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Project Scorpio 'Gaming Beyond Generations'


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Say what you will about the Scorpio, I just wouldn't describe it as "a very good thing for the consumer".


Personally I'm of the mindset of if it gives consumer more choice, then yes its a good thing for them. Just me though.

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Say what you will about the Scorpio, I just wouldn't describe it as "a very good thing for the consumer".


If it gives people choice, and extends the duration of time in which individual hardware units can receive compatible software, then hell yeah. No generation transitions would also see a much smoother, constant release of hits. No year or so at the start of a generation where nothing much releases while developers start to learn the kit. Basically, like PC.


I'll be buying a PS4K because I'm weak willed and want the latest tech, and so would have spent £600 this gen, instead of £300.


Your choice dude.

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If it gives people choice, and extends the duration of time in which individual hardware units can receive compatible software, then hell yeah. No generation transitions would also see a much smoother, constant release of hits. No year or so at the start of a generation where nothing much releases while developers start to learn the kit. Basically, like PC.




Your choice dude.


Thats an extrememly one sided way of putting things. Like PC how? Do you even know how PC gaming works or how the windows store is doing? How do you know this can extend the duration of time units can recieve compatible software? How do you know its consumer friendly when it costs so much more? How do we get smoother generational transfers? or a real transfer at all? Why does the One S have higher performance over the One? Why has the windows store been a total mess? Why has MS's messaging been muddled on these hardware again?


Its easy for Ms to spout a ton of calculated PR or promises when they are getting thrashed in the console space and on Windows store. More importantly no one can promise BC forever. MS themselves botched that on Windows 10 (or 8, 7, vista etc.) using the same hardware. Developers will still have to learn to optimise. Any hardware releasing after the scorpio needs to get looked into as well. From the looks of things there will be many hardware releases. Good luck keeping them equally active and not holding back future releases.


Excuse me while I am skeptical towards any of MS's or Nintendo's statements about the industry. They should work on bolstering their platforms already out rather than letting them die prematurely and introduce new consoles.

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Thats an extrememly one sided way of putting things. Like PC how? Do you even know how PC gaming works or how the windows store is doing? How do you know this can extend the duration of time units can recieve compatible software? How do you know its consumer friendly when it costs so much more? How do we get smoother generational transfers? or a real transfer at all? Why does the One S have higher performance over the One? Why has the windows store been a total mess? Why has MS's messaging been muddled on these hardware again?


Its easy for Ms to spout a ton of calculated PR or promises when they are getting thrashed in the console space and on Windows store. More importantly no one can promise BC forever. MS themselves botched that on Windows 10 (or 8, 7, vista etc.) using the same hardware. Developers will still have to learn to optimise. Any hardware releasing after the scorpio needs to get looked into as well. From the looks of things there will be many hardware releases. Good luck keeping them equally active and not holding back future releases.


Excuse me while I am skeptical towards any of MS's or Nintendo's statements about the industry. They should work on bolstering their platforms already out rather than letting them die prematurely and introduce new consoles.


Can you honestly not think of a few ways in which this would lead to a situation similar to what is currently established with PC? That is, forward compatibility, similar architecture, optional upgrades. When the iPhone receives a new model or iOS version, do all games need to be remade again, and is there a significant lag period where developers get to grips with a new architecture, similar to what happened with PS3? The answer is no.


This doesn't need to give forward compatibility forever. PC sure doesn't. But at least with PC it does generally give a better deal than what consoles give currently - I remember XP was supported for ages by new PC games, and often still is I believe. Also, regarding optimisation woes, PC games say hi. Those developers release their games on PC already, where hundreds of graphics options exist and where the games are made to run on countless hardware configurations. I think devs will be ok for 2 models for each system.

Edited by Sheikah
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Can you honestly not think of a few ways in which this would lead to a situation similar to what is currently established with PC? That is, forward compatibility, similar architecture, optional upgrades. When the iPhone receives a new model or iOS version, do all games need to be remade again, and is there a significant lag period where developers get to grips with a new architecture, similar to what happened with PS3? The answer is no.


This doesn't need to give forward compatibility forever. PC sure doesn't. But at least with PC it does generally give a better deal than what consoles give currently - I remember XP was supported for ages by new PC games, and often still is I believe. Also, regarding optimisation woes, PC games say hi. Those developers release their games on PC already, where hundreds of graphics options exist and where the games are made to run on countless hardware configurations. I think devs will be ok for 2 models for each system.


I dont think pc gamers are keen on Windows 10 store gaming. MS sure want to have something to go against App store or Play but windows users are used to having more freedom.

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I certainly think with this it is all about providing choices to gamers. There are certainly people who want to keep up with technology but also don't want to own a PC these represents an opportunity for that. Sure there were plenty of owners who felt last gen ran too long from a tech point of view and were ready for something new that didn't come


We are definitely seeing a shift towards almost an iPad business model. Whilst I don't think it's going to be a case of every two years I certainly think it will be a case of every 3/4 years we see a new console released but despite Project Scorpio not having any exclusive games yet I can forsee a situation where in another 5 years that becomes the entry level model and the Xbox One slowly fades away.


