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If Nintendo Announced A New F Zero Tomorrow...


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A replay editor for every single mode in the game. Not that crap in Mario Kart 8, give full control over the viewing angles.


Time Trial with bastard hard Staff Ghosts.


A game engine with as much depth to handling & controls as F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, but not just a carbon copy of either.


Patches to fix any unforeseen game destroying exploits like

Edited by Mandalore
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I'd quite like an actual online league. Possibly further customisation. I think it would be pretty cool being able to have a wind tunnel and design a shell, chassis, "engine" parts etc, and actually have it VERY open, not just like basically in mk8 where you have set parts and you select which ones, but you actually can modify those parts... like say in mk8 you can inflate the wheels more or deflate them, alter the tread, play about with the wings, modify materials, the frame etc.

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I want to see spherical planetoids as tracks!


Imagine having tracks which wrapped around a planetoid, where the tracks would actually criss-cross each other and you'd have cars smashing into each other as they passed by in different directions!


Would be a great opportunity to make use of the spinning/barge attacks and all, something you don't normally get to do much in races :)

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I fully beat F-Zero GX and it was an amazingly exhilarating experience :smile: With that in mind, it may come as a shock that I'd actually like to see the next F-Zero lower the difficulty challenge ever so slightly. GX was intense, in a good way, but it was almost too intense at times :shakehead


I love a good challenge, don't get me wrong, but I've always found that a number of racing games by SEGA seem to take the difficulty to a level which is perhaps beyond what I find attainable.


Also, and I'll likely get some objections to this, I'd like Nintendo to inject ever so slightly more colour into the visuals to make it a little more inviting, perhaps embracing some of that comic book style from F-Zero X. I know many will argue that Nintendo could do with more 'realistic' looking games and perhaps see something like FAST Racing Neo to be a style to aim for but I would find that to be something of an unappealing direction for the franchise. When you look at Wave Race: Blue Storm, for example, it's one of Nintendo's more 'realistic' looking games but it also has that cartoonish edge that I'd like to see here.


Speaking of F-Zero X, I'd like to see the return of a more guitar-infused soundtrack with inspiration taken from the classic SNES tunes but composed with the love and detail that went into the Mario Kart 8 soundtrack :love:


I also wouldn't mind seeing weather play more of a role in the next F-Zero, much like how the wind affects your control in the Death Wind tracks or how playing courses in Wave Race is seriously affected by the conditions, be it sun, rain or heavy storms :smile:


In addition to all this, it'd be great to be able to customise vehicles again and draw your own decal designs using the inevitable NX touch screen. 30-player online racing may be an unrealistic wish but that could be incredible, especially if they include the Death Race from F-Zero X :grin:


I'm not really convinced we need a 'Story' mode, as such, but a 'Challenge' mode would certainly be welcome : peace:

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I'd love for the next F-Zero to try and replicate the style and vibe of the SNES game.




As fantastic as F-Zero AX/GX was (and still is) I found it a little bit too "Wipeout" presentation-wise. :hmm:


So yeah...

Also, and I'll likely get some objections to this, I'd like Nintendo to inject ever so slightly more colour into the visuals to make it a little more inviting, perhaps embracing some of that comic book style from F-Zero X.
...no objections to that from me. :)


I do however, object to this: :hehe:

Speaking of F-Zero X, I'd like to see the return of a more guitar-infused soundtrack
Would like for them to drop the metal and go with a more synth based Jazzy style, again bringing it back to the SNES version, which had the most incredible soundtrack. :love:




Have to admit though, the music of F-Zero X did eventually grow on me, so perhaps they can include 1 OTT guitar-infused track, for Death Race or something. :grin:


Anyway, as for features, customisation is the main thing I'd like to see in a new F-Zero. Include track editing from the 64DD expansion kit, and improved craft and emblem customisation from GX. Would be so rad to race online, on custom courses and alongside loads of unique vehicles. :awesome:


Other than that, just make it as fast and as smooth as possible. And well... just make it! :bouncy:

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I loved the visuals of GX, so I'd up for them going even further with that.


What I want:


- More insane speed, include tracks with multiple inversions, corkscrews and drops. To me, F Zero feels like you're on a roller coaster at times and I love that feeling.


- Keep the amount of competitors on the track the same.


- Multiple/more environments for the tracks. I loved Mute City, Lightning, Aeropolis and Fire Field and what's great is that the visuals and tracks are different in each one. You genuinely do feel like you're racing in a completely different environment and you are on a big tour of multiple circuits.


- NO WEAPONS. Keep this the same as before and just make it about the racing.


- ONLINE. F Zero online is a must. With full voice chat, of course. ;)


- Let us create our own custom cups. It would be cool to be able to create your own "playlist" of tracks and be able to name your cup, maybe even design it. When you play online again, you could see who last won that cup.


- Design your own tracks. You could even add that into the custom cups above! :D


- I quite enjoyed the story mode in GX. Would like to see that again.


- Full replay editor and photo mode. Let us be able to share videos and photos with our friends, too.

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