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When it was first announced I wasn't that interested but the more I see of it the more I'm eager to just play around in a 3D platformer again as its been a long time.


Yeah a lot of it is riding on nostalgia but so what? If done correctly it'll be fine. The New Super Mario Bros series does the exact same thing but introduces new elements and what not and they're enjoyable. I'm sure the full game will offer a lot of unique twists.


I'm optimistic and its great to see a game with rich characters.

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Having watched the above I have to say I just don't get the appeal. I love platformers but I just don't see what's so fun or interesting about this. It looks like a shallow collect-a-thon. The whole thing just seems very dated to me and I suspect will rely pretty much excusively on nostalgia for good reviews. Obviously it's only a tech demo sandbox, but I was bored after about three minutes, so will probably give this game a miss.


The game boasts tight controls (Seriously feels good just running around), good old British humour, fantastic character designs, a stonkingly good soundtrack, multiplayer games, some kind of co-op mode and if the first two Banjo games are anything to go by, It'll probably have some spectacular bosses, some silly mini-games and more than a few tricks up it's figurative sleeves. Not actual sleeves though, Yooka and Laylee are naked, after all.


You seem really focused on this "Collect-a-thon" thing, but the games aren't really as bad as that. It's just a way of encouraging and rewarding exploration. As you go along, Yooka and Laylee will learn new moves that open up new possibilities. (I remember one of the trailers showing off an ability for Yooka to blend into the enviroment)

It's also a subtle way of providing a difficulty curve, stuff is easy to find in the first few worlds, but as you progress, I guarantee things will get placed in more hidden or perilous places. (On that note, anyone remember Rusty Bucket Bay? That's one that'll put manly hairs on your chest)


Sure, old Rare have misstepped with making too many collectibles. Donkey Kong 64 was definitely not the way to do it. In fact, they mentioned that on their website, stating they're making sure not to let that guy go too mental.


You're gonna be missing out by just dismissing this game. It's been a long time since we've had a game like this that has the potential to be truly great.


If you haven't already, give their website a read, they're not above poking fun at themselves. Especially their team bios, which includes...


His background as a journalist means he brings a unique critical perspective to the team. If we put too many eyes on things, he tells us.


This amber-maned testosterone machine is known not just for his ability to melt bean tins using just his magnificent tan, but also decades of classic game characters


Young Lockwood is an Australian. He’s also done some game design, apparently,


Apparently he does all his motion capture without crash mats, because he’s well ‘ard.
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I'm sure the characters will be memorable, the writing funny, the controls responsive and all that. I just don't think the game looks that fun. It feels like a relic from when 3D platformers were still in their infancy and could get away with basic gameplay like this.


The New Super Mario Bros series does the exact same thing but introduces new elements and what not and they're enjoyable.


The New Super Mario Bros series at least has quality gameplay to fall back on, does this? It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.

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The New Super Mario Bros series at least has quality gameplay to fall back on, does this? It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.


Neither of us know the answer to this because all we have so far is a tutorial sandbox that neither of us have played.


I wasn't trying to slight the NSMB series, but merely point out either example could be used to say its just relying on nostalgia but NSMB proves you can use nostalgia and build upon this so until we get our hands on the finished product it could turn out either way.

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The New Super Mario Bros series at least has quality gameplay to fall back on, does this? It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.


Based on the Toybox, it certainly seems that way. And the Toybox only includes the basic gameplay.


It's not like Mario where the moves you have are the only ones - you get loads more throughout the game. It starts off with "basic" gameplay like a Mario platformer (not that "basic" is a bad thing) and then adds loads more.

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It's not like Mario where the moves you have are the only ones - you get loads more throughout the game. It starts off with "basic" gameplay like a Mario platformer (not that "basic" is a bad thing) and then adds loads more.


Maybe "base" rather than "basic" would be a better term?


So the "base" gameplay would be the running, jumping etc and then you layer on additional through the power-ups that you get in Mario or the additional learnt moves in YL.