Everyone should watch Phil Spencer's interview with Giantbomb it's available via Youtube as part of their E3 Day Two video. He mentions how they are still committed to providing the best digital experience as of course we are shifting that way and that for him it's becoming increasingly dishonest to dumb customers in it every 5 years with regards to their digitally owned games. Of course all this is only valid whilst he remains in charge.

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I certainly think with this it is all about providing choices to gamers.


I'd say this is about making money, pure and simple. It's also a useful way of rebooting this gen's console war that Xbox had clearly lost. They had to do something and are banking on raw power. Let's see how the Scorpio does against the Neo. It'll be a new gen in everything but name.

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Microsoft having a PR gaffe?



It's okay though because we didn't get to witness this gaffe on the highest quality pixels we've ever seen.

I love that they removed that line from the bit.

I'd say this is about making money, pure and simple. It's also a useful way of rebooting this gen's console war that Xbox had clearly lost. They had to do something and are banking on raw power. Let's see how the Scorpio does against the Neo. It'll be a new gen in everything but name.


It's always about money, even when Nintendo does things it's still to earn money.


If there are not any exclusive games to particular to a consoles power, then it is not a new gen. Fucking period. Quit harping on like a goddamn broken record, this shit has been explained numerous times in numerous threads.

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If there are not any exclusive games to particular to a consoles power, then it is not a new gen. Fucking period. Quit harping on like a goddamn broken record, this shit has been explained numerous times in numerous threads.


Word. Deaf ears though unfortunately.

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Surely Occulus... They're owned by Facebook of which Microsoft own a decent percentage.

The fact that the Rift comes with an Xbone controller leads me to think they must have a deal in place already.

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There was an interesting article on mvcuk




“The most immediate problem is Microsoft effectively killed the Xbox One Slim right out of the gate,” it said in an investor update. “If there were many Xbox 360, Wii U and even PlayStation 4 consumers interested in an Xbox One this holiday season they have now been told to wait until Scorpio arrives in 2017. Microsoft can only hope that the buzz around Project Scorpio goes away soon but with the cat out of the bag that is unlikely.


“There are all kinds of other problems with Microsoft’s mixed messaging.


“The biggest issue is whether Microsoft will even have a game division by the time Project Scorpio launched,”


More at the link. Partnering with Occulus is maybe a sign of things to come. Perhaps there is no need for a gaming division anymore and hardware partners can fill all the gaps? Sony have a much more thorough gaming presence with both hardware and services.

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It's always about money, even when Nintendo does things it's still to earn money.


It's more about making money and less about giving gamers a choice, was my point.


If there are not any exclusive games to particular to a consoles power, then it is not a new gen. Fucking period. Quit harping on like a goddamn broken record, this shit has been explained numerous times in numerous threads.


So a console that's four times more powerful than it's predecessor isn't a new gen? Right. Nothing's been "explained", things have been suggsted and opinions have been shared, but nothing's been explained, thanks

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That is one beast of a console. See that Xbox are joining VR (which one, HTC or Occulus). Works in a similar way to the Neo with all current XOne games and accessories working on it. And not abandoning XOne owners whom probably won't get a Scorpio, nice move again.


There's just the one 'c' in Oculus.


Surely Occulus... They're owned by Facebook of which Microsoft own a decent percentage.


Actually it's spelt Oculus. One 'c'.


The original leak said that the Scorpio would be using Occulus, so it's very very likely.


Ah, no. You've mispelt it...it should be 'Oculus'.


There was an interesting article on mvcuk








More at the link. Partnering with Occulus is maybe a sign of things to come. Perhaps there is no need for a gaming division anymore and hardware partners can fill all the gaps? Sony have a much more thorough gaming presence with both hardware and services.


Oh c'mon!

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  • 9 months later...

Their messaging for starters. I forgot they even said 'Gaming Beyond Generations' lol.


As Daft says they seem to have bigger strategic issues to handle. Shouting Scorpio well in advance of release is not going to fix much. It will be more powerful than the PS4 Pro. But its arriving way too late to make any real difference outside of the UK and US, which is where PS4 is seeing good growth.

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It's just baffling to me that they're putting so much stock in being the 'most powerful console'. 95% of people who really care about power game on PC because it is by far and away the most powerful platform if you're willing to invest in it, Microsoft's decision to start releasing first party Xbox exclusives on PC negates the need for that demographic to invest in an Xbox so the market for the Scorpio seems incredibly niche. I think it's probably wise to unveil it before E3 and get all of the technical stuff out of the way so that they can focus exclusively on games in their E3 conference but they're going to have to unveil several third party proper Xbox (and not PC) exclusives in order to sell the console correctly. There is no point in being the 'most powerful console' if you don't also have exclusive games to back it up.

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