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Rate the last film you saw


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Caught the midnight showing. It's not quite as good as Borat, but it's still genius. My personal highlight was the test audience/focus group bit. Especially the "interview" with Harrison Ford. I won't spoil it, but it's awesome.



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Last night I watched [rec].


Fucking scariest film I have EVER seen. And I've seen a lot of scary films. After I watched it I was literally too scared to move, or put my feet on the ground, and had to sit with my back against a wall until I fell asleep!

When I started watching I had no idea what I was in for.



10/10. Definetly what a horror movie should leave you like.


ps; scariest scene;


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Last night I watched [rec].


Fucking scariest film I have EVER seen. And I've seen a lot of scary films. After I watched it I was literally too scared to move, or put my feet on the ground, and had to sit with my back against a wall until I fell asleep!

When I started watching I had no idea what I was in for.


This was the only film ever that literally had me at the edge of the seat. Amazing film.

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Left me with nothing, took away nothing.


All way through I was just reminded how much I dislike Renee Zellwegger, except in Chicago. Even then I'm in love with her.



It was lovely to find out that she'd given the land back to the National Trust, I hadn't realised that before. Filmwise, nothing particularly special.

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Been watching lots of films lately heh. Guess that's what happens when you're bored and you find there are channels around that show films 24 hours a day. =P


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I'm a Harry Potter fan, so can't help liking it. It's not a masterpiece or whatever, but I enjoyed it enough and it prepares me for the next film heh.


Last King of Scotland

Good film, though of course quite heavy in its story I guess. But was worth watching, and I really got scared of Amin.



Loved the art style in this animation, and of course the story was great. Talks about all the political issues and war in Iran, but mixes in humour. Liked it. =)

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army


No one would go to see this with me when it came out. Loved it, but I liked the first too. This one was definitely Del Toro given free reign, after his success with Pan's Labyrinth. Stylistically, it's got his name all over it.


Fun and lovely to look at. I love how concise the "team" is.


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Very hit and miss. There were some genuine laughs (velcro suit, OJ baby, and the army stuff) and some that came as a result of cringes but it just didn't feel natural in its filming. Seemed like a lot of it was staged. Even the swingers bit felt staged even though that woman was sure as hell giving him a beating. And some of the skits went on for too long so you may have laughed at the beginning but by the end you were like 'thank god'.


Cohen clearly tried to push the censors as far as he could but even I found some of it distasteful (the filipino sex bit and the TV show he did for the panel). Borat is by far the better of the two films because where the story worked there, this felt hackneyed. Still got some good bits and laughs.


7 out of 10

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The Wrestler


Im finding this movie hard to rate, to be honest there was something that didnt seem right, im not sure if it was the pacing maybe.


Other than that problem which I cant really name I did like a lot of things with the movie. Mickey Rourke was brilliant, seeing him both in the ring and in a normal life. I really liked how they showed just how much wrestling meant to him (and im sure a lot of actual wrestlers) and how his whole world in the end became about that.


Might not be one id watch again, even though I used to be a wrestling fan myself and occassionally dip back in for nostalgias sake but definately a movie to watch.



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Wall Street. 7/10


Well acted, well written and perceptive but just slightly dissapointing. I would have liked to see more despair in the film to be honest, it seems to promise that the shit will indeed hit the fan and it never quite gets to that. The greed is good speech is a bit of a classic moment though :D

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The Wrestler


Im finding this movie hard to rate, to be honest there was something that didnt seem right, im not sure if it was the pacing maybe.


Other than that problem which I cant really name I did like a lot of things with the movie. Mickey Rourke was brilliant, seeing him both in the ring and in a normal life. I really liked how they showed just how much wrestling meant to him (and im sure a lot of actual wrestlers) and how his whole world in the end became about that.


Might not be one id watch again, even though I used to be a wrestling fan myself and occassionally dip back in for nostalgias sake but definately a movie to watch.




i think the pacing was just right, i mean, it was just his normal life, a standard mvoie pacing would be some what artaficial.

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obviosuly i get he wasnt a real guy, and it wasnt a documentory, i just feel that life isnt always gearing up to one big moment like in a film, itsa a collection of semi related shit that happens.


I edited my post from before, I was having no comment on the film there, just actually laughing to myself at how stupid my original post was. As a result I have no idea what you're talking about here :D

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