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Yeah I'm having so much fun with the photo editor..


17 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

Would it have hurt to map the homing cap attack (double shake on the joy con) to a double tap of the Y button? 


I really hate motion controls. The only way I can see to do it on a pro controller is the shake it down twice which is hardly natural. 


Also, is there a way to extend your jumps like there was in Galaxy (yes, I know, motion controls) Obviously I know about the cap jump, but is there a way to do it in mid air as I'm struggling with doing this. I also know if you jump as the cap lands on your head, you'll get a slight boost but are there any other tricks? Finding platforming to be not as natural as Galaxy. 

Something that's better for vertically as it doesn't work with the long jump I believe, but you can follow most jumps with a cappie throw, hold that one, then do the mid-air jump dive into cappie for an extended jump.

Edited by Sméagol
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Yeah I'm having so much fun with the photo editor..


Something that's better for vertically as it doesn't work with the long jump I believe, but you can follow most jumps with a cappie throw, hold that one, then do the mid-air jump dive into cappie for an extended jump.

@Dog-amoto, here's an example provided by yours truly.

  1. Start with any jump (I use Triple Jump here)
  2. Throw Cappy with Y
  3. Perform a Ground Pound straight away.
  4. Immediately press and hold Y to perform a Dive Jump

Do this right and you'll land on Cappy, catapulting you forward. This completely batters the Long Jump in sheer distance, thanks to the momentum from the dive jump. You can even do the dive jump again to get a bit more height, but you can't bounce off Cappy a second time. You would not believe the sheer amount of mental stuff you can do with this. There's also lot's of other nuances to the mechanics, such as pressing Y in between wall jumps to get a bit more height from every jump, getting on top of a wall by wall jumping off it and dive jumping backwards to land on top of it, I've even used Cappy Jump Dives to sail over a certain boss' attacks. I might make a few more videos showing just some of the stuff I've discovered with this.

BTW, that maneuver in the video works with every jump, even wall kicks and long jumps. I've got an example, but the videos are from the last world, so I'll put it in a spoiler tag.


This can also be used to completely break quite a lot of moons.

You're meant to use a higher platform (You can see it to the right 4 seconds in) to catapult yourself with a long jump to get this moon, but...


I've also been meaning to ask this since I saw the credits...



So when did someone at Nintendo sneak over to Intelligent Systems and steal the model for the Final Boss in Fire Emblem Switch? Now they have to think of a new Dragon for silly coloured hair dude to kill.

Nice to know that Mario's butt has the same power as Falchion though.


Edited by Glen-i
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10 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, it's a pretty tricky section. If you get past that then you should be golden, as you aren't far off the end.

Here's my pics. 

  End of the level (Reveal hidden contents)


You also unlock something for completing the final stage.

  Unlockable (Reveal hidden contents)



Yeah, got past it yesterday evening and cleared everything else in my first go. :)


7 hours ago, Dog-amoto said:

, is there a way to extend your jumps like there was in Galaxy (yes, I know, motion controls) Obviously I know about the cap jump, but is there a way to do it in mid air as I'm struggling with doing this. I also know if you jump as the cap lands on your head, you'll get a slight boost but are there any other tricks? Finding platforming to be not as natural as Galaxy. 

I successfully did this yesterday in a race that was really hard. Long jump, throw hat, dive to hat. Got quite far but it took a lot of tries.


I also suddenly discovered a secret area


If you fall down in this kingdom, you get to another level of it! There's even a t-rex!


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14 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Yeah, got past it yesterday evening and cleared everything else in my first go. :)


I successfully did this yesterday in a race that was really hard. Long jump, throw hat, dive to hat. Got quite far but it took a lot of tries


Good stuff!

I take it that race you are talking about was the one in Wooded Kingdom? It took me ages to figure out how to do it and then when I did figure it out it still took a while actually pull it off.

I think the harder races are some of the more difficulty moons to nab.

Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Yeah, got past it yesterday evening and cleared everything else in my first go. :)


I successfully did this yesterday in a race that was really hard. Long jump, throw hat, dive to hat. Got quite far but it took a lot of tries.

I'm probably not understanding something about this race, but why not just roll? Way quicker and easier to pull off.

