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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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On 20/12/2018 at 8:09 AM, Glen-i said:
  End game spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

I bet it's the 2 alternative endings you're missing. They count towards percentage.

If you want more of a blatant hint...

  How to get the alternative endings (Reveal hidden contents)

Fight either Galeem or Darkhon by themselves in the last area. Don't fight them at the same time and get the true ending.

There's one for beating each of them on their own.



99.83% after 


beating galeem x dharkon and both seperate. All zones have a star next to them and no spirit to be found. What I saw in my save file overview is that I saved 73 fighters. Is that because Kirby doesn’t hve to be saved or did I miss one maybe? There’s no way to find out what I missed and that makes it really frustrating 😓


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Been really enjoying World Of Light.

Was starting to get a little sad thinking I had almost finished it.....then when I thought I was done I realised I was only half way through it....hot damn the journey continues! :)

Thought it was weird it seemed like only half the roster was available...I should have seen it coming haha


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14 hours ago, markderoos said:

99.83% after 

  end game spoiler (Hide contents)

beating galeem x dharkon and both seperate. All zones have a star next to them and no spirit to be found. What I saw in my save file overview is that I saved 73 fighters. Is that because Kirby doesn’t hve to be saved or did I miss one maybe? There’s no way to find out what I missed and that makes it really frustrating 😓



Kirby doesn't count. It's a spirit you're missing.

If you've done all the sub areas. Then there's only 3 places it could possibly be.

You're gonna have to check the Light Realm, the Dark Realm and the final area. You can use the Right stick to look around the map, so just give everything a comb over, you'll find it eventually.


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Oh boy, this boss was a doozy....


This was recorded a few days ago and I can now reveal that I have beaten World of Light.


Oh wow, you get to play as Master Hand? That's not something I was expecting. I had to do a double take when that battle started to realise that I was actually playing as the boss and all his attacks were mapped to sensible inputs. Mind blown.


Then the final boss battle was something of a gauntlet. Including a Boss Rush, I guess Capcom's involvement must have convinced Sakurai to put one in...


Then that final boss battle. This was such a cool fight given that both bosses are in fact fighting each other but you know letting either win would be bad. When I did it I tried to keep both bosses at even health as much as possible and they both went down together in the end...


...And then the ending was rather disappointing. I felt the same way about Brawl's ending. They don't know how to end these games very well.

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My brother and I started playing some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate sometime late on Christmas Eve... ::shrug:

...It's now just gone half two on the morning of Christmas Day and we've just finished playing multiplayer on it as the forty-odd characters I had unlocked. :p

I then found the challenge gate and proceeded to unlock most of the characters via rematches so that they were ready to play as next time.

The only two I didn't unlock were Palutena and Richter, but I'll get them next time. :peace:

Not bad for an evenings worth of Smash and shenanigans. :D

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Add Bowser to the list of characters I'm pretty decent with.

It's my highest score so far. (At least in Solo, @Dcubed and I broke 2 million in co-op on Yoshi's route, I was Mario)

This Classic Mode is definitely is the best one in Smash history. The routes are fun and creative, the end bosses are top-notch, the intensity mechanic is a great incentive and it's really cool that co-op scores are kept in their own seperate category.

But anyway, this has been bugging me for a while...

So when I don't know something about Pokémon, I go to the only person on N-E who's a bigger Pokè nerd than me.

@Serebii, do you know where it's from?

EDIT: Never mind, I found out.

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3 hours ago, Kav said:

Local wireless is wank. How’s it keep buffering more than when playing online?!

3 systems connected to play and it’s awful.

Yeah, it's really bad. Funny how the 3DS pulled it off with little issue but this just falls apart at times.

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I've been away for a while, but I have received that GC controller adapter :bouncy:It's unofficial, but so far it works well, with no latency issues. The only weird part is that the port entry doesn't feel smooth at all when I insert the controller. Just to be on the safe side, I'll insert them with care every time.

While Simon Belmont may not be as OP as he initially felt (though still pretty damn fun), Inkling feels like a very strong fighter in the right hands, as she seem to be a solid all-rounder with no obvious weaknesses. Wouldn't surprise me if she becomes top-tier.

I've turned out to like King K.Rool and Incineroar a lot (in fact, I managed to snap another 9.9 Classic run with K.Rool), which really shouldn't surprise me, considering my playstyle. Of the Smash 4 characters (since I skipped that one, they feel like newcomers), I've also been having a blast playing with Cloud and Pac-Man. Of other returnees, Roy and Pit seem to have gained the most noteworthy improvements.

