Royale was full of too much product placement.

Not just from Sony, although they managed to get in a Laptop, digital camera and phone several times.

It had Smirnoff ice banners in the Casino, Bonds first car was the latest ford make ( i think) and you only see it once in a pointless scene that was blatant advertising. Also with the watches as well they manage to get two names.


I was overwhelmed by how much they managed to get in it!!!!

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To Kill a Mocking Bird


Hated this film when I watched it in school as a teenager, but found it quite enjoyable now :) The kids can get annoying at times, but it has a nice little ending and the courtroom scene is really good. Never read the book, but might be inclined to do so now.




You should read the book...... I loved the book, think I read it twice during school.

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Casino Royale was full of too much product placement.

Not just from Sony, although they managed to get in a Laptop, digital camera and phone several times.

It had Smirnoff ice banners in the Casino, Bonds first car was the latest ford make ( i think) and you only see it once in a pointless scene that was blatant advertising. Also with the watches as well they manage to get two names.


I was overwhelmed by how much they managed to get in it!!!!

Let's not forget the mysterious use of Blu-Ray discs on the security camera (and the fact that the camera zoomed onto the disc when it was visible).
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Couple this with the fact that half the time the Autobots are bumbling fools who don't understand the concept of hide, which doesn't matter 'cause the public are too idiotic to notice a troup of fecking robots patrolling the neighbourhood. Megatron also seems to have 'Matt Damon' syndrome where most of the time he only utters his own name really makes what was supposed to be the best part of this movie, big kick ass robots, actually pretty pathetic.


HAHA that made me laugh a lot!


I loved the movie but the stuff about EBAY and product placement is true, there was a lot of it. Still I thought it was awesome =]

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un intentionaly hillarious. i was hating it, the little thing on air force one actualy made me cringe, but then i just started to giggle, it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen, the dialouge was appauling, like written by a child.


but i still kinda liked it, and the action scenes were alright, when the camera was focused on somthing that is. i don't mind that physics and logic took a back seat, i don't mind that the dialogue was cringe city, i don't mind that every single person in the film was below average intelegence, it made me smile


"ALL HAIL MEGATRON!" is the funniest quote ever, i actualy laughed out loud at it. i'll never see a helicopter with out laughing again.


5/10 it was shite but in a good way.



for thouse of you who say its one of your fave films, guys rent leon. or gladiator, or the pianist.

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un intentionaly hillarious. i was hating it, the little thing on air force one actualy made me cringe, but then i just started to giggle, it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen, the dialouge was appauling, like written by a child.


but i still kinda liked it, and the action scenes were alright, when the camera was focused on somthing that is. i don't mind that physics and logic took a back seat, i don't mind that the dialogue was cringe city, i don't mind that every single person in the film was below average intelegence, it made me smile


"ALL HAIL MEGATRON!" is the funniest quote ever, i actualy laughed out loud at it. i'll never see a helicopter with out laughing again.


5/10 it was shite but in a good way.



for thouse of you who say its one of your fave films, guys rent leon. or gladiator, or the pianist.


I've already seen Leon and Gladiator and whilst I'm not sure about Leon (it was a loooong time ago that I saw it so don't really remember much other than the fact it was great) it definitely shits all over Gladiator, but then different strokes for different folks and all that!

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I said why.


Hobbzinio, I just find that Hollywood Blockbusters really don't have that much attention put into them. Films like 300 give me hope but on the whole they generally just seem to throw in anything knowing that people are going to go see it anyway.


I mean the direction is most of the time half assed and that makes me a saaad panda :(.


I back up Chris' idea on Leon. Everybody watch Leon and review it at the same time. 1, 2, 3, Break!

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Thats the problem, I felt that Transformers was bad for it's genre.

As I said I did like 300, and even though I thought Die Hard 4 was not as good as the others I did quite enjoy it.


Watching Transformers I seen so many things wrong with it technically and creativly and I didn't enjoy anything which is a shame because I did expect it to be good. I just don't think because something is a popcorn film it is allowed to escape critism.


