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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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I'm guessing today would be a good day to play Animal Crossing for a bit then?

I'll probably load it up for an hour or so this evening but I'm not feeling the need to that much recently.

In fact, it has been five days since I last played the game and it's not even because I don't like it or anything like that, because I really do.

It's just not as appealing as it once was, to me anyway... but when I am playing the game, there's definitely a lot about it which I can appreciate. :smile:

Glad to see a lot of our community on here enjoying it in any case and who knows... I might get a bit more into it yet, it's probably just taking a bit longer to grow on me...

...like the weeds which are probably starting to take over my island right about now. :p

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I've already said that the event was poor, the gameplay needed to be something different and the repeated text boxes were idiotic. I'll say it for the twelve time, maybe you will understand, that the only point I'm trying to make is about them not actively encouraging you to get the gold trophy (because, you know, they never even say the words bronze, silver, or gold in the event, so that's yet another reason your argument falls apart)

Silly me for misunderstanding "there is a reward tied to doing a crappy thing over and over" as "fishing = crappy".


I can't dig out footage to prove it suggests either way there is more to go after 100, but that is not the point:


- Even if you stop at 100 points, you will get the bronze trophy the next day so next time the tournament rolls around you will know you need to get more points if you want the better trophy.

- Whether it is up front mentioned or not, people talk to each other. A lot of us knew about it here and a lot of people were getting to 300 for this trophy - no doubt they wouldn't have gone to 300 points it there hadn't been a reward tied to it. And this is what I'm getting at - the fact there is a reward tied to 300 points, means some people will go for it, because they want the trophy. Doesn't matter how much Nintendo publicise it. They tied a reward to doing something unenjoyable.


If they had just tied that gold trophy to getting all the gear then people will have still spent an hour fishing but could have left it there.

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24 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

I can't dig out footage to prove it suggests either way there is more to go after 100, but that is not the point:

Here you go, 3:05 - CJ says that it's incredible that you've managed a net total of 100 points and that you'll get something in the mail tomorrow. And he obviously didn't say anything about it until you get to that point, nor does he say anything about further milestones. So yeah, this...

1 hour ago, Sheikah said:

They are encouraging people to do it by having tiers and making it clear you reached a bronze tier at 100 points.

Is outright wrong. They are actively encouraging people to turn in points for prizes, CJ says it over and over. Oh and if you hit milestones, you get a little bonus, so basically like Nook Miles.

24 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

- Even if you stop at 100 points, you will get the bronze trophy the next day so next time the tournament rolls around you will know you need to get more points if you want the better trophy.


24 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Whether it is up front mentioned or not

That's all we've been talking about. I've already said the event was poor and the gameplay should have been better. But Nintendo didn't advertise this whole event with a sign saying "Get 300 points and you'll get a gold trophy!!!!". They advertised it as "fish, win prizes, sell them for Bells".

Pointless saying anymore, long past time to move on.

Edited by Ronnie
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That's all we've been talking about. I've already said the event was poor and the gameplay should have been better. But Nintendo didn't advertise this whole event with a sign saying "Get 300 points and you'll get a gold trophy!!!!". They advertised it as "fish, win prizes, sell them for Bells".

Pointless saying anymore, long past time to move on.


So if you wait until the next day, get the bronze trophy, you know about there being higher tiers next time. So the potential to grind is still there, just you do it the next time the event rolls round. Thus everything I have been saying about being encouraged to get 300 points is right.


And if you look it up then you know there's a reward for 300 points right away. Which you might well be doing anyway, to check how much grinding you need to do just to get all the unique pieces of loot.


Nintendo tied a reward to doing something boring for a number of hours. There's nothing you can say to counter that. You keep saying that Nintendo didn't advertise it, but you ignore the fact that Nintendo did incentivise it, by tying a reward to it. A reward that people can quite easily find out exists, either through the game (by waiting a day) or using the internet.

