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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

I was using Samus. Maybe because I needed a continue somewhere.

Just tried with Samus and Master Hand was final boss also. Guess it just some characters that have a unique boss so and I just happened to pick 3 that did as the first 3 I tried

Though given Samus' Classic mode theme "Another Planet another bounty" Master Hand kinda makes sense as she is looking for big and tough bounties to collect

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Annnnnd I've unlocked everyone. Lucas would of course be the last one for me. Because of course my Smash 4 main would be last.

Now I can start adventure mode!

Here's a cool thing to note.

Co-op Classic is treated as it's own separate mode. So the scores are separated. Which means double character theme runs!

Did one on Villager's route with Isabelle as Player 2, a Toon Link/Young Link combo and Luigi and Daisy fighting the boss on Luigi's route is a case of such amazing surrealism, I was cracking up throughout!

The bosses in this game are amazing! So much fun! I hope there's a Kirby style boss rush to unlock somewhere, because that would be sweet!

Edited by Glen-i
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Finally managed to play nearly three hours on this, it's glorious, I need to play it more. :D

I won't get to play it more until tomorrow night but it will be worth the wait. :)

I'm definitely designating Sunday as Smash day though. :peace:

Playing this with a brand new GameCube controller via the GC controller adapter just makes playing the game even more satisfying. :heart:

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I hardly got to play on this at all yesterday evening. I met up with some mates straight after work and then was too knackered to play for too long once I got home due to being up since 1am for the game awards. :( 

What I have played I've really enjoyed. I absolutely love World of Light. There seems to be a crazy amount of stages to work though and I'm loving the depth to it, what with the different Spirits you can collect and use.

Its gonna be chaos tonight. I'm off to a friends house and there are 7 of us all meeting up for hours upon hours of Smash. 4 of us used to play Melee every Friday night back in the day, so it will be good reliving those times.

Food will ordered, tears will be shed, friendships will be ended. :D 

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BTW, I think out of all the amazing new remixes this game has (And it has some proper bangers), I think I have to give the title of "my favourite" to Crocodile Cacophony.

Shame that it doesn't really fit on any of the DK stages...

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Man, some of these WoL stages are tricky. I came across one that I had to just leave until later.  I figure I'll come back to it once I've got some better Spirits and leveled them up.

You playing on hard mode? As I've said previously I've come up against a couple Sons o Bitches.

Forexample has anyone encountered the Mario Tennis one yet, where you're facing a Mario and Peach double, whilst the Pong assist trophy constantly spawns, targeting only you? Took me 20 tries at least. On attempt one I had them both up the 60%, triggered the ultimate smash which blew then of stage, and as the animation finishes I'm hit with the Pong ball and fly off screen before they do. Incredibly satisfying once completed though 

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6 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

You playing on hard mode? As I've said previously I've come up against a couple Sons o Bitches.

Forexample has anyone encountered the Mario Tennis one yet, where you're facing a Mario and Peach double, whilst the Pong assist trophy constantly spawns, targeting only you? Took me 20 tries at least. On attempt one I had them both up the 60%, triggered the ultimate smash which blew then of stage, and as the animation finishes I'm hit with the Pong ball and fly off screen before they do. Incredibly satisfying once completed though 

Nah. Just normal.

The stage I left was...


Where you have to defeat 7 metal Mega Man fighters. It's a stamina battle which makes it even trickier.


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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Nah. Just normal.

The stage I left was...

  WoL stage (Hide contents)

Where you have to defeat 7 metal Mega Man fighters. It's a stamina battle which makes it even trickier.


Small tip for you


There's a couple spirits you can find that give you an increased starting stamina. I suggest playing a bit more, coming back to it, then move and down smash.


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4 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

The way World of Light customises matches/characters based on the spirit is so clever and so impressive, especially as that means 1300 customised battles!!  

I absolutely love the mode. The way certain areas are locked until you find a specific sticker or how you can unlock certain training areas by completing battles is fantastic. 

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2 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

Small tip for you

  Small tip (Reveal hidden contents)

There's a couple spirits you can find that give you an increased starting stamina. I suggest playing a bit more, coming back to it, then move and down smash.


Yeah, I've got one of those already but didn't have it at the time when I was attempting the battle. Thanks though.

Just came across a stage that had a stupidly strong wind current that kept blowing me off the stage. I equipped the Latios and Latias spirit. Job done. :D 

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World of Light and the Spirits mechanic is just fantastic, you could be fighting the same base character 7 times in a row but with different spirits and battle conditions themed to the spirit each fight is actually unique. It actually does feel like you are fighting the spirit rather than the base fighter.


The one I got stuck on for ages was the one with Yuri from Fatal Frame. It was more a fight against her assist trophy than the Zelda on stage.


At the first crossroad which character did ye go for? I went for Shiek first but didn't know it would lock the other two paths, had I known that I would have gone with Martha but I resisting doing a reset and said I made my choice I gonna stick with it.

Incidently when my son started playing on his profile he went for Martha so he has taken a different path than me which is great, when I watch/help him it is something different to my own file. :)


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What main Spirit is everyone rocking? I managed to level up Salamance to the max ( did everyone get him when the game first fired up or is it random ) so I switched him out and currently I'm using Sigma. One of my support Spirits lets me start with a Beam Sword, which is very helpful.

@Mokong I went with the Marth path first. 

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I've just unlocked a new area in WoL and it's hilarious.


You're on a Street Fighter II style map and you fly in a plane from location to location just like in the real game. The battles are set up as if you're fighting characters from Street Fighter. Donkey Kong as Blanka is amazing! :D 


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