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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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How long does it take to max a Pokemon? Trying to max a Weedle before evolving it, or is there no point in waiting?


Don't bother powering up any Pokemon until you're at least level 20. You just waste stardust and will then find a much better version a couple of days later.


Especially don't waste it on a Weedle :p

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I'm sat in the park, and my Internet signal keeps dropping out. But only when I'm playing this. Does this happen to anyone else?


Goes from full signal to zero instantly, causing the game to freeze...

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Been playing since US release, and I've really loved seeing how this has impacted the real world. Everyone has heard about it. People are playing it who can't name 10 pokemon from the first generation. People (me) are going for a walk for no real reason but to play this.


After work one day, I went to my local park and there's this spot with three pokestops close to each other, and 50+ people sitting around having a lure party.


Went to town to do shopping. Sat and had a drink with some mates and caught 22 voltorbs.


My friends are talking about buying a day saver ticket for the buses that go round Brighton as a tactic to rapidly hit up loads of pokestops for pokeballs, then go to spot x or spot y to have another lure party.


I've managed to get into a gym once because I'm still only lvl 15, but I then trained a bunch and got my badge for that.


Excited to see what they have in store in terms of rolling out other Gen pokemon - especially considering I couldn't name you 3 pokemon beyond gold/silver.


As for this game changing the way Nintendo focuses on its consoles/games... well it's clearly a fresh new revenue stream, and I thnk it's incredibly smart for Nintendo to have gone this way considering how console gaming is less and less relevant.

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from what i hear there's little point in wasting your stardust on powering pokes up until you're a higher level. The higher level you are, the ligher base level CP pokes will have. As in; you can catch two weedles and you can max out teh candy/stardust and one will be more powerful than the other.... then you'll level up and catch one with a higher CP!


My understanding is that you should following formulaic (please bear in mind the numbers are estimates only);


Catch A ZILLION POKEMON, trade in A BILLION for candy, then pop a lucky egg and evolve A MILLION of 'em, then BAMMO you're a higher level sooner, and you can catch the more badass pokes.


I've largely failed at this so far.


Great way to catch A ZILLION POKEMON; sit near two pokestops, attach a lure to each (or be in a group to share the lure requirement), activate incense. You should see 3+ pokes appear every 5 mins, and nab enough pokeballs from teh stops to keep yourself going.


I've basically done this twice so far.


Personally, what I really want to do is go for a proper long walk along brighton seafront as there's a lot of water pokes there (obv), as opposed to the bug/flying/forest types round my way.


Train stations and bus exchanges seem to be good for electric types, from what I've seen. There are a bunch of churchyards/graveyards near me, which is good for psychic/ghost types. Not figured a good place for rock/ground types yet.

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What goes up must come down.


Nintendo Co. shares plunged after the company said late Friday that the financial impact from the worldwide hit Pokemon Go will be limited.


Shares sank 17 percent as of 10:48 a.m. in Tokyo, wiping out $6.3 billion in market value. The company cannot fall more than 18 percent today in Tokyo, as per exchange rules on the maximum a stock can move per day.


The correction comes after Pokemon Go’s release in early July almost doubled Nintendo’s shares through Friday’s close, adding $17.6 billion in market capitalization. Nintendo is a shareholder in the game’s developer Niantic Inc. and Pokemon Co., but has an "effective economic stake" of just 13 percent in the app, according to an estimate by Macquarie Securities analyst David Gibson.


In a press release after the market closed on Friday in Japan, the Kyoto-based company said the game’s financial impact will be "limited" and that it doesn’t expect to revise its annual forecast higher based on "current conditions." It also said sales of Pokemon Go Plus, a Nintendo-produced accessory for the game, have already been factored into its existing profit forecast.


“The content of the announcement itself is not that shocking, but it is a surprise they said it on Friday instead of when they report earnings” later this week, said Nobuyuki Fujimoto, a senior market analyst at SBI Securities Co. “The game has been published in Japan, so for the time being we’ve exhausted all the catalysts.”


I had a cracking experience with the game over the weekend.


My nephew drove over to mine and we went for a Pokewalk. We went about catching Pokemon and hitting Pokestops until we came across a gym. The Pokemon holding it weren't that great so my nephew decided to have a crack at it. What happened next was amazing.


