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Rate the last film you saw


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How on EARTH did people enjoy Die Hard?


It seemed so rushed compared to the others. The action was poor (i'm sorry guys, but they obviously ran out of ideas) and the script wasn't on par with 1+3. I agree it isn't about the script in action movies, but 3 had a great one, especially with actors like jackson and Irons to back it up. The villian didn't strike any fear into me (although that chick was FIT!).


What disappointed me the most was how even though it was free roaming like Die Hard 3 (unlike 1 where he was stuck in one place), Die Hard 3 pulled it off far better. The movie just wasn't as tense as it should have been and they had to rely on witty comments he made (of which some were hilarious, some were just...hmmm).


At the showing I went to, there was a lot of yawns and people laughed at the film once it was over. I really hope Rambo IV isn't this bad.


I really don't see why your knickers are in a knot over this film, But i'll just say I said something similiar for snakes on a plane and 300. I knwo you're pain everyone liking a films you don't.

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I really don't see why your knickers are in a knot over this film, But i'll just say I said something similiar for snakes on a plane and 300. I knwo you're pain everyone liking a films you don't.


I dunno. If DH4 is anything like 300, I find it very difficult not to sympathise with the man.

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Family Guy The Movie


Felt like they tied three episodes together, but there was lots of Stewie, so it provided a great amount of fun. The jokes were as good as ever but because of the lengh it got a bit dull. It was actually too close to the series, which just doesn't work as a movie but still lots of laughs.


6/10 (and that comes from a Family Guy fan)

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Family Guy The Movie


Felt like they tied three episodes together, but there was lots of Stewie, so it provided a great amount of fun. The jokes were as good as ever but because of the lengh it got a bit dull. It was actually too close to the series, which just doesn't work as a movie but still lots of laughs.


6/10 (and that comes from a Family Guy fan)


That's exactly what they did.

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Cabin fever


Umm, I expected something pretty awesome from the trailers on channel 4 but in all honesty it was pretty rubbish. The only good thing was when a little girl randomly shouted "pancakes" and did some wierd kung-foo and bit a dude. Hilarious. Otherwise shit.





Shrek the third (in french)


What can I say? I loved it. I am going to go and watch it in english on thursday, but the french version had me in fits all the way through. Though i'll probably put it down to the fact I can't help but laugh at the french language (if that sounds insulting, it wasn't meant to! lol). (the different voice actors just sounded very, very different).

So the movie - in french - I give it 8.5/10

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Better than expected, but I've never been one for the whole gangster film thang, most of the characters were either insane or thoroughly dislikeable and lacking any conscience, which I suppose was the point, this being a mob film and all...


Probably the best gangster film I've seen though.



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Just back from Die Hard 4.0


And It feels cool to be using a laptop :p


I enjoyed it. I like Die Hard and although this was a little drawn out and seemed to end rather bruntly and considering some of the stunts wer a bit over the top for a Die Hard film, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Some nice girls, some great lines from McClane and I liked the computer element (even tho I am by no omeans an uber haxx0r!) so I 'll give it a resounding 8/10

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Well, I finally got around to it.


I finally saw Rocky Balboa.


My word, was it worth the wait?! This is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. Thank God there were people in the room watching this in the same room as me, as I was fighting back the tears on so many occassions, not at least the final ending scene.


The music, which made the Rocky movies what they are, was so ever present in this film. Just hearing the classic choons was enough to move me. The scripting as well was top draw, Stallone really is a damn genius.


10/10. No, better still, 10.5/10. It's just that little bit better.


Now, do I prefer this or Rocky II. That is a very, very hard decision.

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Night at the Museum


Alright usual family affair.




The Ice Harvest


This movie been getting quite bum reviews off everybody but I quite enjoyed it's Coenesque style, albiet the script and direction were quite lacking but the story kept me motivated to watch it to the end.


It's probably a better book than film but I thought it definetly deserved a viewing for being intriguing and well paced.






Lol. Classic.



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Didn't quite understand it at first, but it got better.


An unusual movie, with a few chuckles.


I really liked it! Not my sort of movie that I would usually watch, but gave it a chance only because Kirsten Dunst was in it (one of my favourite actresses)


Surprising 8/10

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Hot fuzz... just amazing. Best thing since bendy straws... 10



Aye, it's fantastic. I only saw it the other day, and it's probably the funniest film I've seen in a long time. I love the references too.




I also got around to seeing You Only Live Twice Yesterday as well. I used to think it was Connery's worst outing as James Bond, but rewatching it yesterday made me realise that it has some neat action sequences and a surprisingly intellegent & engrossing plot. Not the best, but still pretty good.#



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Die Hard 4.0


I went into seeing this film, as a massive fan of the original trilogy but not with a critical way of thinking, I was ready to take the film for what it is.


And what more can I say, this was a brilliant action movie. The action sequences rocked and I really felt like this was the same Mcclane, just alot more matured. His speech on the downside of being a hero, was classy and Justin Long did a really good job as the side kick. Alot of people have been saying Tim Olyphant did a dodgy job of the villian, but he was not playing the evil villian seen by Jeremy Irons and Alan Rickman, he was playing somebody who was hurt and trying to get revenge on the goverment. He brought a human touch and wasnt too bad.


The film had alot of the usual one liners and I was very impressed as I thought the rating would lessen them. If you go into this film expecting it to be just like the first 3, you will be dissapointed (looks at Goron), If you go into it expecting a fresh take on the character of John Mcclane, you will be happy with its direction. Die Hard got with the modern climate (digital terrorism) and did it well.


I hope this brings about 1 more film and they get John McTiernan back to make it. As Bruce really done well and didnt show any joke signs of being too old.


Great Action flick by todays standards.





I wasn't expecting it to be like the first 3; i was expecting a good, solid action movie that keeps me at the edge of my seat.

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I wasn't expecting it to be like the first 3; i was expecting a good, solid action movie that keeps me at the edge of my seat.


You're picking out problems people don't care about. It's an action film things like the acting was fine.. you can look at any review and they will all say Bruce Wilis performance was good.


It WAS a good solid action that only you hate.


OK let me ask this question did you see snakes on a plane?

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