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Jim Sterling also loved it. Not much original but everything done really well.


He also said the first thing anyone should do is make the HUD settings dynamic.


I was worried it might end up being too generic and that Aloy's constant narration would get annoying so its good to hear its been received well. I'll probably pick it up in a few months though, its coming out at the wrong time for me.


To be honest, I think I've had an awful lot of open world games recently so doubt I'll be picking this up. The comment about it being like Far Cry put me off, since Far Cry is the absolute worst checklist-crossing off style of open world game there is.


Quite looking forward to starting on Dishonored 2.


These reviews have really hyped me up. My recent games have been Overwatch, Nioh and Final Fantasy so I am ready for a good open world game (Because FFXV was...positively archaic).


I knew this game had promise when it was shown but to be honest, I didn't expect them to deliver. Looks great though. Definitely going to get it when I feel there's space in my gaming diary!


So what is the progression like in this game? Is it just a skill tree where you upgrade your stuff to make it more powerful, or is it more item based progression like Zelda and Metroid? Got to say, I much prefer the latter style, where you see things you can't get to but when you get a certain item, you can go backtracking for it.


The main reason I preferred the Tomb Raider reboots to Uncharted.


Super excited about this, despite not having seen any footage since last e3 and nothing else since the reveal I think. It's great to hear it recieves well with the critics.


Might have it on Monday, so I have taken the week off from work for this.


I'm optimistic about this. I feel the same way about this as I did before I played Rise of the Tomb Raider in that I feel that both games will be great games without really changing anything or adding anything to the gaming landscape. I dunno, just the vibe I'm getting. It looks really beautiful and I like the look of the combat. Will wait until Easter or the summer until I get around to it.

Posted (edited)

Sony have done some really great advertisements for the game.




















Loving the Toon one, obviously. :D

Edited by Hero-of-Time
  Hero-of-Time said:
Sony have done some really great advertisements for the game.




















Loving the Toon one, obviously. :D


Being a Cardiff uni grad the Cardiff one made me smile. I love chippy alley me.


I retweeted Tom Phillips' comment on twitter as it made me :D. He tweeter the above images with the caption "Brexit Britain" haha!


I've followed literally nothing on this game but it seems to be popping into a number of recent conversations - can anyone sum up why I want/need this game in my life? I'm under the impression it's getting good vibes, but I recall next to nothing about it and kinda feel like attempting to stay spoiler-free (if applicable).

  Rummy said:
I've followed literally nothing on this game but it seems to be popping into a number of recent conversations - can anyone sum up why I want/need this game in my life? I'm under the impression it's getting good vibes, but I recall next to nothing about it and kinda feel like attempting to stay spoiler-free (if applicable).

It's reet good, innit.

  Rummy said:
I've followed literally nothing on this game but it seems to be popping into a number of recent conversations - can anyone sum up why I want/need this game in my life? I'm under the impression it's getting good vibes, but I recall next to nothing about it and kinda feel like attempting to stay spoiler-free (if applicable).


Massive open world RPG set in the future where mankind has for some reason been sent back to a more primitive state and machines have now taken over the place.


There's a deep combat system that kinda looks to have a Monster Hunter vibe to it. Target certain parts of the animal/machine to hinder it and when it's taken down you can grab items off of it to create new gear.


The story is supposed to be top notch, with Colin Moriarty saying that it comes very close to the greatness that is the narrative in The Last of Us.


It looks to be a lengthy game, with many clocking the story at around the 30-40 hour mark but having plenty more to do after the credits have rolled.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Sony have done some really great advertisements for the game.




















Loving the Toon one, obviously. :D


A very "The Last of Us" vibe to the scenery there. I love those adverts.

Posted (edited)
  Rummy said:
I've followed literally nothing on this game but it seems to be popping into a number of recent conversations - can anyone sum up why I want/need this game in my life? I'm under the impression it's getting good vibes, but I recall next to nothing about it and kinda feel like attempting to stay spoiler-free (if applicable).


Doesn't do much new but what it does it accomplishes extremely well. Quick gist is that in the far future of robot wildlife society is no more and what's left of humanity is multiple tribes of sorts. Obviously you are from a tribe and from there adventure happens.


It's open world with side quests and hunting/gathering type elements various gadgets and apparently an amount of strategy goes into taking down larger enemies. Various play styles and such all can be applied to it.


Also it's bloody gorgeous looking.



Edit....didn't realize the page of replies after yours. Oh well.

Edited by Nolan
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