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Rate the last film you saw


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From my understanding, every one of Shakespeares plays had some truth to speak of even in the comedies. This may not take the front seat, it's usually between the lines, but it is an essential part of what makes them great plays.

Well yes, I think the key components are excellent characters, dialogue, themes, and imagery, but like you say, these things are never the crux of the play.

Yeah, much of the animation was very good. It's just the facial and emotional animation, combined with mediocre character portrayal in general just really let it down.

To be honest, I can't really remember the facial animation of any of the characters, so it can't have been that good. If you want something with clear, simple characters, and a story to match, complemented by some of the best animation ever, try something by Makoto Shinkai, like The Place Promised in our Early Days or 5cm/s. Howl's Moving Castle (by Miyazaki) is another example of great animation, this time with a more complex story. Kyoto Animation also do this sort of thing well, especially in CLANNAD and The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, despite the fact these are (somewhat) more mainstream anime shows.


Actually, I'm interested in seeing Persepolis - the style, content and language appeal to me.

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Ah ok, thanks for the suggestions. I think I was just really surprised; Japanese animation is usually so completely rooted in expression and they come out with something like that. Bad form Sunrise... bad form.

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Iron Man


The best Marvel movie. As people have said, the story didn't just feel like a vehicle to let peopel see him fly around, and it actually looked real. Spidey/X-Men/Hulk didn't look real, as no one can contort themselves teh way Spider-Man can in the comics, and the x-men look a bit daft half the time. No, Iron Man was brought to life amazingly.


Great adaptation (faithful too) of the original story, and it balanced seriousness with humour. It did this much better than other marverl moves (i.e Spider-Man 1-3). It wasn't silly liek the F4 movies, nor did it take itself to seriously (Daredevil).


Great action of course, and the acting was top notch.


ALSO; Marvel fans NEED to see the after-credit bit.





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re: Spiderman. He *is* superhuman, hence the sureal contortions/gravity defying shizz.


No, I meant in the comics, he's all bent up and cooly twisted when swinging/on the ground, about to fight, so the movies just looks like a guy in a spider-man outift, rather THAN spider-man himself.


At least the X-Men suffer less from that. Only thing was Storm's flying in the first one, looked a bit crap. Blame that on being 8/9 years old.


But this WAS Iron Man.

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I always found that aspect of anime lacking. All you ever saw was quivering big eyes and sullen teen agst most of the time.

It's true, an awful lot of anime is like that. I tend to like stuff that deals with emotions in a more complex way.


(I'm aware that my avatar isn't really helping my case, but the show it's from is actually one of the latter types)

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Iron Man


Awesome film, Robert Downey Jr was born to play that role and it suited him perfectly. Great use of slapstick humour and a lot of action and awesome CGI use as well. Loved the first suit he made, but the second more improved suit was even better. 9/10, and if like me you were told to stay until the end of the credits, you will be gagging for more.

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Iron Man


I was pleasantly surprised by this. I was expecting a big dumb movie, but it was genuinley exciting and funny at times. I've never read Iron Man before, so I was unprepared for just how awesome Tony Stark is. It was everything Transformers should have been, get's a good 7/10 from me.

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Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark


I don't remember when I last saw this one, but it must've been aaaaaaages. Probably when I was still a very young girl. No wonder I have nightmares of zombies/dead people though, it's probably because of the Indiana Jones movies. =P


But really, enjoyable movie, though it might've lost a bit of its shine (to me) due to it being a bit old now and my mind remembering parts differently. Still, good entertainment and will watch the other two on tv soon as well. Plus the 4th one of course. ^____^

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Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer


Entertained me, nothing wow about it though.


I prefer the first one :)




But erm Chris Evans, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <3


Lol. Agreed, if Chris Evans wasn't in it, it wouldn't have been worth watching. :p

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The Third Man

Startly rather slowly with but got gradually better and before long it was incredible. Excellent, wonderfully shot movie with great performances.


Citizen Kane

Equally brilliant. Funny, clever and well made. The voice over at the beginning was hilarious though, all that kept going through my head was "Tales of Interest"



Orson Welles is so cool.

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Iron Man


Pretty cool film. Very enjoyable.


Although the only thing I have to say about the after-credits scene is: "Huh?"




You aren't a marvel comics reader are you? :indeed:


If you were, you would have internally had a spasm of joy/excitement.




The Cell


Wanted to see this for a long time, and first off, it's teribly advertised on the DVD box. It's not scary or thrilling in any way.


However, I liked the premise/story, and the strange take on the whole "Alice Through The Looking Glass" thing. Great images conjured up throughout, making it a beautiful (even some of the twisted scenes had a beautiful element to them) film in many ways.


Just OK/good as a film, but beautiful.



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Just finished watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas again. Mamybe watching it alone in the dark whilst slightly drunk and very tired wasn't the best plan as it seems to have weirded me out more than most of the other times I've seen it. There's a very dark undercurrent running through it and seems to have but me in a nihilistic frame of mind which makes me want to stay up for as long as possible and see where the weekend goes. Frankly any film that has the ability to do that deserves a high score.

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matrix part 3


2nd time ive seen the film, the first was at the cinema, cant say i enjoyed it on any real level.


firstly, its a vessal to show approval of anime, which was ok, untill the neo smith fight. your just crashing into each outher, its wank. (why is that used as a bad thing, if im dissaproving somthing why say its the best part of my day?)


it took itself so seriously. terrible dialouge delivered like its the deepest thing ever.


nonsensical plot. smith in a human, neo seeing and having power over machines due to the matrix? smith exploding? im all for films letting you make your mind up, and i dont need hand holding, but that was just any old bollocks to get the film done.


if i could go back in time, and could either stop 9/11 or stop the matrix sequels, id do the later. 9/11 killed people, it didnt first rape them, ruin their names and charge the people who loved the victims most for the horror of seeing it.


normal rating 5/10 (the zion battle was good)


as a matrix film rating 2/10 (at least they killed trinity, whos body makes promises her face cant deliver)

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Cube - After credits Iron Man Spoiler


Nick Fury is the leader of SHIELD, who are the main government agency in the MU. He mentions the "Avengers Initiative" The Avengers, is the Marvel equivilent of the Justice League, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, etc etc.


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Not expecting much, and it wasn't really scary or thrilling, but it some jumpy bits. Interesting story that kept you guessing, though once the main bit was revealed the rest is suddenly really clear.


Penelope Cruz felt a bit random being in it, but nonetheless good.



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The Third Man

Startly rather slowly with but got gradually better and before long it was incredible. Excellent, wonderfully shot movie with great performances.


10/10. :smile:


Monty Python and the Holy Grail


The follwoing sketches/scenes are hillariously funny :- The Black Knight, Knights of the Round table song and dance, The Knights who say Ni, The Wedding, Tim the Enchanter, The Cave of Caerbannog and The Bridge of Death, but the rest (and quite a large portion) of the film is quite dull.






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