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  jayseven said:
Ah - so superman kissing lois lane and making her forget everything isn't RIDICULOUS? Nor is Zod lifting people up with telekenisis? Or BEAMS SHOOTING FROM YOUR HANDS? Or, hell, just flying around the world backwards...That's just the stuff from the first two films :P


A) Huh? What does that have to do with what you quoted me for? :):blank:


B) I havnt seen the originals, but Im pretty sure I wouldnt like them. :heh:


  BeerMonkey said:


Saw 6? Whens that out?

  ReZourceman said:
A) Huh? What does that have to do with what you quoted me for? :):blank:


B) I havnt seen the originals, but Im pretty sure I wouldnt like them. :heh:




Saw 6? Whens that out?


WHAT you haven't seen the originals? my god! superman 2 RULES


like where he traps one of the bad guys in his S, man makes me laugh every time

  Dyson said:
Boondock Saints


Definately either:

A film to watch by yourself




A film to watch with people you know like it.




A film to watch with people seeing it for the first time.



So as such, having seen it last night for the 3rd or 4th time but for the first time with people that hadn't sene it, it was nowhere near as good. 7.898/10


But by yourself, gotta be a sound 9.898/10


Great flick, no doubt there.


  BeerMonkey said:


As good as the First one!.....and thats saying something as SAW1 is one of my fav films. Some confusing bits in it which i hope will be cleared up in SAW5 but presides that loved every second.

Keeps you guessing as to who the new jigsaw is....and then at the end it all starts coming together and your sat there thinking....WHAT THE...FUK!?


Some great "games" very creative


Order of greatness in the saw films


SAW 1 > SAW 4 > SAW 2 > SAW 3




Are you really 24?? It surprises me... first it's 10/10 to Butterfly Effect, now this... good god.


ah, rez, I was just pointing out that the superman films have been riddled with bizarre, non-superman powers and things for a while. I quite liked the prospect of the little boy - i actually saidYou should have seen the original Kevin Smith script - it had lex luthor as a kryptonian undercover working for teh CIA, and superman having a fully-grown son that replaced him while he was gone... All sorts of serious rubbish.

  Happenstance said:
I tend to like parts of Superman Returns. The action sequences are brilliant
All two of them?


Seriously, a kid?, what was Singer thinking. As far as films go, it's not bad, a decent exploration of how a world would react to the disappearance of a superhero.


As a film about Superman, it's not that great. Movie Superman is still so many millions of miles away from Comic book Superman.


Aliens 10/10

One of my favourite ever films. One of the besr line in a film ever.


Alien 3 "Special" edition 5/10 - :(


Alien 3 Theatrical Release 7/10 :)


Attended a few screenings at the London Film Festival, here are some reviews.


My Kid Could Paint That

Documentary about a four year-old girl, Marla, who became famous overnight for creating paintings with similarities to works by famous modern artists like Jackson Pollock and Jean-Michel Basquiat. It was entertaining and quite interesting, asking if Marla was the real artist, or if her father had helped her out in some way. Most interesting is how the gallery owner manipulates the situation.


My verdict? She definately didn't paint all of them, but the better one's are fantastic, so does it really matter?




Killer Of Sheep

Made by Charles Burnett in 1977 as part of his University project, the film is a masterpiece but is not as widely known as it should be. It has shades of Herzog and Bresson, with a hint of Philip K Dick and has a wonderful sense of humour, despite it's themes of poverty and dissatisfaction with modern life. It is getting a DVD release soon (and seems to be avaliable already in all the usual places) and it is definately one for any cineastes around here to check out.




And finally (for now) the surprise film at the LFF screened tonight and it was...


No Country For Old Men

The new Coen brother's film and they're definately back to their best. It is hugely reminiscent of "Fargo" except that it's set in Texas and is much more violent. Tense from start to finish and featuring soon to be classic Coen brother's dialogue, it has their usual mix of the comic and the tragic and is definately one to watch out for at the Oscars.


Not released here until January, but it's definately worth the wait.




Children of Men

Really cool. Nice plot, great directing, no over the top stuff, very good acting. Liked it.


Resident Evil 3

Meh, 2 was much better. It's an enjoyable popcorn movie with hot chicks, but it doesn't have a single scene that sets it apart. I like the nods to the games, like adding a certain character, but I hate what they do with him.


The Number 23

Freaking awesome. Everything is great. Jim Carey rocks!


For Richer for Poorer


Great Tim Allen movie, where he plays a business man who ends up owing a lot of tax thanks to his money controller. Ends up hiding out in an Omish community with his wife. Great movie, 9/10


Watching Behind Any Lines last night was enough to make the most sincere pluralist gip (this is a Northern phrase for 'retch' I think, I cannot find it on the internet) -- they were entranced, they were enjoying it! -- but Eastern Promises soothes the soul!


I don't want to say anything specific because it needs watching on its own terms (I went in deliberately blind) but one particular scene is going to be with me, and you, I hope, for a week at least.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
Aliens 10/10

One of my favourite ever films. One of the besr line in a film ever.


Alien 3 "Special" edition 5/10 - :(


Alien 3 Theatrical Release 7/10 :)


completely agree. Aliens 3 isnt horrific but they wrecked the ending.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
Are you really 24?? It surprises me... first it's 10/10 to Butterfly Effect, now this... good god.


Now now, OW, what have I told bout making fun of "special" people? The poor man lives in Wales, and we all know that the evolutionary line ended there long before they could be considered part of the homo genus :heh:. (hehe. I said homo)


Also: Full Metal Jacket. 9.5/10. Fuck yeah man, great film, well presented but the last 20mins weren't as captivating as the rest of it. Great script, spawned some genius one liners :heh:


Pirates of the Carribean: whatever the 2nd ones called: Complete and utter bilge, it was so boring. The plot was retarded even Johnny Depp was basicaly costing through it counting the $$$. I honestly wish I could remove it from my brain. At least I got it from lovefilm so it didnt cost me anything, but dear lord how did this get rubber stamped. 2/10 and thats mainly because I have a mancrush on Johnny Depp rather than the film actualy being anything resembling watchable.

  The Bard said:

Also: Full Metal Jacket. 9.5/10. Fuck yeah man, great film, well presented but the last 20mins weren't as captivating as the rest of it. Great script, spawned some genius one liners :heh:


Agreed, except for the part about the last 20 minutes. For me, that was the most engaging part of the film. The sniper, the vietnamese girl, the mickey mouse chant, right through to The Rolling Stones' 'Paint it Black' playing over the credits. It was, at least IMHO, perfect.




Eastern Promises


Decent gangster film. Worthy plot for a crime drama and a script to match. Cronenberg did a good job portraying a gritty, dark and realistic London, and I liked the whole part of tattoos & the Russian mafia. One large critisism of it I have though, is that, even though the main focus was supposed to be around Viggo's character, I was much more engaged by Naomi Watt's character, which sort of threw me of a little. Still a good film, though.




Ex-drummer 9/10 Its sad to say, but it really is recognizable to me, plus, the imagery and music is superb, a must imho

Death Proof 7/10 That one scene :eek:, apart from that, bleh :s

Good Will Hunting 7/10 A nice effort, but to conform to my standards

I heart Huckabees 8/10 I heart Huckabees

The White Diamond 9/10 A really good built documentary

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