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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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3 minutes ago, Raining_again said:

I'm still being diagnosed but ENT has narrowed it down to auto immune related muscle weakness.  I've been like this for 2 years, still waiting on neuro and rhematology assessments.  covid has punched a hole in the waiting lists for outpatients appts, i was already waiting on a 3 year waiting list, which is now probably 6 years lol 

Tough one sorry about that. Think the neurologist I saw ruled out auto-immune disease for me. Still in the dark and frustrating

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36 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Tough one sorry about that. Think the neurologist I saw ruled out auto-immune disease for me. Still in the dark and frustrating

Its super frustrating I get it.  Took 7 years for me to get a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.  Keep going, keep pushing and always advocate for your own care even if you're being a "nusiance" because no one else will.

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On 09/07/2020 at 8:44 AM, drahkon said:

A friend's flatmate showed symptoms.
His parents and sister had it (tested positive) and he spent a few days with them while they were still asymptomatic. He got tested...negative.

Weird ::shrug:

Other than that...I don't know anyone who was tested positive or showed symptoms.

That sounds like a story that I read on another forum. Doctor had it, people that the doctor was working with had caught it, but the doctor's wife tested negative. It really is strange.

I only know one person who has tested positive for this and it's a loose connection, a very old friend that I used to work with well over a decade ago back in Wales. Aside from that, I don't know of anyone else. Working in a school, I'd say that the likelihood is that there has been somebody there who has had it, but I don't know for sure. Lot's of people who were unwell over Christmas or had sore throats in January/February who now instantly assume that they've already had it. I'm personally neither here nor there with that because people pick up illnesses all the time, especially in that environment, so it really could be anything.


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19 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I see face masks have now been made mandatory to wear in shops from 24th July or you get fined. Baffling why they didn’t make this part of the initial easing of the lockdown rules.

I wondered this too, but then I reminded myself this is the same government that didn't want to give food to poorer kids over the summer holidays. So why are we surprised? 

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On 09/07/2020 at 8:44 AM, drahkon said:

A friend's flatmate showed symptoms.
His parents and sister had it (tested positive) and he spent a few days with them while they were still asymptomatic. He got tested...negative.

Weird ::shrug:

Other than that...I don't know anyone who was tested positive or showed symptoms.

Could’ve been a false negative, still loads of those occurring, or he could’ve got tested too early. Or they may just not have passed it to them. We have to be careful with contact and distance but it’s not as if you automatically catch it by being near someone who has it, there has to be a direct transfer, so even a small amount of care (washing hands, not touching face) could prevent you catching it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welp, numbers are rising again.

No wonder, to be honest. I see so many people not giving a damn about social distancing in public anymore. I've actually started wearing a mask outside, too, because of that (in crowded places/streets, even if I could keep a distance).

Looks like I'll go into self isolation again soon, if the trend continues. We're at 86 cases in our city again. Highest number was 200 so far (back in April).

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I think everyone is getting bored of it. I dread to think what is going to happen in the UK when winter roles around.

We’re currently at less than 10 cases per day in the local community, and lockdowns are not easing up. Other countries around us are doubling down on them too. At work we’ve started planning around no return to the office this year, possibly well into next. Things are really not looking good.

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The R rate is rising here again, they estimate it between 0.8 and 1.8. 40 something new cases in a day.  for a small island with 1.8m people, not particularly dense population, that's pretty bad.  I've been back to work for a week and theres a fair possibility i might end up shielding again if it spikes much more.  A spike was inevitable with more things opening just hope it stays steady and people recover OK.  We've not had a death in a week or so I believe. But with all the shielders allowed out that could be a matter of time! masks are being made compulsory on Monday instead of later on in the month with the spike coming so soon.  Looks like we're prob gonna have to wear them in work all the time.  I've been wearing mine going in and out since my space is well away from everyone else... but i am the only one except for clinical staff that ive seen wearing any

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On 06/08/2020 at 8:03 AM, drahkon said:

I've actually started wearing a mask outside, too

Wait, you weren't doing it before? Most people here have been keeping them on the streets, too. Saliva droplets linger outside too, after all. Not to mention, the streets are where you come across most strangers.

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11 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Wait, you weren't doing it before? Most people here have been keeping them on the streets, too. Saliva droplets linger outside too, after all. Not to mention, the streets are where you come across most strangers.

Depends on where you live i think. I can go for a walk around town, and never come closer than 2 metres to anyone else, so we don't bother to wear masks. If we go inside to any shops, we just pop the mask on.

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12 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Wait, you weren't doing it before? Most people here have been keeping them on the streets, too. Saliva droplets linger outside too, after all. Not to mention, the streets are where you come across most strangers.

Depends on where exactly I was going. In busy streets I wore a mask, but usually I found alleys where I could keep quite a distance to others :) 

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The guidelines around wearing a mask outdoors is rough around the edges, to say the least. The take-up on it is not great, from my experience.

@Eenuh and I went into central Bournemouth for the first time in months a few weeks ago. Parked the car in the car park and put the mask on straightaway until we were seated at the place where we were eating. Must have encountered hundreds of people and I would hazard a guess that less than 10% of them were wearing a mask outdoors. Inside a shop or supermarket, it's a different story, as everyone or nearly everyone does this now. But, in larger outdoor public spaces, I was a little shocked to see so many not doing it. 

Might have changed over the last week or so. 

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6 hours ago, Happenstance said:

People aren’t wearing them outdoors because they haven’t been told to. I just checked the guidelines gov page and it’s just indoors. Can’t really blame people for not wearing them when they’ve only been told it’s required indoors.