Edited by Glen-i

Started playing this on Friday, credits rolled yesterday afternoon (about 11 hours total playtime). Don’t think I’ve ever “finished” a 3D Mario game so quickly, then again... I don’t remember having so much fun when playing a 3D Mario as I did with this. :cheeky: Going into it having essentially only seen what was shown at E3 made the experience even better, as there are just so many amazing surprises and references throughout, and it was fantastic seeing all that stuff for the first time on my own playthrough. :smile:

Everything about Mario Odyssey is just incredible, from the crazy amount of ideas and gameplay mechanics on offer, to the way it looks and sounds. Nintendo are simply light years ahead when it comes to game design, the best in the business by far.

I would go into specifics and share some of my numerous screenshots, but I understand there are still some issues with Spoiler tags not working correctly for some users, so don’t want to potentially spoil stuff for anyone else.

Anyway, looking forward to spending many more hours with this game and collecting all of the power moons. :bouncy:

BTW, heads up for those that might not know, but you can increase the HD Rumble strength in the options. I only found out about halfway through, but set it to strong from that point on. Try it out with the scooter, it’s ridiculous! :laughing:


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I don’t know if it’s already been said, but when Mario grabs a Power Moon you can play Rock-Paper-Scissors with his celebration animation:


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I've now set the credits rolling myself, and I utterly loved this game.  So many moments had me laughing out loud or grinning from ear to ear.  It's the perfect example of how to have lots of exploration but with a strong, focused adventure forming the backbone of it.  Naturally, there is also loads of post-game content.


The story was very strong.  Super Mario Odyssey had me feeling more emotion than other games that perhaps take themselves more seriously, because the themes were so human.  It worked that the villains were genuinely bad, rather than the more light-hearted "Bowser and his sons" we've had recently.  The Broodals were loathsome, and Bowser more of a big bully than ever, which made it all the more satisfying to bash them!


This isn't just Nintendo magic, it's Nintendo genius.  I'm thrilled to have a Mario I can truthfully say is my favourite - leaps and bounds above Sunshine, even - and it's proof Nintendo has everything at the moment, including that sense of directorship I mentioned in @Ronnie's thread.  On this basis, I can barely imagine how good Metroid Prime 4 might be, and on a personal note I'd love a really traditional Zelda with BotW's engine.  Positive times for Nintendo indeed.

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I’m still only a few hours in and I’m really trying not to rush this.

For me, this is the best single player game of any genre I have played in a very long time. It’s looks gorgeous (shows how perhaps BotW was limited by Wii U development) and it also feels gorgeous.


Nintendo have nailed it - I just want to explore every corner of the world and the game wants me to as well, there are little moments of joy around every corner.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, DazzeL said:

I’m still only a few hours in and I’m really trying not to rush this.

For me, this is the best single player game of any genre I have played in a very long time. It’s looks gorgeous (shows how perhaps BotW was limited by Wii U development) and it also feels gorgeous.


Nintendo have nailed it - I just want to explore every corner of the world and the game wants me to as well, there are little moments of joy around every corner.

When I eventually get round to playing it my plan is to take my time and to not rush it either. Trouble is I keep reading impressions about how people say "Oh just one more moon..." and then two hours have passed.

Saw someone playing it on the train earlier today, and a pro rugby player put up an Instagram live story about how he'd be playing Mario all day :D

Edited by Ronnie

Well, after what was pretty much a 17 hours session yesterday, this was achieved.



If you return to the Castle you get this cool looking cutscene.


I've still got a couple of things to mop up before i'm done with the game. There's a couple of outfits I need to get but I will have to do a bit of coin grinding to afford them.

The game is an absolute masterpiece. It's easily my game of the year and it has dethroned Super Mario Galaxy 2 as my favourite 3D Mario game. Now, bring on some DLC, as I need some more Mario goodness. :D 

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30 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The game is an absolute masterpiece. It's easily my game of the year and it has dethroned Super Mario Galaxy 2 as my favourite 3D Mario game. Now, bring on some DLC, as I need some more Mario goodness. :D 


I can’t wait to pick it up! I so should’ve pre-ordered, haha.

