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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (December 20th 2019)


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I've lost a certain amount of enthusiasm for this film when I found out that they didn't have an overarching plot for the whole trilogy planned out beforehand. They've basically been making it up as they go along, which seems incredible to me for a billion dollar film franchise. Makes me worry that the final film won't tie up the other two films very well.

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That's really surprising but I suppose it makes sense considering how different VII and VIII were. Not very hopeful for Episode IX, Abrams is a dreadful director and the teaser does nothing to quell my fears about its quality. 

The title is weird, it doesn't have the same flow to it as most of the others in the series - something like 'The Rise of the Skywalker' would have been better and made it more mysterious.

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On 12/04/2019 at 7:34 PM, Ronnie said:

I'm not a massive fan of the title, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. My big fear with this film is they've given in to "fan" (and I use that term loosely) pressure and are pandering to their demands rather than follow through with their vision.


2 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Exactly what I read into the title.

Unfortunately I don't share your enthusiasm for the movie itself. 

It could be that Skywalker becomes a concept to signify the resistance. Kind of like Occupy Wall Street, Yellow Umbrella Movement, Extinction Rebellion etc. 

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4 minutes ago, Ashley said:


It could be that Skywalker becomes a concept to signify the resistance. Kind of like Occupy Wall Street, Yellow Umbrella Movement, Extinction Rebellion etc. 

Or as a new school of the Jedi. Would be great, because narratively it compels you to explore the legacy of Luke, which I would like to see.

But I'm not betting money that it won't just be a 'surprise, she is a Skywalker' [please like us again] move from Disney, completely misunderstanding all that was wrong with last film.

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There was nothing wrong with Rey’s parents being nobodies. I liked the fact that there were other Force sensitive people in the galaxy like the kid at the end. I really hope they don’t back-pedal on that, but I have a feeling they will. 

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21 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Or as a new school of the Jedi. Would be great, because narratively it compels you to explore the legacy of Luke, which I would like to see.

But I'm not betting money that it won't just be a 'surprise, she is a Skywalker' [please like us again] move from Disney, completely misunderstanding all that was wrong with last film.

Rey will be Palpatine's child either through conventional means or him experimenting with the technique Plagius used to create Anakin. The Title i think wll have duel meaning, Palpatine will be the big bad, and so bad Ben returns to the light  (Mirroring Vader) and will die by the end of the film. I suspect we will see Luke AND Anakin during the course of the film and by the end a new order of Force Sensitive Jedi/Sith will be taught by Rey', called Skywalkers as a homage to the family and as a reminder of the great light and dark that one can posses etc


I'd still be happy if they retconned VIII, i didn't like it and feel like Rian Johnson wrote the plot around various ideas to subvert the expectations set up in VII, and tghen tried his best to tie his set pieces/sub plots into an actual story but failed misserably in the theatrical release (i do suspect some bits stayed on the cutting room floor that shouldn't have - Holdo or someone mention a possibility of spies or listening devices to give a good reason to keep the plan secret, Maybe Finn actually sacrficing himself, or Rose taking his place rather than the silly life is sacred as their base and lives are lost in the background, an actual reason for the code breaker story etc)

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Star Wars has always been very "soap opera in space", so anything goes. If they want to bring back Sidious/Palpatine/whoever, then do it. We've already had Leia flying through space in her Mary Poppins moment, so let's just see how far we can take this! 

I'm completely fine if they ignore almost everything that happened in Episode 8, btw. 

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Surely at most he'll just be a force ghost?

I reckon Snoke had Palpatine's holocron, and now Kylo Ren has discovered it. Maybe even Plagius and Bane could make an appearance through holocrons, if Palpatine had a collection.


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On 13/04/2019 at 7:52 PM, LazyBoy said:

Exactly what I read into the title.

I've done a complete 180 on the title, after hearing the theories online. Have a watch of the 2-3 min vid from IGN on the previous page about the possible meaning of the Skywalker part.

On 13/04/2019 at 9:23 PM, killthenet said:

The title is weird, it doesn't have the same flow to it as most of the others in the series - something like 'The Rise of the Skywalker' would have been better and made it more mysterious.

Not if Skywalker is the new name for a Force users, as theories are suggesting.

On 14/04/2019 at 4:16 PM, Dog-amoto said:

There was nothing wrong with Rey’s parents being nobodies. I liked the fact that there were other Force sensitive people in the galaxy like the kid at the end. I really hope they don’t back-pedal on that, but I have a feeling they will. 

Unfortunately the echo chamber for Last Jedi, from a minority of hissy fitting fanboys turned the majority against it. A shame. I'm with you, I really hope they don't backpeddle on Rey's parents being nobodies. That was a very smart move in 8.

