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Reggie Is Retiring


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13 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

This is a real shame; for a president to have such a personality and not be some faceless suit was priceless, in my opinion.

This is something Nintendo has been incredibly good at for a long time, which is what I truly loved about the whole direct-philosophy. Instead of having the bosses almost never appear except for big presentations at conventions, they took it upon themselves to say everything directly to the fans in a format they could play and mess around in. It was a great way of showing what a quirky and fun place Nintendo was.

These days, while still having directs, it's never the same. I doubt we'll ever see any quality animations of bosses duking it out in an awesome fighting scene like the one Glen-i posted. That stuff was just pure gold, and could fuel the meme generators for months. God, those days were awesome :D 

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I’ve just watched that lovely video NoA put up, read all the nice messages on twitter, talks of him being a marketing genius from insiders, fun memories of him being the face of Nintendo.
And then I come on here. :blank:
Loads of people will miss him, thankfully far outnumbering those who are “sick of him”. He’s obviously a great leader, a nice guy and he’s done a huge amount for Nintendo. Doesn’t deserve a shred of the abuse he’s getting on here. 
It's almost as though some people liked him, and some people didn't.
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8 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

These days, while still having directs, it's never the same. I doubt we'll ever see any quality animations of bosses duking it out in an awesome fighting scene like the one Glen-i posted. That stuff was just pure gold, and could fuel the meme generators for months. God, those days were awesome :D 

Kyle Bosman said something last year that really stuck with me. After watching one of the Directs ( can't really remember which one it was ) he said that he thinks Nintendo seems more corporate these days than back when Iwata was in charge. I do think there is some truth to this. I'm not saying they have changed to the point where there is no life in them or everything is super serious, but there is something about them now that just doesn't seem the same as it was.

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While I agree, I still think they have their focus in the right place. They still deliver high quality games and experiences, and while the directs have less quirky movies and meme's, they give us more games and trailers. This might also be because the Switch actually has a lot of games, while the Wii U had very few games. Then they had to fill the directs with something :p 

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Gonna miss his battles with Geoff: :laughing:

10 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

These days, while still having directs, it's never the same. I doubt we'll ever see any quality animations of bosses duking it out in an awesome fighting scene like the one Glen-i posted. That stuff was just pure gold, and could fuel the meme generators for months. God, those days were awesome :D 

Yeah, the Triforce of Miyamoto, Iwata and Reggie was great, a charismatic combo that made for some fantastic and highly entertaining moments over the years. :) I doubt we'll ever see something like that at Nintendo again, unfortunately. :(
There will still be big personalities, but three at once, with that level of rapport? No chance.


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Lovely to see the kind tweets from those other companies and those that worked with him.

For me he helped change the perception of Nintendo.  His charisma shone through and he demonstrated that the usually secretive company did know what was going on around them and what other companies were doing.  He interacted with fans and was not afraid to poke fun at himself if it helped raise awareness of what Nintendo were doing.

Those people who have already mentioned how fun it was when Miyamoto, Iwata and Reggie interacted with each other are absolutely right too! 😃

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I knew this day would come eventually, but it's still sad to see him go. He's a charismatic person who really knows how to engage with an audience, and sell a presentation. Made NoA look very personable, something that I can't help but envy.

It's up to Bowser to fill in his shoes. And we all know he can't do that unless he jokes about his own name from time to time.

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6 hours ago, Jonnas said:

I knew this day would come eventually, but it's still sad to see him go. He's a charismatic person who really knows how to engage with an audience, and sell a presentation. Made NoA look very personable, something that I can't help but envy.

It's up to Bowser to fill in his shoes. And we all know he can't do that unless he jokes about his own name from time to time.


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A little late perhaps (not my problem) ;) but here's our Reggie retirement roundup article.

I kept it short, just put some of the main quotes in, link to the video and another featuring some of his best moments.

Wishing him all the best though because Reggie has been there through it all since the Wii era and he has proved to be a great showman throughout. :peace:

Were there moments where I disagreed with him? Absolutely...

...but I'll always remember his speech about Satoru Iwata and it still gets me even today many years on. :heart:

This really is the end of an era while we're just at the start of another with the Switch.

(I still want him to drop a load of announcements just before he retires though, c'mon Reggie, give us Mother 3!) :D

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  • 1 month later...

My first thought about that mystery character was... Mach Rider.

But the size doesn't add up and the hand isn't the same.

Then I thought... Custom Robo.

Possible... and plausible.

Reset Era seems to think it's Teleboxer at the top of their poll.

Not sure if they're serious though and it's not enough fingers on the hand.

Ah well... I guess we'll find out - or not - soon enough I hope.

Anyway, more to the point... those are some fantastic gifts and I hope Reggie enjoys his retirement. :D


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