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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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On 08/10/2020 at 4:41 PM, drahkon said:

I will now start to complain more on the internet...

My doctor called and the test was positive. Not surprising.

Gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities.
Then I'll most likely have to send them a list of people I got in contact with and then I'm pretty much done...I hope.

Thankfully, it's been only three people I've seen. My two flatmates (though, they've spend the last 10 days with their partners) and my best mate.


Also: I figured out that I can also taste chocolate a little bit. Yay.

Shit, maaaaaan. Stay safe. 

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1 minute ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Shit, maaaaaan. Stay safe. 

I have.
I'm pretty much completely healthy now aside from a still wonky taste of smell. :)

Wanna hear something "funny"?
My best mate, who I've been in contact with for approx. 8 hours the day after I had contact to my sister (i.e. the day when I got infected) hasn't been called by the health authorities at all.

Yes, I was most likely not contagious at that time but still...he falls into the prime category of "contact person". ::shrug:


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6 minutes ago, Cube said:

So a two week lockdown for Wales. Although schools will be back in for the second week. 

It would be great if our government would get off their backsides and did the same thing, but anyways ::shrug: 

I think it's school as normal after half-term (the second week) for everyone except those above Year 8 in secondary school. Seems like a smart move, don't really understand the nonsense we've seen this past month or so over "kids aren't likely to be hit too hard themselves, but can be carriers, so let's let them loose on the local community and pin the blame on them when things start to go wrong."

They had the entire summer to plan for this, and should have expected then to realistically be out of school until after Christmas, and planned accordingly. Feel like my head is consistently in my hands these days when I see some of the poor decisions being made, here and elsewhere, regarding COVID. Never mind all the other stuff going on...

5 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Shit's really hitting the fan again...

Numbers are rising fast in Germany (average of 4.000 new cases per day for the last 10 days).
Numbers in my city are also rising fast...652 active cases as of today.

Not good :(

Oh dang, stay safe drahkon! How are you doing now with your sense of smell/everything else? 

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48 minutes ago, Julius said:

Oh dang, stay safe drahkon! How are you doing now with your sense of smell/everything else? 

I'm completely fine now, thankfully :)
My family is, too, which is even better.

The situation in my town still suck, though, as a few of my friends are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus :(

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8 hours ago, drahkon said:

I'm completely fine now, thankfully :)
My family is, too, which is even better.

The situation in my town still suck, though, as a few of my friends are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus :(

This is a "good news and bad news" post if I ever saw one.

Glad to hear about you and your family. And I hope your friends can stay safe.

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That is excellent. Maybe Nintendo should offer their services to help the government out? Integrate StreetPass with the Switch and give them out to everybody in the country for free on the condition you take it with you everywhere. Seems like a win-win situation to me.

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Are we surprised? 

I know I'm really not. I know most of us are pretty techie here and wary enough about these apps and companies to know something was going to go amiss with it all. Bloody excel, I just did a big sigh writing that. 

Cambridgeshire is still relatively safe, which I'm thankful for. The knock on has been that my next appointment was due to be the 22nd October, but has been pushed back to January 21st, due to Covid and the worry over the hospital being rammed out (my issue isn't even anything to do with it). I would not be surprised if we get to January and the hospital is so overwhelmed that my appointment is cancelled yet again. 

I would like to be able to have surgery and just worry I'll bleed out (like last time) without also worrying about covid...thanks? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

What’s the chance that Johnson appears in a minute and says the pandemic is over as aliens arrived and cured it?

He's utterly useless. Twitter is doing his job for home!
Apparently wanted to do the conference on Monday, then the info got leaked. Then decided to host the announcement at 4pm, then delayed it til 5pm, then 6:30pm, then 6:45pm. He's blundered it by messing up going into a second lockdown, and he hasn't even got this conference right. Utterly useless. 

Give it to Rashford until the end of the season.

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It's all complete shit, but we have the Tories, so what did we expect?

I don't know why anyone is surprised at this point, if I hear "but nobody has dealt with this in recent memory". No they haven't, but they could at least listen to scienctists and doctors. Bite me. 

I'm bitter and annoyed because my surgery continues to be pushed back further and further as the NHS tries to cope. 

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1 hour ago, nightwolf said:

It's all complete shit, but we have the Tories, so what did we expect?

I don't know why anyone is surprised at this point, if I hear "but nobody has dealt with this in recent memory". No they haven't, but they could at least listen to scienctists and doctors. Bite me. 

I'm bitter and annoyed because my surgery continues to be pushed back further and further as the NHS tries to cope. 