I swear there was something recently are outdoor public spaces. I may be getting it mixed up with France, though, because I thought they did something like this and then we did the same. I'm probably wrong on that.

Still, with how busy certain areas can be in town centres, I'm definitely going to be using a mask when I'm there. It just looks very surreal to see busy areas like that and doesn't look too dissimilar to how it did pre-Covid. 

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Our work staff policy only includes "indoor public spaces where 2m distance cannot always be achieved".... which is ambiguous at best. And that only came out YESTERDAY. (NHS!!!!!)

I struggle with the masks and probably fall under the "medical exemption" as i have very weak throat muscles.  Its really a difficult quandry I'm in.... I struggle wearing them as its tough for me to breathe at all... but then I am exactly the sort of person that needs to wear one... I walked into the office and got winded today and i got into the lift alone and pulled the mask off, i was seeing stars and about to collapse.... and since I've had pain in my chest, throat and i'm struggling to breathe more than normal.  

I'm so sad, so fed up with life in general, and ready for this shit to be done.  Sign me up for a fucking vaccine plz. :cry:

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13 minutes ago, Raining_again said:

Our work staff policy only includes "indoor public spaces where 2m distance cannot always be achieved".... which is ambiguous at best. And that only came out YESTERDAY. (NHS!!!!!)

I struggle with the masks and probably fall under the "medical exemption" as i have very weak throat muscles.  Its really a difficult quandry I'm in.... I struggle wearing them as its tough for me to breathe at all... but then I am exactly the sort of person that needs to wear one... I walked into the office and got winded today and i got into the lift alone and pulled the mask off, i was seeing stars and about to collapse.... and since I've had pain in my chest, throat and i'm struggling to breathe more than normal.  

I'm so sad, so fed up with life in general, and ready for this shit to be done.  Sign me up for a fucking vaccine plz. :cry:

Have you tried the clear visor instead?

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16 hours ago, Raining_again said:

Our work staff policy only includes "indoor public spaces where 2m distance cannot always be achieved".... which is ambiguous at best. And that only came out YESTERDAY. (NHS!!!!!)

I struggle with the masks and probably fall under the "medical exemption" as i have very weak throat muscles.  Its really a difficult quandry I'm in.... I struggle wearing them as its tough for me to breathe at all... but then I am exactly the sort of person that needs to wear one... I walked into the office and got winded today and i got into the lift alone and pulled the mask off, i was seeing stars and about to collapse.... and since I've had pain in my chest, throat and i'm struggling to breathe more than normal.  

I'm so sad, so fed up with life in general, and ready for this shit to be done.  Sign me up for a fucking vaccine plz. :cry:

This sounds like madness, surely you shouldn’t be in work at all right now?

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20 hours ago, Raining_again said:

Our work staff policy only includes "indoor public spaces where 2m distance cannot always be achieved".... which is ambiguous at best. And that only came out YESTERDAY. (NHS!!!!!)

I struggle with the masks and probably fall under the "medical exemption" as i have very weak throat muscles.  Its really a difficult quandry I'm in.... I struggle wearing them as its tough for me to breathe at all... but then I am exactly the sort of person that needs to wear one... I walked into the office and got winded today and i got into the lift alone and pulled the mask off, i was seeing stars and about to collapse.... and since I've had pain in my chest, throat and i'm struggling to breathe more than normal.  

I'm so sad, so fed up with life in general, and ready for this shit to be done.  Sign me up for a fucking vaccine plz. :cry:

That's a right pickle to be in. Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time. @Happenstance's idea about the visor sounds like it could be a good solution. I'm a bit surprised that I'm not seeing as many of those in shops as I thought I would. They seem much more comfortable and manageable than a mask. 

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On 15/08/2020 at 11:21 AM, will' said:

This sounds like madness, surely you shouldn’t be in work at all right now?

Shielding is paused in NI, any shielders in high risk areas like wards are temporarily redeployed, but since my job is not "high risk" I'm expected back.  Even my line manager isn't happy about it, but his line manager will not facilitate me WFH. (even though ALL of my job can be done at home, and all of the highers are wfh). But the mortgage has to be paid. 


22 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

That's a right pickle to be in. Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time. @Happenstance's idea about the visor sounds like it could be a good solution. I'm a bit surprised that I'm not seeing as many of those in shops as I thought I would. They seem much more comfortable and manageable than a mask. 


22 hours ago, bob said:

They apparently are less effective than a standard face mask, but a lot of shop workers don't wear anything, so I guess they would be better than that...

I just need a hazmat suit at this point LOL.  I'm basically structuring my day so that i'm out as little as possible in public spaces, and I am not wearing the mask in the office (which is a risk in itself but i just have to be vigilant).  I think the heat might have been a factor on that particular day, i'm just gonna have to be a lot more careful

Most of the frustration i'm having is due to the fact that if I was diagnosed properly with what i'm suffering there's every chance a treatment would drastically improve everything that's wrong.  I was actually looking into my options for private care in march (id been waiting a year and a half at that point) but with covid happening no appointments are going on.  

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Same as other people here, I only wear a mask indoors in my town, but its a tiny one where even on the busiest of days I'll barely see 4 or 5 people on an hour walk. 

In the large town - Cambridge, we wear a mask as soon as we get out the car until we get back in. No exceptions. I don't trust anyone at all to behave themselves. The fact that it had to be put as a requirement before most of the population would wear a mask really screams volumes. 

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