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Days Gone (PS4)


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  • 4 months later...
15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The game has been pushed back to the 26th April. This is a very good call as January to March is going to be a bloodbath, what with all the big 3rd party games being released at that time.

Been a little bit out of the loop recently with upcoming released. What are some of huge games being released in Q1 next year? I.e. how much money will I spend? :D 

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Been a little bit out of the loop recently with upcoming released. What are some of huge games being released in Q1 next year? I.e. how much money will I spend? :D 

Off the top of my head... Anthem, Kingdom Hearts 3, Resident Evil 2, Onimusha remaster, Tales of Versperia, Devil May Cry V, Ace Combat 7, The Division 2 and Code Vein.

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  • 3 months later...

I was more interested in this game around two years ago for the E3 demo, now though? I don't know... I cancelled my pre-order for it. ::shrug:

I'm just not that bothered about it any more, I do hope that it does well but I just can't continue buying games at full price that I'm unsure of.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Previews for the game have dropped and they seem mostly positive. Obviously this could change once the reviews start to hit but the game may actually be winning people over.

I've still got my copy preordered. The games I have played by Sony Bend ( Syphon Filter, Resistance Retribution and Uncharted Golden Abyss ) I have enjoyed and hopefully that will be the case with this.

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  • 1 month later...

Still a decent game it seems but it's hampered with technical issues and stuff related to character development in cutscenes being at odd with what's going on in-game.

It has frame-rate issues even on the PS4 Pro model but I suppose it's not too surprising going by the ambition of what the developer was aiming for with the hordes.

I just can't justify picking it up, not for full price so I'll likely just pick up The Last of US Part II when that comes out seeing as I'm already invested in the story.

Here's hoping that anyone still picking it up gets enough out of the game to make it worthwhile though.

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I've been playing this on and off since last Thursday and I don't think I've ever played a game that feels so generic, boring and bland. The world feels empty, which I suppose is the point given the events of  the game, and the characters are just not likeable. Also, I'm not a fan of the gratuitous use of bad language in the game or some of the cutscenes that seem very brutal. I was doing the same level of wincing during some of these scenes as I did when Naughty Dog released that brutal The Last of Us 2 trailer.

From a technical standpoint the game is pretty rough in places. I've had the game slowdown to a crawl at numerous points. This may be due to me playing on a base model PS4, which sounds like a jet engine when I play this game. The loading times on the game are atrocious. Firing the game up you have a long loading screen and that's before you even press start. Do that and you are greeted with another long loading screen. You could forgive these if there was no loading within the game but that isn't the case. A lot of the time there is a 5-10 loading screen just for a cutscene and then again for when the game transitions back to gameplay. It's weird that other Sony owned studios weren't able to offer help or guidance to help iron these issues out.

The gameplay itself is stupidly boring. It consists of just driving to an area do a mission, driving to another area, do a similar missions...rinse and repeat. I get that they want to make it realistic with you having to keep refuelling your bike but there comes a time during game development where you should think " Is this actually fun for the player to do?" and the answer in this case is no. Fast travelling doesn't really help either because you use fuel while doing this. It's a big risk trying to fast travel to an area that isn't a base because you could end up going there, depleting your fuel supply and then being stuck there looking for a refill. Even the fast travelling to a base isn't done in a good way. For some stupid reason it spawns you outside of the gates of a base. You then have to drive into said base just so you can refuel. Why not spawn you next to the mechanic? Very weird.

There aren't many games that I can think of where I have struggled to play and was happy to see the end of it but this is certainly one of those games. I honestly can't find anything about it that I find remotely interesting. It feels like an open world game that should have been released ages ago, which makes sense given that it was supposed to be released a while back as a game called Dead Don't Ride. The fact that the game is around 50 hours long doesn't help either. :shakehead

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My overriding impression watching various trailers and reviews is that the game looks incredibly bland and generic, and coated in that muddy sheen that used to be a thing with most games last generation, so I'm not surprised by the above at all. These cookie cutter openworld games need to evolve like a couple of other titles have in recent years. I might find it hard to play any game like that after RDR2.

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52 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

My overriding impression watching various trailers and reviews is that the game looks incredibly bland and generic, and coated in that muddy sheen that used to be a thing with most games last generation, so I'm not surprised by the above at all. These cookie cutter openworld games need to evolve like a couple of other titles have in recent years. I might find it hard to play any game like that after RDR2.

