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IGN review for Dead Cells redacted due to plagiarism

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5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Not a jab, mate. Just wondered why you have such a hatred towards the guy. It seemed you had a personal vendetta against him so I thought I'd ask you about it in a funny way. Apologies if you got offended.

No need to apologise, zero offence taken. I have thicker skin than that! :grin: I used the wrong wording and didn't take it in a bad way at all.

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Not sure if this is true but people on Era are saying he is starting to delete videos off of his channel. Kinda feels like if he had nothing to hide then why not leave them up? Dude must be sweating.

What he said about Jason has kinda opened things up for others to go through all of his work and see if there are any other examples. Filip has handled this whole thing so badly. To think, things could have been calmed down if he just admitted to it, apologized and then laid low for a while.

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Engadget: Samus Returns takes the hero and the franchise back to its roots — from level design that encourages exploration and satisfying enemy encounters to the traditional 2D platforming style that helped birth the term “Metroidvania.”

Miucin: Samus Returns takes the legendary hero and franchise back to its roots, with everything from its satisfying enemy encounters and intelligent level design that encourages exploration to the traditional 2D action platforming style that literally helped define an entire genre of video games.

It's just getting silly now. The guy has clearly been a fraud all this time.

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4 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I wonder how far back all of this goes? Absolutely crazy.

To be honest the more that's found the more likely it is that he never actually had the skills to do that part of his job so it's probably been happening right from the beginning.

Edited by Happenstance
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Only just catching up with all of this, including the non-apology video and the further accusations. This is proving to be a very interesting case study in how not to handle a crisis situation from Miucin's perspective. A truly horrendous car-crash of a video from him and to not actually admit or even apologise to the original victim shows you the quality of his character. He will find it very difficult for the rest of the industry (fans, writers, gamers) to feel any ounce of sympathy towards him, largely due to his lack of remorse shown in that video. 

I've just watched that HD Rumble video along with reading the relevant NeoGAF post. We are officially in SillyTown now. There's no doubt dozens of other instances of plagiarism out there, just waiting to be found. This one could really drag on.

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IGN are getting of rid of everything they can that Filip has done for them. All features and reviews are being erased. I'm not sure what they are going to do about things like NVC, though.


FYI it's looking more and more likely that most of his work published on IGN has editorial copy in it sufficiently derivative of previously-published work that it is a significant ethical breach and will need to be removed.

We are moving on it as fast as we can as a Senior Editorial staff.

There are complications. Including challenges around removing review scores and the way out site CMS works (which is why Dead Cells unfortunately displayed a "0.0 Disaster" score for a time).

A final decision hasn't been made but I think the most likely outcome is all of his work will be removed, and we'll decide from there what we need to do in terms of replacing the back-catalogue of critical content we owe game makers.




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4 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

IGN are getting of rid of everything they can that Filip has done for them. All features and reviews are being erased. I'm not sure what they are going to do about things like NVC, though.




I know that I said that I’m not the biggest fan of some of their reviews and podcasts in the past, but IGN have been a stellar example for the industry of how to deal with a plagiarising “video games journalist” since Filip was first found out in the space of the last week. What’s even more gutting is that they, of course, are going to be the ones dealing with the collateral damage that he’s caused in an attempt to fix this, and beyond that, that their trust has unwittingly been betrayed by some scumbag trying to pass himself off as a journalist. It’s utterly disgusting, and he has just made the application process much harder - and longer - for those that follow in his footsteps by trying to work themselves into video games journalism. 

I said before that Filip was a big problem for me when it came to NVC, and I meant it, because that gap between the end of Jose’s tenure and the start of Filip’s when Peer spearheaded the show alongside Zach and Brian (not too long after the launch of the Switch, in fact!) was excellent. I haven’t listened to them for a while, but I think I’m going to try and do my best to support them in my own little way through this rough spot by resubscribing to NVC and giving Game Scoop! and Beyond another shot for a few weeks, too. Like I said, I listened to them quite frequently until probably a few months ago and stopped because it just wasn’t clicking with me at the time, but I think that their collective maturity and utmost dedication to their work and readers/listeners/watchers deserves to be noticed, at the very least, if not rewarded. 

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3 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

I said before that Filip was a big problem for me when it came to NVC, and I meant it, because that gap between the end of Jose’s tenure and the start of Filip’s when Peer spearheaded the show alongside Zach and Brian (not too long after the launch of the Switch, in fact!) was excellent. I haven’t listened to them for a while, but I think I’m going to try and do my best to support them in my own little way through this rough spot by resubscribing to NVC and giving Game Scoop! and Beyond another shot for a few weeks, too. Like I said, I listened to them quite frequently until probably a few months ago and stopped because it just wasn’t clicking with me at the time, but I think that their collective maturity and utmost dedication to their work and readers/listeners/watchers deserves to be noticed, at the very least, if not rewarded. 

You should certainly give last weeks episode a listen. Zach is in charge of it and it was a very fun episode, with lots of laughs and banter to be had. 

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It looks like virtually everything he ever wrote for IGN (and even his own channel) was completely stolen from somewhere else. Someone on GAF posted evidence of him stealing his 'HD Rumble' explanation straight from Neogaf...utterly embarrassing. He has entirely brought this on himself too; had he not challenged Kotaku and others to find other examples, he could have simply played the 'it was a one off incident' card but now it's clear that he is simply a fraud.

I have to admit, this explains a lot about NVC. He never felt right there, at least to me. I always got the impression he didn't really have an opinion and/or wasn't that interested in discussion. Of course, it makes a lot of sense now.

I wonder if IGN may take him to court in the long run. The reputational fallout from this will be huge, and I feel deeply sorry for the rest of the Nintendo crew there because they are already working some exceptionally long hours.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You should certainly give last weeks episode a listen. Zach is in charge of it and it was a very fun episode, with lots of laughs and banter to be had. 

Just downloaded it this morning, I’ll be sure to give it a listen later! Thanks for the heads up :) 

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Stolen from Era. All thats been found so far. Hopefully the links still work.

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Well this developed fast! christ it was one video and maybe a Fifa article last i checked!

Firstly its never right to attack the guys family or threaten violence.......

Other than that however this guy was scum! he stole others work and profited from it, he makes a mockery of people who put in genuine work

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I don't understand why he didn't just say he was using somebody's content as a source for discussion when he was just doing YouTube videos. Plenty of people and websites quote other sources when discussing breaking news, someone like spawnwave for example would probably use the NEOGAF post explaining how HD rumble works as a starting point, quoting it directly and crediting the user who posted it but adding his own thoughts and theories so that it wasn't just a complete rehash. 

Obviously when he got to IGN that wouldn't have been a viable option but maybe if he'd called out the sources he'd 'borrowed' from he wouldn't have got the job at IGN in the first place and caused them such a headache having to trawl through all of his content to redact any thing that looks like plagiarism. 

Besides plagiarising in the first place Miucin's biggest mistake was dating the internet to find more examples when he must have known they were going to find them. Such a bizarre decision.

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