I truely do believe that if someone else had directed it it could have been much better, but then again everybody who did enjoy it I'm not telling you what to believe. This is entirely my own opinion.

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well, i usualy enjoy blockbusters, i even enjoyed transformers in its own way, but the dialouge was beyond cheesey, it turned funny.


i think the film was like some one had made a parrody of the transformers movie. inserted obviously cheesey dialouge and made caraters intentionaly stupid.


the autobouts were like an army of frank spencers, i half expected an "oooooooh betty!" in the middle of the fighting.


still, the film had its charms, but even for its genra, i wasn't impressed. still, better then spidy 3 by a billion miles and pirates 3 by a long way.


i do agree in part with mariosmentor, there was alot wrong with it and i wanted to love it. i did enjoy it in its own way, and a diffrent directory could of made it great, but the whole thing just seemed so silly, not just in a hollywoood blockbuster bay movie way.


the only caracter i felt any real empathy or liking for was bumblebee. and i think a large part of that was because he coulden't talk.


still, i recon id have enjoyed it alot more if i was younger, and it wasn't entierly bad, bay did make the fights look kinda bitchin, and managed to add a couple of smokin hotties into the fray to keep the attention in duller moments.


i can see why people might enjoy it, but at the same time, i can see why people hate it. it did so much wrong in my eyes and yet was always entertaining. i feel a bit cheated of my £4.50 though.

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But Why go into a blockbuster hoping for great dialouge, when the film is directed by Michael Bay or why go into a emotional drama expecting heads cut off, when the film is directed by Sofia Coppola?


You should rate a film by its own boundaries and merit, otherwise you will go into every film you see with your mind already made up.


Why go into a blockbuster expecting great dialogue? Because blockbuster films can have great dialogue. I don't know why people think that it's OK to say "Well, it's a blockbuster" to try and cover for bad cinema. What about Star Wars? Die Hard? Jurassic Park? There's three blockbuster films off the top of my head which don't treat the audience like idiots.

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well Hot Fuzz... i will give it a 9/10... can't wait to see what they will do next.

I was rolling on the floor when he jumped and kicked that lady with the shotgun in the head...


And yes.. it's important to see films on their own boundaries and merit as Hobbzionio puts it... i can see a film like Dawn of the Dead 2004 and simply love it (f****** great) and then see Gosford Park and love that one too.. despite the fact that there were no zombies in the manor.. i know when to expect great acting and dialouge and when to expect great effects and blood pumping action and maybee not that great acting and corny dialouge..

I know i will love Transformers.. some months from now.. probably on a sunday with a hangover

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aalborg, i must say, i thought id love transformers too, sadly i didn't.


just gonna run down the last few films ive seen


300 10/10

spiderman 3 4/10

pirates 3 5/10

oceans 13 5/10

fantastic four 2 5/10

diehard 4.0 8.5/10

the simpsons 8/10

transformers 5/10


hasnt been a great few months for film really, less then half the films ive seen have scored abouve 5, which im going to say is a nutral score, neither liked nor dissliked.

still, rush hour 3 might be good.

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Yeah, what the heck is wrong with Transformers dialogue? Anyway....just saw


Harry Potter and teh order of teh feenicks.


Meh. It was okay, wasnt bad. It just seemed really weird...in the sense that they didnt explain anything. Why was the weird arch thing there? Lol, Ive read the book, and still didnt really know what was happening. The fight at the end was pretty spectacular though. Also, loving the hot underage folk.



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I'd give gladiator a 3/10.




really? i loved it, the vemporer was so well done, arrogant and utterly despisable. definately one of the most satisfying moments in cinema history when maximus final gets his revenge.


the action and spectical as well, don't get me wrong, transformers was alright action, but it never left you with the same feelings as gladiator, the fear and anger mixed together, the savagery, it has some of the best fights i can recall.


i mean, im not having a go that you don't like it, its just so hard to belive.

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Yeh Gladiator is a very good film....never met anyone who doesn't like it actually.


Leon was also a great film. Gary Oldman was too good! As well as the french geezer! lol......and natalie portman. Man she is sooo buff now.

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