Spirit Board seems fun, but needlessly stressful. Still haven't touched the World of Light. Too much fun to be had elsewhere for now.

P.S.: Remember to check if your Piranha Plant code is in your correct e-mail box! Some people have found their download code in their spam box, whereas I (a gmail user) found that code in the "promotional" tab for some weird reason.

On 21/12/2018 at 9:44 AM, Goron_3 said:

Who are people adopting as their main characters at the moment? I'm LOVING Young Link, but I'm also quite keen on Pichu. Pikachu and Inkling seem to be the best characters in the game at the moment but I don't particularly enjoy either of them,

I tend to prefer the slow, strong guys. So, Ganondorf and Ike. They were among my mains in Melee and Brawl, respectively, and they both feel marvelous here. Zelda was my other main in Brawl, but I'm still getting used to the Phantom and the new hitboxes. As I mentioned, K.Rool and Incineroar are following those same footsteps, but I also want to make sure I get good with Ridley (who, sadly, hasn't clicked as well).

I'm also finding myself wanting to get better with zoners. The heavy Simon Belmont is the most obvious choice, but Pac-Man and Link have also caught my eye. Honestly, the entire roster just feels like a dream to play as, so these things are bound to change.

And to the rest of the thread, if you haven't been checking out the competitive scene, there's been some really cool, varied stuff posted online. It's an exciting time to be following competitive Smash:












When you have the time, check out one or two of these videos. Super fun stuff.

Edited by Jonnas
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Well, @Jonnas has made me want to go into some detail on characters that I found notable.

As far as the Ultimate newcomers go, I'm not really feeling most of them. Here's my opinion on each.

Inkling is a more of a zoning kind of character, which I generally suck with. Her side special is great, her other specials? Not so much. 

Ridley feels awkward as hell, even if he has some nice range at times. But he just doesn't click. Plus, I gotta dock him a few points for looking off being that small.

Simon/Richter are an interesting mix of Shulk's crazy range and Mega Man's projectile heavy specials. Unfortunately, I don't like projectile style gameplay in Smash. So they don't quite reach my peak. The slide kick is utterly godly though and a lot of fun. I mostly choose Richter, just because of tastes.

King K. Rool is by far the best newcomer. That super armour he sports is total ridic, which makes a lot of rush tactics quite safe against other attacks. I expect a Bayonetta style nerf sometime in the future. So I'm not gonna get too comfortable.

Isabelle is a cool alternative to Villager who sacrifices Villager's good ground attacks for some amazing specials. Fishing Rod and Gyroid Mine are incredible tools for controlling the stage. Her normal attacks are pretty bad though. Especially her jab, which is probably the worst jab ever. A lot of people kinda made jokes about how Isabelle would be OP because no-one would want to hit her. After being on the receiving end of that Fishing Rod, I will happily punch her face in at any opportunity. She's pretty fun though.

Incineroar is the biggest disappointment for me though. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's the Gen 7 Pokémon rep and it oozes so much personality. But it is pretty dreadful. That awful recovery alone means it's never gonna be viable for me. Seriously, how do you have worse recovery than Little Mac? Such a shame.

As for echoes, Daisy is basically Peach but more irritating, so that's fine by me. Dark Samus is Samus with a better dodge. Chrom has most of Roy's amazing moveset with Lucina's more stable hitboxes, so he's now my favourite FE character there. Even if Roy's new voice is hilariously over-the-top. Ken on the other hand is not quite as fluid for me as Ryu feels. Ryu tends to take a step forward when he attacks, while Ken likes to stay rooted in one spot. It's cool they're quite different, but Ryu wins out for me. Ken has the more entertaining personality though, even if his Side B sucks.

Previously cut characters of note for me are Ice Climbers who I swear is easier to seperate the two and pull off some wacky shenanigans in two places. This is a good thing. Young Link is my surprise hit. I never liked him in Melee, but he's a beast in Ultimate! (Toon Link is nowhere as good as he used to be though. That Forward Smash is awful) I think Pichu might be better than Pikachu! It's electric attacks are stronger, it doesn't hurt itself nearly as much as it did in Melee, it's hard to hit and still has it's ridiculous dash grab. Also, it's voice is funny. Always a plus.

Snake still makes me smile so much. I'm not too great with him, but he's definitely better than he was in Brawl. Pokémon Trainer is way better too. Squirtle and Ivysaur are leagues ahead of their Brawl selves and is right up there in my Top 5. My strategy with Charizard, meanwhile, is to immediately swap back to Squirtle. Wolf in Ultimate might as well be a different character to Wolf in Brawl. I really liked Wolf in Brawl, but new Wolf has the same issue I have with Ken. He sticks in one spot while attacking a lot more. I still like him best of the StarFox gang, but definitely a downgrade in my view.