Just now, Serebii said:

Finally got my hands on it and really enjoying it. Though it's the first time 'm truly experiencing the JoyCon issues and they keep pissing me off :(

Is that where the left joy-con suddenly gets a mind of its own? It happened a fair few times with me, as well. I had to keep pairing it up again with the Switch to stop it from happening.

17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Is that where the left joy-con suddenly gets a mind of its own? It happened a fair few times with me, as well. I had to keep pairing it up again with the Switch to stop it from happening.

Pretty much, yeah

Just now, Serebii said:

Pretty much, yeah

It's strange. There's only this and Splatoon 2 that has caused my joy-cons to have these issues. Any other game i've played work fine. It's very weird.


Hopefully their newly manufactured ones have fixed the problem. I ordered a pair of the Mario red ones from Japan, fingers crossed.

Still can't decide on whether to play with the Pro controller or joy con though, one is better the other is way more comfortable.


Just seen the credits roll...


I actually wasn't too hot on the game when I first started and had finished a couple of worlds. Unlike Zelda, I didn't find myself playing endlessly for hours on end, I played for an hour, did something else and then picked it up again for a bit. Everything about the game is great, don't get me wrong, but as I posted on the staff boards yesterday it didn't quite grab me in the same way Zelda did, and it didn't FEEL like a real 10/10 in the way Zelda did.

Having just beaten Bowser, I might have to readjust my thoughts a bit, that was, hands down, one of the finest moments in gaming history! The whole setting on the moon, the different gravity and the final boss itself was just sensational. The song towards the end of the Bowser section, anyone?! I'm not a huge fan of the Galaxy games, even though I adored the music and the setting, I felt they were lacking a little something that had made 64 and Sunshine so great (maybe I was just a bit older :P). 3D World, I liked, especially the stuff closer to the end of the game and Bowser's castle, but again, most of the time, as with the start of Odyssey, I felt like I was "going through the motions" so to speak.

Until I got to the moon (which I managed after only 9 or so hours, 155 moons), the only real standout moment of this game had been New Donk City's DK section. Now I'm looking forward to the post-game! Especially after arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom. I don't know where this game will end up ranking in comparison with the rest, but I do already prefer it to Galaxy 1&2 and 3D World. Not sure if thus far I would genuinely call it a 10/10 in the same way Zelda was for me, but I'm excited to find out what's around the corner.

Also, costumes and photo mode are without a doubt my favourite additions to the series!



I also had some left Joy-Con issues with this. First time for me. I much preferred to play with the pro controller, and was actually able to pull of moves easier with it!

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Love your photos, @Nicktendo, especially the last one. 

Was this the song you were talking about?

  Song (Hide contents)


I absolutely love it. :bouncy:

That's the one! I'm loving this new direction Nintendo have been taking on this and with Splatoon. Long live lyrics in Nintendo music!

24 minutes ago, Serebii said:

Finally got my hands on it and really enjoying it. Though it's the first time 'm truly experiencing the JoyCon issues and they keep pissing me off :(

I've had a few issues too but this is the first time I've played with the separated Joy-Con on Switch as I'm usually playing in either the grip or handheld mode.

I had my hands by my sides on the sofa with my right leg blocking off the signal of the right Joy-Con meaning jumping was only happening sporadically. I had to change position!

I've noticed poor signal strength previously, though, even without obstruction as the Switch doesn't seem to pick up my inputs when I sit at the opposite side of the living room :hmm:

Anyway, I'm currently in the Wooded Kingdom with enough moons to progress further and I'm having a great time :hehe:

I'm finding the discussion about lack of difficulty particularly interesting due to the differing experiences of my brother and I. I'm not sure he's completed a Mario game since Super Mario World (and even then I'm not sure he ever got all 96 exits by himself) so Odyssey hasn't been quite as straightforward for him so far compared to the rest of us. While I've found getting the required number of moons to progress really easy, he's been paying the blue Toad coins to help him find them. With that in mind, I feel Nintendo have probably managed to strike the right balance once again in terms of difficulty.

My brother will be happy enough reaching the final boss while I'll be catered for, as usual, hunting down all of the moons and indulging in the post-game content :hehe:

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