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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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For me, Animal Crossing is about catching all the fish and bugs, so unless I've miscalculated that means playing until at least December (when the last new ones become available).  I'd also like to collect all the fish and bug models, but unless Flick and C.J. start visiting more often (or allow you to request multiple models at once), that'll take years.  I'm sure Nintendo will keep tweaking the game, but the idea of them improving it in that way seems a bit optimistic.  It's also more time consuming for me to collect all the furniture sets and general items this time, as 3DS had free online but I'm not playing online with Switch.

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13 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

So how long do you guys traditionally play AC for then? 

Normally, a year or two.

New Leaf got a little resurgence when the Welcome Amiibo update came out and Ganon and Wolf Link moved in to my town and I spent way too much time playing Puzzle League.

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For gold or cloning? Same answer I think, it doesn't need any flower around it. I do keep mine in a group of black roses just in case though. If you're looking to clone it you should separate it. It will always clone if it has no one to breed with it.

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I caught a scorpion, so can stop moaning about it!  Also, C.J. is in my town, so I asked him for a coelacanth model.  Don't know how I'm going to choose next month, as I still want a mahi-mahi and there'll be all the sharks as well!



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3 hours ago, Dog-amoto said:

One of my residents is making a Lucky Gold Cat. Is this something rare or something anybody needs? No idea!

It’s a pretty rare, yeah (although not as rare as the item that’s needed to make it :mad:) I managed to get that recipe from a bottle message one day. It has been sitting in my DIY list ever since... taunting me. :heh: 

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Oooo I just got the Nook Shopping app? 

I can now shop 'whenever, wherever!'

Didn't even know this was a thing? 

Also, @RedShell, Drahkon gave me a spare gold cat DIY recipe earlier, and when I checked the needed items I was confident I had them. I definitely had a lucky cat... or so I thought. 

Turns out I gave it one of my islanders... :o:(

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2 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Nooooooooooo! :shakehead

Who did you give it to? I’ll have to pay them a visit next time I’m over. ;) :heh: 

I know! I definitely got it from Wilbur (?) is it? And I thought to myself I probably wouldn’t use it but presumed it was stashed in storage. 
just checked and not there. It’s catalogued though but you can’t buy it. 

I’ve just gone steaming into all the houses with lights on looking to get my cat back, but can’t see it in those who are currently in. Cry. Haha. 

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10 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I definitely got it from Wilbur (?) is it?

Gulliver. :hehe: 

12 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I’ve just gone steaming into all the houses with lights on looking to get my cat back, but can’t see it in those who are currently in. Cry. Haha. 

It takes a while before they display stuff inside their house. As for getting it back, it probably won’t be easy. Not sure exactly how it works in this version of AC, but there might be a chance it’ll end up in the town hall recycling bin, if you keep giving whichever animal it was more things. :grin: 

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Just now, RedShell said:

Gulliver. :hehe: 

It takes a while before they display stuff inside their house. As for getting it back, it probably won’t be easy. Not sure exactly how it works in this version of AC, but there might be a chance it’ll end up in the town hall recycling bin, if you keep giving whichever animal it was more things. :grin: 

Haha I didn't think I'd be able to get it back, I just hope I never gave it to Vic who has now left... but I don't think I did as he didn't last long on the island. :p 


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The thing is, I got a Lucky cat from someone on NE, very early. Can't remember who. Got the golden cat recipe recently, and used the "normal" cat to turn it into a golden one. Again, I completely forgot who it was, but thanks to whoever it was!

Likewise I gave my Dala horse to someone here, not realizing at the time it was a Gulliver item.

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I see there’s a new update (Ver. 1.2.1) no idea what it’s added/changed though. Only found out about it when I tried to visit another island this morning.

Have got automatic software updates enabled on my Switch, but it never seems to work for some reason. :hmm: 

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

I see there’s a new update (Ver. 1.2.1) no idea what it’s added/changed though. Only found out about it when I tried to visit another island this morning.

Have got automatic software updates enabled on my Switch, but it never seems to work for some reason. :hmm: 

"Addressed issues to further ensure an enjoyable gaming experience."

They've gagged Blathers?!?

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3 hours ago, RedShell said:

Have got automatic software updates enabled on my Switch, but it never seems to work for some reason. :hmm: 

They very, very rarely work for me too. AFAIK it's only the games on the home screen (i.e the first 12) that MAY get updated automatically. Every couple of months I go through my entire library and update everything. There are usually 10-15 games that get updated this way.

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Yeah it's annoying. I want them to update everything.

But they only update the most recently played games (so I'm guessing like @Nicktendo says, the games on the home screen), which is why my NES and SNES apps haven't updated. And you won't receive an update while you're playing the game, as evident by the last AC update mishap.

I'd also like a log of what's updated, as I often miss the notifications.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they've increased the bug spawns again since the update.  Definitely been seeing more peacock butterflies in the past few days, a bit more like how it was before, and scorpions no longer seem incredibly rare either.


Other than that, I had a really good session listening to K.K. Slider last night.  Until now, I'd only listened to one song each Saturday to get the recording, but last night I asked him for about ten different ones.  Disco, House, Fusion, Bossa, Forest Life... I love how the unplugged versions sound so much better than the more "produced" recordings and you can hear him strumming an acoustic guitar.  I particularly like how D&B is adapted to a guitar - obviously a very hard genre to translate, but there's a brilliant bit halfway through where it really kicks in.  The sound is absolutely stunning through a pair of headphones - not just the songs, but the rich quality of the background music and even the sound of fish.


I had the GameCube original many moons ago, and didn't play it for too long, but do remember listening to a performance by K.K. Slider.  For years, I've been trying to remember what song he played, and don't think I even remembered during New Leaf.  But hearing it live last night, I realised that song was My Place - a brilliant song for sure.  It's amazing just how much quality and variety there is to this game, that even after two months I'm finding new experiences with it.

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