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Twilight Princess HD (4th March)


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It seemingly shows that Nintendo may not have a new Zelda game out for WiiU at all, so need to fill the void with HD remakes.


I still find this hard to believe. I mean, a console with no new Zelda? As far as I'm aware, only the Virtual Boy holds that title.


As for TP HD, it's getting more likely, but I'm still not getting my hopes up.

If it got the Wind Waker HD treatment, (Gameplay tweaks to speed things up) I'll be all for it.

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I'd be up for buying this, although I would be very disappointed if it was a basic hi-rez crappy port. Nice new textures, a more filled out Hyrule and some improved mechanics would make me very happy!


Saying that, it's all very out of the blue although makes sense if they're going to bring the new Zelda over to NX...Us fans need something I suppose.

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Twilight Princess doesn't need to many gameplay changes I don't think. Maybe shortening the horrendously long tutorials at the beginning. The only thing that needs real work is filling the world with life. The whole overworld felt dead. Probably too much to ask for though.

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I still find this hard to believe. I mean, a console with no new Zelda? As far as I'm aware, only the Virtual Boy holds that title.


As for TP HD, it's getting more likely, but I'm still not getting my hopes up.

If it got the Wind Waker HD treatment, (Gameplay tweaks to speed things up) I'll be all for it.


I just have this feeling that Zelda U will be NX bound with no release on WiiU, i know Ninty said it's coming to WiiU. But we know they can change their minds.

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I just have this feeling that Zelda U will be NX bound with no release on WiiU, i know Ninty said it's coming to WiiU. But we know they can change their minds.


I read it and so hope you're very wrong Jimbob, but the sad thing is that in my heart I think I suspect the same. There's some heavy irony in it if it happens, releasing TP HD to fill the gap.


Personally though - this won't be for me. TP was ok and all, but I don't want to support what I think it possibly one of the worst(barring wand of gamelon etc) Zeldas any more than I need to - in case it encourages exactly what I'm afraid of.

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I've actually been looking for a reason to replay TP so I wouldn't mind this. I think the best thing they could do (other than visual improvements) is greatly improve the overworld, making it a little bit less nonsensical and a bit more active/vibrant. It wouldn't take that much work since its main function is only to tie together the more complicated areas.

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Filling the overworld with life would fix the major issue in the game IMO. The storyline also sort of fell of a cliff half way through but other than those two issues there's a lot to love about the game.


This entirely. It was touted as this huge Zelda game but it was essentially a small Zelda game stretched out so far that in the grand scheme of things it felt barren and lifeless(yes there were good bits, but too few and far between). I still stand by TP being a pretty good game, but an abhorrent Zelda. They won't fix any of that for a remake or it, whatever they do do, just won't be enough in the huge void that was the world. TP would probably have worked much better on an SS scale.

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I read it and so hope you're very wrong Jimbob, but the sad thing is that in my heart I think I suspect the same. There's some heavy irony in it if it happens, releasing TP HD to fill the gap.


Personally though - this won't be for me. TP was ok and all, but I don't want to support what I think it possibly one of the worst(barring wand of gamelon etc) Zeldas any more than I need to - in case it encourages exactly what I'm afraid of.


I hope i'm wrong as well, stranger things have happened.

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I think given the Wiiu original tech demo for Zelda a TP remake wasn't out of the picture - but tbh Im getting tired of remakes. My experience with remakes is that after experience the enhanced visuals its back to the same routine which I've done years ago.


IMO TP was largely a barren and disjointed adventure (which was sadly carried on to SS). Collecting those tears of lights, Hyrule Field, kakariko Village, Epona's controls, the earlier segment in ordon - are some of the things that repel me. And I don't see how they could improve upon these things - and going by all the other remakes Nintendo most probably will do as little as possible to the core mehanics of the game.


Saying that, would be nice to see the beautiful areas/things TP got right in HD: The Zora design, Zora Tunic, Arbiter's grounds, lake Hylia, Goron Mines, Hyrule Field at night with that lovely theme.

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A great Zelda game (though playing it upscaled on an LCD HDTV made it look like utter shit).


Updates? Other than HD, of course.


TLBW mini dungeon feature to help fill up the overworld with secrets. At least twelve of them.


Battle dungeon, like in WW, with you fighting from floor to floor (I cannot remember if there was one or not...) But to get all those sword abilities and not use them much, what a waste...


Master Quest difficulty...FROM THE ONSET.


That would suffce me, as I'd just be glad to play it with a crisp PQ.


I guess some more collect quests wouldn't hurt. There'll probably be more to fishing, they usually like to expand on that.


More use for rupees. Possibly buy items in castle market (auction house? Along with new NPCs?) to send back to your treehouse to decorate it.


More NPCs just to make things less barren.


Nintendo told us the Mask Salesman would be returning soon. I assumed HW or ZU, but what if he's in this with masks to mod abilities?

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Twilight Princess' main problem was the way that the actual game content throughout the overworld was stretched thin. The landmass was simply too large and couldn't realistically be filled with meaningful content all throughout (which is the reason why Skyward Sword instead went for smaller and more densely packed areas - which worked MUCH better IMO!)


It's also my main fear with Zelda U. There's simply no way they can make a massive open world that is filled with meaningful content; it can't be reasonably done, something has to give.


The dungeons in TP are ludicrously complex though! They're utterly massive and at least three times the size of the dungeons in most other Zeldas. So complex in fact that they ended up limiting the use of keys to one at a time, which I felt was a shame, but otherwise they are gloriously 120% Zelda!


Twilight Princess may be somewhat disjointed in places and the story may be somewhat meandering, but it is also perhaps the most ambitious game in the series in terms of scope. Personally I prefer the Zelda games that reduce the sense of scale and instead focus on packing density into a smaller package (Majora's Mask, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap, Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening), but Twilight Princess is an incredible achievement and still one of the finest games in the series.

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