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Lionhead Studios Closes

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Today, I have some difficult changes to announce that affect some of our Microsoft Studios teams and projects in the UK and Denmark.


After much consideration we have decided to cease development on Fable Legends, and are in discussions with employees about the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK. Additionally, we will close Press Play Studios in Denmark, and sunset development on Project Knoxville.


These have been tough decisions and we have not made them lightly, nor are they a reflection on these development teams – we are incredibly fortunate to have the talent, creativity and commitment of the people at these studios. The Lionhead Studios team has delighted millions of fans with the Fable series over the past decade. Press Play imbued the industry with a unique creative spirit behind games like Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Kalimba, which both captured passionate fans. These changes are taking effect as Microsoft Studios continues to focus its investment and development on the games and franchises that fans find most exciting and want to play.


I speak for all of Xbox when I say that despite this news, we remain committed to the development communities in the UK and Europe, and Xbox will continue to support new IP and originality in the games we offer on our platforms, whether they’re AAA blockbusters like Quantum Break from Remedy, adventurous new IPs like Sea of Thieves from Rare, or unique new creations from independent developers like Moon Studios with Ori.


We have nothing but heart-felt thanks for the members of Lionhead and Press Play for their contributions to Xbox and gaming. We are committed to working closely with those affected by today’s news to find them new opportunities at Xbox, or partnering with the broader development community to help place them in jobs elsewhere in the games industry should they desire.




I really enjoyed the first few Fable games. :(

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Fable 2 was a fantastic game. But since then... I don't know what to make of the series, of Lionhead in general.


I feel like in many ways they're the same as Rare. So much potential there, and then some idiots higher up squandered it all.


When will studios and producers learn to let greatness flourish without getting out their graphs of "what's hot right now" and stuffing it all up?

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Yes, not really surprising. Especially after Molyneux left, who was probably more famous than the actual company. Their last few projects, as well as Fable Legends, just didn't seem interesting. It's a shame as there are definitely talented people at the company.


I still think that Nintendo should set up a new developer in the UK. Lots of talent floating around and they could even draw some people from other companies. They could do with another western studio.

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Fable 2 was a fantastic game. But since then... I don't know what to make of the series, of Lionhead in general.


Fable 2 was a shit game. Because I can not in good faith ever call a game whose pause menu ran so poorly and which such lag a great game.


It was fun and mostly well made. It's just that menu was atrocious and shouldn't have been allowed to pass QC.


This is sad news though. I was just thinking yesterday that I should go back and beat Fable 3 (never did since my PC ate my saved game). And that got me to thinking I hope a really good Fable game comes out for the Xbone, I'd quite enjoy that.

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Fucking hell, that's sudden! :o


Fable Legends wasn't far from completion either! That's insane!! Why not just let them finish it and get it out of the door first at least!? That's like 3 years of development expense down the toilet, just like that!


What the hell are they thinking!? I can't even think of another game/studio that has gone through this! Yeah, sure; games getting cancelled mid development aren't uncommon, but not when the game is close to completion, and certainly not with the entire studio being closed seemingly on a whim!


Everyone at all of MS' affiliated studios just got a sudden chill down their collective spines... If I were part of any of the large publishers, I'd be playing vulture right fricking now!

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Yes, not really surprising. Especially after Molyneux left, who was probably more famous than the actual company. Their last few projects, as well as Fable Legends, just didn't seem interesting. It's a shame as there are definitely talented people at the company.


I still think that Nintendo should set up a new developer in the UK. Lots of talent floating around and they could even draw some people from other companies. They could do with another western studio.


Why the UK specifically though?

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Surely it's obvious that Playtonic are as close to having a new Rare as is ever likely? ::shrug:


They have my full support - and my money - in any case. : peace:




As for Lionhead...


I have respect for what the company has achieved over the years even if I don't agree with the overzealous praise the Fable franchise has received as the games after the first entry really weren't that revolutionary.


It may be sad to see a studio go as suddenly as this but it all comes down to money so this is probably a good move for Microsoft who certainly aren't short of cash.


Lionhead will be acquired by another bigger company, you can just see it happening... though serious reform would be required, perhaps some of the team will go their seperate ways though, who knows.


But as far as the future of other studios owned by Microsoft... who can say what will happen now? ::shrug:

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Yeah agreed. There's a strong possibility Yooka-Laylee will recapture some Rare golden-era magic. But it could also suck. And it'll never been the studio that brought us DKC, Perfect Dark etc..


Man, I miss Rare, who's choppin' onions in here?? :(

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In fairness on the day a lot of companies were saying the same thing and others were helping to 'broadcast' messages.


It's nice though. I recall it happening last time a big studio closed (forget which). Good to see the support is there for the people that are affected by these decisions. Hopefully they'll find stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
In the wake of 20-year-old UK studio Lionhead's closure last month, Kotaku UK has heard from multiple sources that there were in fact several potential buyers lined up for the studio during its consultation period (the span of time, mandated by UK law, during which a company must explore options before shutting down).


Potential buyers included some of the biggest names in video game publishing - though, unsurprisingly given the confidential nature of discussions such as this, we were not able to confirm involvement with any of the specific publishers mentioned. The discussions were not just ephemeral: letters of intent were reportedly filed.


Why didn't it happen? One source close to Xbox claims it's because Microsoft would not sell the Fable IP along with the studio, despite offers that were in the range of hundreds of millions. "90% of the people interested just walked away at that point," said the source.


Without ownership of the IP, any company that bought Lionhead would have to publish new Fable games (or Fable Legends, if it had been salvaged) under a licensing agreement with Microsoft - not a favourable condition for anyone looking to make money from the franchise.


I wonder who would have been interested in buying them? Maybe EA or Activision?

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EA buying them? Yes, I bet that would work out well for all involved. When EA buys a studio nothing ever goes wrong...


I was just speculating who would have had the cash to buy them. Considering the amount of cash EA have raked in this fiscal year, trying to acquire another studio and IP may have been something they were considering.

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Speaking of, I was at a BAFTA event a few weeks ago and one person mentioned they used to work at Lionhead and then Lionhead got a round of applause (several people worked there at some point, but that particular time it got applauded).

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