Most governments can be quite inept at times regardless of the party. No one should ever put complete faith in whatever government even if you voted for them or in my case I didn't. As for listening to the experts, what scientists should people and the government listen to? The ones who told the UK government at the beginning that wearing face masks were ineffective or the ones that said we should wear them? I checked it up myself and have been wearing a face mask when going shopping since March while Boris and co couldn't make up their minds. The situation across Europe isn't really any better. France went into a second lockdown a few days ago and the situation in Spain and Poland isn't great either.

I also have an appointment with the NHS (minor compared to you) and this probably means it will be pushed back and countless others will suffer as the system is stretched and no one seems prepared yet again. As for government leaks, again another ineptitude which will cause panic. A friend of mine went shopping this evening and sent me a photo of the shelves already been cleaned out just like what happened in March. And so it has begun again... 

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1 hour ago, sumo73 said:

A friend of mine went shopping this evening and sent me a photo of the shelves already been cleaned out just like what happened in March. And so it has begun again... 

What's that line from the Secret of Mana intro? Something about time flowing like a river?

It's ridiculous how relevant that one quote from a SNES game will forever remain.

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5 hours ago, sumo73 said:

Most governments can be quite inept at times regardless of the party. No one should ever put complete faith in whatever government even if you voted for them or in my case I didn't. As for listening to the experts, what scientists should people and the government listen to? The ones who told the UK government at the beginning that wearing face masks were ineffective or the ones that said we should wear them? I checked it up myself and have been wearing a face mask when going shopping since March while Boris and co couldn't make up their minds. The situation across Europe isn't really any better. France went into a second lockdown a few days ago and the situation in Spain and Poland isn't great either.

I agree with the general sentiment here but I do think the UK government have probably won the prize for biggest shambles and most avoidable fuck ups during the whole pandemic, and I include the US in that.

Over here I really think they’re doing a great job of keeping things under control. Some major mis-steps at the start, for sure, but now it’s quite clear how it’s being managed and what the stages of the process will be.

We downloaded the contact tracing apps last week and it’s been quite interesting seeing the numbers of how many people you’re exposed to doing different things. A train ride is about 400, visit to a regular sized shop about 50 and walking around it slowly notches up over the course of the day. I actually think it would be a good idea to gameify this somewhat to help encourage the right habits but for now it’s pretty good.

We’ll be transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 of our lockdown between now and the end of the year with the expectation that phase 3 will last until the pandemic is under control globally. So pretty much we’ll be in this phase throughout next year and maybe beyond.

For the most part life is back to normal. The only things I really notice are having to wear a mask and the bars closing at 10:30pm, really not too much to have to cope with.

I really hope this lockdown in England works, it really seems to be getting out of control there again. On the economic side the biggest factor is always uncertainty, and it still feels like that is at the center of everything happening. If they don’t come up with a much longer term plan that is consistent across the entire UK soon it could be a horrible couple of years there.

On the positive side I guess nobody will even notice what happens with Brexit.

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At this point, I'm just fucking annoyed and fed up! I've just got myself back to a good point in a lot of ways. I was happy with my progress in the gym, I was planning on doing my PT physical test at the end of this month, I stopped reading the news and honestly, I stopped fretting about everything and just thought "sod it, it's not going away any time soon" and cracked on with my life. Now we're going in to another lockdown. At this point, I literally hate everything right now. I hope I get 80% of my wage again because I'm out of my jobs...again...

I have my friends saying "Ah, you have a holiday, why complain?" and I'm like "Bitch, this ain't no holiday for me". I want to work. I like my jobs (okay, the other one is a bit shite but I like my main job, haha), I love going to the cinema (which I started going once a week again), I love going to the gym (where I made great progress and was revising with my 'study', ready for my test)...these are literally what I do and I like doing it. All of it has been taken away again. 

I find it more annoying where people are saying it's because people aren't wearing masks. No, it isn't. Masks weren't introduced until it was way too late and even then, people are wearing masks 95% of the time and oh look, another lockdown. No disrespect meant here but it's because people can't wait to go on holiday and want to go abroad for their holidays and not isolate. We have nice places here where you can relax and kick back but no, it's not good enough. UGH! I'm over this shit already. I'm over living in fear.

It's simple what to do. Be hygenic, respect people's space and be good people. People find it so fucking hard to do.

Although in saying that, I do think it's all to make Johnson look good. Right now, even his supporters aren't really liking him so much from what I gather. I really do think something will be pulled out of their arses where they'll say "The rate has gone down and Christmas is saved! Covid has packed its bags and fucked off to Spain for a holiday during December". He'd look a hero. Fuck off!

On the plus side, I guess I have all the time in the world for Nanowrimo...

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