I think a big issue for this game is that Bend bit off more than they could chew. This is their first big budget game and it really shows. They should have scaled things back a bit and created a more linear experience. I really think they were out of their depth with this project and the fact it was in development Hell for a few years shows. Had this been released at the start of the generation then it may have reviewed better. Not that the reviews seem to have had an negative effect on the games sales. It sold very well here in the UK and is the best selling retail title of the year so far. It will be interesting to see if the sales are strong in the US. 

This situation kind of mirrors Ready at Dawn, another studio that had worked on Sony IPs. Like Bend, their output on the PSP was fantastic and their games were well received but when it came to doing a AAA game they really couldn't hack it and The Order 1886 bombed, which is a shame because I really enjoyed that game and the world it was presented in. I think both of these studios should have stuck to their strengths and created smaller games. Not every game needs to be cinematic or open world and I think a lot of publishers and developers have forgotten this.


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What with it being a bank holiday on Monday, I decided to give myself a longer weekend and put in a holiday from work today. That being the case, I've sat playing this all morning and the credits have finally rolled.

Yeah, not a great game at all. I thought my earlier thoughts may have changed since putting more time into it but they remain the same. Bland world, awful characters, dated gameplay and just a generally glitchy game. Hell, even the credits had troubling rolling smoothly!

During my session today I had a few bugs. First was when I was driving and the bridge just disappeared from underneath me, causing me and my bike to fall in the water and I ended up dying.

Another glitch I encountered was during a mission where I had to enter a cave but the game had put up some kind of mud wall/barrier that I couldn't get through. I watched a YouTube video of the mission and some of the comments were saying that they had the same problem. I had to hard reset the game to get past it.

Numerous times I was searching areas for supplies and I had enemies just spawn out of thin air. Same goes for scenery and barriers while I was driving. It's as if the game couldn't keep up with the loading while I was driving across various areas.

I was listening to Sacred Symbols and Colin was saying that it was even worse for reviewers because they had to review the game without a few of the patches. Crazy that it got sent to the media in an even worse state than its in now. Bend actually had to withdraw patch 1.06 the other day because it was crashing systems. Luckily I had no issues with the patch and 1.07 came out the day after

The only positive thing I really have to say about the game is that the credits song is absolutely fantastic and it's one I'll be listening to a lot in the future.


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Nabbed the platinum for this today.

I actually enjoyed going for my missing trophies more than the main storyline of the game. I had to pretty much do everything in the game in order to have enough exp to max my rank. This meant taking on around 40+ hordes that were scattered around the map. I found it quite fun hunting them down and unleashing insane amounts of ammo into them. :D 

I'm glad the game is now done though. Once the platinum popped I wasted no time in deleting the game and eject the disc from the PS4.

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I have to say, this game does look stupidly generic. It looks like a game that would have come out towards the start of the PS4's life. Definitely won't be picking this one up.
You didn't *have* to say that, you chose to. Unless you're being controlled by an ethereal entity I guess? In which case, this game being shitty is the least of your worries.
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2 hours ago, Sheikah said:

I have to say, this game does look stupidly generic. It looks like a game that would have come out towards the start of the PS4's life. Definitely won't be picking this one up.

I agree with your comment about it looking like an early PS4 title. The concept of being chased by big hordes sounds interesting and there are one or two things that, for me, have potential. But, I think I was expecting it to hugely improve in looks after the first announcement and it just doesn't seem to have done so. Definitely does like a bit bland and ordinary. 

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12 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I agree with your comment about it looking like an early PS4 title. The concept of being chased by big hordes sounds interesting and there are one or two things that, for me, have potential. But, I think I was expecting it to hugely improve in looks after the first announcement and it just doesn't seem to have done so. Definitely does like a bit bland and ordinary. 

Graphically it's come on leaps and bounds since the reveal (Digital Foundry said so, so nuhh!), it's just that the core concept was a dud.


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On 06/05/2019 at 12:31 AM, Sheikah said:
On 05/05/2019 at 11:58 AM, bob said:
You didn't *have* to say that, you chose to. Unless you're being controlled by an ethereal entity I guess? In which case, this game being shitty is the least of your worries.

You looking for a slap, son?

He may not be "looking" to get slapped. Unless he's being controlled by some ethereal entity I guess? In which case being slapped by you is the least of his worries.

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