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A load were unhappy with how Luke turned out in TLJ as well, but I honestly though it was Hamill’s best performance as him (drinking blue milk notwithstanding) and the way his character was written made complete sense.

How many older people do you know who are still full of fire and idealistic? Or do you tend to find that they quite generally have a disdain towards the way of the world and simply aren’t the same people they were in their youth. 

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It's not so much the mopey old git he turned out to be - that's perfectly reasonable considering how much of a whiny teenager he was. It's more that there wasn't enough time devoted to him being conflicted about murdering his nephew. Remembering the lengths he went through trying to turn his father back to the light side, I just didn't buy there was no other way than to murder Leia's son while he slept. 

Mainly my issue is, that after forty years, that was the best story involving Luke they could come up with. 

Edited by somme
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7 hours ago, Dog-amoto said:

How many older people do you know who are still full of fire and idealistic? Or do you tend to find that they quite generally have a disdain towards the way of the world and simply aren’t the same people they were in their youth. 

*Looks at Brexit*

*Looks at camera*

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  • 1 month later...



"J.J. Abrams, alongside Stunt Coordinator Eunice Huthart, directs the Knights of Ren; elite fearsome enforcers of Kylo Ren’s dark will."


"Vanity Fair reveals Keri Russell as the masked scoundrel Zorri Bliss, seen in the Thieves’ Quarter of the snow-dusted world Kijimi."


"First Order leaders General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) and Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) on the bridge of Kylo Ren’s destroyer."


"In a historic reunion, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) retakes the helm of the Millennium Falcon, joined by Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), Chewbacca, D-O, and BB-8. “He’s a survivor,” Williams says of Lando."


"Finn and new ally Jannah (Naomi Ackie), atop hardy orbaks, lead the charge against the mechanized forces of the First Order. “It’s extremely surreal to be in it,” says Ackie, “and see how it works from the inside.”"


"Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey battle it out with lightsabers in a stormy confrontation. Their Force-connection—what Driver calls their “maybe-bond”—will turn out to run even deeper than previously revealed."

More stunning pics here: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/photos/2019/05/star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-exclusive-photos

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  • 1 month later...

Richard E Grant?? As a fearsome space general? Are you kidding me? Going full Panto now are they?

I've developed a weird curiosity with this movie, where I want to see how Abrams tries to pull it out of the fire. What elements does he keep from the last movie, and what does he trash. And how do you handle the how Leia thing without it seeming distasteful. Disney must be paying him so much to rescue this. I don't think he got the skills though.

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On 27/07/2019 at 2:33 PM, LazyBoy said:

Richard E Grant?? As a fearsome space general? Are you kidding me? Going full Panto now are they?

I've developed a weird curiosity with this movie, where I want to see how Abrams tries to pull it out of the fire. What elements does he keep from the last movie, and what does he trash. And how do you handle the how Leia thing without it seeming distasteful. Disney must be paying him so much to rescue this. I don't think he got the skills though.

For the silent majority, nothing needs "rescueing". For me personally I loved the Last Jedi, and so did critics it seems (91% on Rotten Tomatoes). Can't wait to see how Abrams wraps everything up though, I'm sure he'll do a great job.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finding it a bit annoying that some news sites have posted what could be a considerable spoiler in their headlines from the D23 sizzle reel. Also find it hard to believe that Disney would give away such a big spoiler as well unless it’s just misdirection.


Rey going to the Dark Side, complete with Darth Maul style, red double lightsaber.


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1 hour ago, Dog-amoto said:

Finding it a bit annoying that some news sites have posted what could be a considerable spoiler in their headlines from the D23 sizzle reel. Also find it hard to believe that Disney would give away such a big spoiler as well unless it’s just misdirection.

  The spoiler given is (Reveal hidden contents)

Rey going to the Dark Side, complete with Darth Maul style, red double lightsaber.


It's up on the official Star Wars site in their article covering the Star Wars part of the panel, so I wouldn't consider it a spoiler (at least, Disney clearly don't think it is). I imagine it'll be part of a behind-the-scenes reel that we'll probably get tomorrow for the film. 

I imagine that it's a red herring a la Finn wielding the lightsaber throughout the marketing campaign for TFA, and is probably part of a vision in the film (assuming that it's not on the cutting room floor). 


From what I've read, the lightsaber snaps out from a folded position in a similar fashion to the lightsabers used by the Temple Guard. As depicted in a vision in Rebels:


I probably should've put the promotional poster in this thread:


Edited by Julius
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