While he was attacking the gym a group of people ( 5 of them, probably around 16-18 years old ) came and stood near us. On my nephews phone we could see what appeared to be their Flareon standing on the sidelines watching the action during the battle. My nephew had to beat the gym 3 times but he done it.


Before my nephew could place a Pokemon on the gym, the guys standing next to us were clearly waiting and they stuck one on before he could. I went off it. I turned to the teens and shouted " GIVE OVER! THAT'S CHEAP AS HELL!! You let him do all the work and you try and get the reward!" I gave them an angry stare. The clearly touched cloth as all of them scampered around the nearest corner. :heh:


My nephew wasn't having it and continued to battle. He took on all of their Pokemon one by one, each of them trying to take the gym from around the corner. Everyone of them failed. They kept capturing it but my nephew kept beating them. Eventually they gave up. Four of them crossed the road to walk past us but one stayed on the same side as us. He walked by and I said to him " You not having another crack?" he replied " I can't beat him. His Pokemon are too strong. " I turned to my nephew and gave him a proud nod and said " That's right ". :D


I've played all the mainline Pokemon games and countless spin-off titles but i've never had a multiplayer experience such as that from any Pokemon game. Granted, I wasn't actually the one playing it but I was standing by my nephew cheering him on and was as pumped as he was when he was taking their Pokemon out one after another.


I really need to upgrade my phone if I want to get the most of this game. My trusty old 4S just can't handle it that well. It takes ages to load and crashes a lot. By all accounts it shouldn't be working at all as the game is made for iPhones 5 and over.

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That story really amused me because I had this mental image of them all just WhatsApping each other saying "shit, did you know this?"


Still, they're going to make a fair bit of money off this with that effective 13% without having to do much and I believe (although can't be bothered to find out) even with a 17% drop in shares they're still up from pre-game so it's still a plus.

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Went to Weymouth last week with the other 1/2 (surprise 30th present from her to me), was surprising to see so many Pokestops, Gyms and different types of Pokemon in comparison to where i normally play Go. Managed to add about 20 Pokemon, evolve 3 and conquer 2 gyms.


Did catch a Dratini whilst there, much to the annoyance of a few kids whom were trying to catch it themselves.

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Investors starting to actually learn how Pokémon ownership is


As I said one assuming Nintendo were making money over fist and this was more profitable than a 3DS release of Pokémon were simply guessing as Nintendo never revealed just how much they were earning from the app.

Edited by liger05
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This app is so damn good. My girlfriend, who has NO interest in Pokemon, has become obsessed and we've found ourselves going for long walks to find rare Pokemon.


She just messaged me to say that she got a Pinsir on the way to work :D

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This app is so damn good. My girlfriend, who has NO interest in Pokemon, has become obsessed and we've found ourselves going for long walks to find rare Pokemon.


She just messaged me to say that she got a Pinsir on the way to work :D

Really hope they keep updating it frequently to keep the interest of new fans like your girlfriend :)

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Really hope they keep updating it frequently to keep the interest of new fans like your girlfriend :)


...and of me. I've never held any interest in Pokemon... I was a little old when the cartoon came about and I'm no fan of the games because of turn-based combat.

I use this every day though!

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Niantic speak about a few updates that they are working on.


Pokémon GO developer Niantic held a special panel regarding the game at the recent San Diego Comic-Con where it not only lifted the lid on the identities of the three team leaders but also outlined future plans for the game.


Niantic CEO John Hanke claimed that only around 10 percent of the studio's ideas for the game are in the present version. Coming in the near future are elements such as improved training, enhanced Pokéstops, PokéCenters for healing your monsters and changes which will make it harder to poach gyms from rival teams.


Legendary monsters are also coming - something we kind of knew anyway - but Niantic is waiting until the global release has finished before rolling them out.

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I feel it was a missed opportunity launching such a barebones buggy game. If trading and/or PvP battling had been in from the start it would have been even more popular and crucially, for much longer.


Sure they'll release these eventually hopefully, but the phenomenon will be over by then.

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I was in London all weekend and thought i'd get some rare pokemon or at the very least something different to in Leeds, all i found were pigey, Drowsey and rattata! there needs to be government mandated cull on them.


Give over! Drowzee/Hypno are some of my favourite Psychic Pokemon!

I don't know how things are in your weird Pokeworld, but they're certainly not Rattata levels of common.

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