So after all that, my two mains are still the same as they were in Smash 4. Lucas and Shulk. But while in 4, I liked Lucas the best, in Ultimate, I can't really decide. This is because while Lucas is pretty much his same, awesome self, Shulk got a nitro boost to his aerial attacks and Monado Arts. His Back Slash allows a bit more control over where it lands and he generally has less ending lag. He got a solid buff and I'm really feeling it! This is a good result!

Anyway, I'll leave you with this. Squirtle's German voice (Known as Schiggy over there) is the best thing ever and I wish I could use that particular voice in the English Language option. It's a thing of beauty and I love it.

Edited by Glen-i
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Almost done with the challenges now, just 10 to go, all of which are from “Project X Zone 3” :heh: that I’m currently about 17 hours into:


Unless there’s anything particularly nasty waiting for me in those ones it doesn’t look like I’ll be needing to use any of the hammers too, which I think is a first for me when it comes to the challenges in a Smash Bros. game. :cool: 

As for my main character, it has to be R.O.B.! :D

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:


Unless there’s anything particularly nasty waiting for me in those ones it doesn’t look like I’ll be needing to use any of the hammers too, which I think is a first for me when it comes to the challenges in a Smash Bros. game. :cool: 

As for my main character, it has to be R.O.B.! :D

I don't know how you lot cope with Cruel Smash. That mode is just frustratingly unfun. I'm not a big fan of Home-Run Contest, but I'd give up Cruel Smash in a heartbeat for that. Hell, I'd give up Cruel Smash for any cut mode.

I golden hammered that one immediately.

The only challenge I think I'll have difficulty with is the "Meteor Smash LV 9 CPU's 4 times in one 3- minute match" I'm really struggling with that.

Although, it has enlightened me to the fact that having an 8-player, Final Destination CPU fight with 8 LV 9 CPU's is hilarious to watch. All it takes is one person to go off the stage and all of the other 7 CPU's will rush over there and try and prevent everyone from getting back on the stage! Highly recommended viewing.

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6 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

The only challenge I think I'll have difficulty with is the "Meteor Smash LV 9 CPU's 4 times in one 3- minute match" I'm really struggling with that.

I set that one up as a team game, so me on the red team vs CPU Kirbys (nice and light ;)) on blue team. Try that, see if it helps.

The one that I actually struggled with the most was Ken’s use only special moves to beat 100 fighters. Kept accidentally triggering items or his recovery attacks, was so annoying! :shakehead

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14 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Inkling is a more of a zoning kind of character, which I generally suck with. Her side special is great, her other specials? Not so much.

You peg her as a zoning character? I figured she's more of a close-range fighter with a couple of projectile options. Isabelle is the more obvious zoner to me.

14 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Incineroar is the biggest disappointment for me though. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's the Gen 7 Pokémon rep and it oozes so much personality. But it is pretty dreadful. That awful recovery alone means it's never gonna be viable for me. Seriously, how do you have worse recovery than Little Mac? Such a shame.

Have you been using is Side+B as well? It really salvages his recovery for me (though I never thought his Up+B was as bad as Mac's, either).

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18 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

You peg her as a zoning character? I figured she's more of a close-range fighter with a couple of projectile options. Isabelle is the more obvious zoner to me.

Have you been using is Side+B as well? It really salvages his recovery for me (though I never thought his Up+B was as bad as Mac's, either).

Maybe zoner is the wrong kind of word I'm using. But I find that when I go up close and personal with Inkling, I come out worse off.

Meanwhile, the better Inkling players I've fought against tend to use Splattershot and Splat Bomb to try and keep me away and use Splat Roller whenever the opportunity arrives. Not really my kind of playstyle. I like to pile on the pressure and get uncomfortably close.

That said, Inkling is a great addition that brings something new to the roster with the ink mechanic.

Yes, I do use Incineroar's side B, mostly to stop the momentum from getting launched. Unfortunately, it's got no momentum itself, so it's effect is minimal at best. At least Little Mac's Side B keeps him going a bit.

Couple that with Incineroar's rubbish horizontal air speed, and it doesn't take much to prevent him getting back.

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On 28/12/2018 at 8:14 AM, MindFreak said:

Am I the only one who doesn't care at all for the spirits? I don't really play WoL but like the themed fights, they remind me of event matches from Melee. 

You’re not. I’m the same.

I just wanted the characters unlocked and all I now care about it Smashing, don’t care for other modes.

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