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2 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Nintendo tied a reward to doing something boring for a number of hours. There's nothing you can say to counter that.

You're absolutely right. They did. But that wasn't what we were arguing. They weren't outright encouraging people to do it, because it was kept in the background, never mentioned till the milestones were reached and never tiered until the following day when it was too late. Just like they weren't encouraging people to collect 900 Korok seeds, they just left them there if people felt compelled to.

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You're absolutely right. They did. But that wasn't what we were arguing. They weren't outright encouraging people to do it, because it was kept in the background, never mentioned till the milestones were reached and never tiered until the following day when it was too late. Just like they weren't encouraging people to collect 900 Korok seeds, they just left them there if people felt compelled to.


They're encouraging it by tying a reward to it. You're mistaking "encouraging" with "blatantly advertising."


If a bank offers you £100 to switch to them but doesn't blatantly advertise this promotion with letters through the door (but you can still find it out about the offer by googling it or hearing from friends), they're still encouraging you to switch.

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I know I said the same thing yesterday about the Fishing Tourney music, but the song for Bunny Day is great too! If for no other reason, the music has me excited for all of the future events.

Just a jolly time all around with the flutes and brass, and the background percussion sounds an awful lot like an egg shaker :D

Happy Bunny Day/Easter N-E! :smile:

Edited by Julius
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So glad the egg fuckery is over. I don't know if spawn rates varied between players, but i was getting 50% water eggs to fish last night. Shit was whack.

Anyway, saw my first tarantula last night, but unfortunately it attacked me and i fainted. My character did too.

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11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Does anyone have a red phone box from the Nook Miles list? The game assigns you random colour items and mine is green. I can provide anything you want in return :heh:

I have the red phone box if you haven’t got it yet. I’ll order you one now. 

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Still waiting for a second bridge so I just looked up when the gatekeeping is over and seems to be after the third resident has moved in (which should be tomorrow) but god damn they're expensive. The one I built was much cheaper! 😋

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On 12/04/2020 at 5:35 PM, Helmsly said:

Sorry for having to leave so quick @Sméagol, no sooner I landed on your island something came up here and I had to leave 

No problem, you can pop bysome other time.

I'll go sell the eggs today, though I may keep a few spare wood eggs in case I want to make more of those lamps, the only item in the set I actually like.

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7 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

Any of the wrestling/boxing items. (I have the bell and blue corner) any blue flowers. Thanks. 

Ooh, I’d quite like a red phone box. How would you like to trade one for a neutral corner?

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So glad the egg fuckery is over. I don't know if spawn rates varied between players, but i was getting 50% water eggs to fish last night. Shit was whack.

Anyway, saw my first tarantula last night, but unfortunately it attacked me and i fainted. My character did too.
Yes on Bunny Day they re-upped the spawn rate of water eggs go give people a chance to get them again. They had actually massively reduced the chance of getting water eggs in a patch prior to Bunny Day.
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C.J. appeared on my island again yesterday, so I passed on all our comments about the Fishing Tournament.  I asked him for a Tuna model, which arrived this morning.  Although I'm pleased with it, I've come to the conclusion that the bug models are better because you get to see them on a bigger scale, whereas the fish are much smaller than the real thing.



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I got the 5 star rating for my island this afternoon and also nabbed the Golden Watering Can.



My island isn't even finished yet but I figured i'd ask Isabelle to see how things were going. To my surprise, I reached 5 stars. I will say this, I wouldn't worry about trying to follow her instructions and instead just make the island how you want it, which is what i've been doing. The last time I checked in with her she said the island needed more trees and yet I didn't plant any more and even got rid of a few. Clearly what she says doesn't have much bearing on the rank that is awarded.

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28 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I got the 5 star rating for my island this afternoon and also nabbed the Golden Watering Can.


Do you get any kind of reward, such as the island being kept free of weeds if you want?  I remember that as a reward for something in New Leaf, with the villagers planting flowers on their own as well.

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