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I'm sure the characters will be memorable, the writing funny, the controls responsive and all that. I just don't think the game looks that fun. It feels like a relic from when 3D platformers were still in their infancy and could get away with basic gameplay like this.


You really need to play Banjo-Kazooie. If you ever get the opportunity, take it. The amount of maneuvers the two could pull off were enough to make Mario 64 blush.

And Banjo-Tooie took it to new heights with an entire mechanic around splitting the pair up, which opened up even more moves to use. Banjo's backpack got some serious mileage in that game, being used to traverse hazardous terrain, fit into tight spaces, or even as a sleeping bag to recover health. There were well over 30 actions you could do by the time you got to the final boss. Which, by the way, is spectacular.

Call them whatever you like, but they are most certainly not basic.


It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.


Now this is only going by previous Banjo experience (I'm sure Yooka-Laylee will do the same thing), but every single tutorial was skippable just by pressing B. Even the entire tutorial section in the first game could be skipped with a selection in the first conversation.

And even if you need to read them, they tend to have a few carefully placed insults/gags to provide a little bit of humour.

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Ronnie, I think you are doing games like Banjo Kazooie, Yooka Laylee etc. an injustice by comparing them to the 3D Mario. It's a completely different sort of game - if anything more like a Zelda with more platforming than a "pure" platformer. They're action-adventure games. I really don't see what you think is 'basic' about the gameplay. And anyway, this is a toybox for early backers to have a little preview of what it's like at this stage, purely as a reward. Judging the game on a test arena isn't really fair.


I'm really looking forward to it.

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You really need to play Banjo-Kazooie. If you ever get the opportunity, take it. The amount of maneuvers the two could pull off were enough to make Mario 64 blush.


End of the first game: well, they certainly used the controller as much as possible for all the moves.


Then Banjo-Tooie comes and you expect them to do the "they lose their powers" thing. Except they keep all the previous moves and still manage to fit a ton more into it.

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The New Super Mario Bros series at least has quality gameplay to fall back on, does this? It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.

Meh, the last NSMB bored me senseless. Who cares if the game is polished if it's just rather dull?

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Ronnie, I think you are doing games like Banjo Kazooie, Yooka Laylee etc. an injustice by comparing them to the 3D Mario.


For the record, I never compared it to 3D Mario games. I may give this game a try if it goes on sale, and see what someone who didn't grow up playing Banjo Kazooie thinks of it.

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For the record, I never compared it to 3D Mario games. I may give this game a try if it goes on sale, and see what someone who didn't grow up playing Banjo Kazooie thinks of it.


Sorry, I kinda assumed you were because I know you're a fan of the Mario series! My mistake.


Still, I really encourage you give the Banjo games a go if you can. Brilliant games, I really don't think they feel dated despite being from the 90s.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a googly eyes enemy... And it can plonk itself on to random objects... And bring them to life...




I also like how Laylee seems to be incorporated in the transformation designs. Was wondering what they were gonna do with no backpack to hide in.


EDIT: The press release mentioned something along the lines of "We're listening to your feedback and we're taking it into consideration. But we're still not putting pants on the lizard"

I wonder if that's gonna be some kind of running gag? They've mentioned Yooka wears no clothes ever since they revealed the game.

Just a thought, really. I can see it happening.

Edited by Glen-i
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Lots of trailers can get me hyped but very few actually make me feel a sense of happiness. This one nails it.



Googly eyes, transformations, amazing music and a DKC cart section.... :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:


Ahhhh! It seems so retro Rare but modern'd up just a tiny bit! Bloody love it! Didn't think I'd have much time or love for a game like this these days being older, but I might just well be tempted by this on PS4. Do we know when it's planned release is? I'd consider it on NX(if I was going to get an NX, and if NX was going to get this) but not for WiiU sadly.


EDIT: Christ, put the Eurogamer vid up on my chromecast - looks so much more bloody vibrant on my TV! Even better :D Some great little jokes in it too, but I'm a sucker for puns/dad jokes.

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