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Nintendo Direct - April 1st - 11pm BST


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I'm happy to have Lucas back, always loved playing him in Brawl.


I was also just thinking the other day about how I'd like to replay DK64 soon. Will have to try hard not to download SM64 again (would be like...the 4th console I owned it on?) since I'm meant to be revising for uni exams...

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There's only 10 minutes left and the Wii U has got f all attention or anything really interesting shown. It's all as expected so far bar the showing of Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem at long last. Looks ropey. Better not end with MK8 DLC. Shut up about the 3DS already.


1 last piece of news. FFS.

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Yaaaaaaawn from me.


Woolly Yoshi Amiibo looks cool. P&D piqued my interest, so did Shin Megami whatsit even though I know little to none about its base titles. Disappointed to not have had something about XCX. 200cc MK kinda tempts me back to MK8, even though I haven't really played 150cc or Mirror anyway.


Expected them to try and apologise for Zelda, but no big deal they didn't.

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Lol at the standard complainers.


I thought it was a good direct.

Nice to see amiibo getting some use even if it's little by little.

Good we have release dates for a lot of games.


N64 and DS VC was highlight for me! I'll be downloading all 4 games. (Buy 3 get one free bitches :heh: )

200CC MK and the brought forward add on is just brilliant. Really great addition to an already amazing game.


Lots of solid 3DS eShop titles to be had, although disappointed in the lack of anything really substantial for the console.


Overall, pretty good!

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Best. Direct. Ever. :bouncy::yay::bowdown::love:


What are you smoking? Not if you're a Wii U only owner.


Is the presentation starting soon going be Azure Striker Gunvolt I presume?


Sure why not, they spent most of the night yapping about the 3DS.

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Yeah, it was a nice direct! Can't expect shocks every time! Seeing some Fire Emblem was nice, Yoshi amiibo is SO ADORABLE and 200cc in MK8 should be a laugh.


Sure, it'd be nice to see some more games to fill the line ups, but that doesn't make what was shown bad. My only concern is the amount of add-on content and f2p that seems to be creeping into everything.

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I thought it was disappointing, but what do we expect so close to E3. Fatal Frame localisation and Fire Emblem Shin Tegami (sp?) was still nice. All the amiibo stuff looked amazing and good to have a few dates. Really worried Xenoblade and Starfox is it for this year though.


The animal crossing game looks a bit embarassing but made me happy that the cards aren't for a wii u animal crossing. But then I thought it doesn't mean it isn't. In a way, makes even more sense for an Animal Crossing Wii U game to get more use out of the cards...


Some really good stuff, but nothing mega exciting. Kind of worried about E3 to be honest....


Also wanted Smash stages, not characters!! Though they seem to suggest they're rolling out a DLC plan.

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that was great, a real 'gamers' Direct.


SMT x Fire Emblem looks like it could be the most bonkers and/or best thing evs.

Fatal Frame 5 was a great surprise.

Box Boy is the best eShop game in years.

Azure Striker Gunvolt is known quality.


And 200cc Mario Kart is totally left-field but looks instantaneously ace.

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Really cute.

I'd prefer an Amiibo that looks more like the in-game Yoshi, but I guess that would be harder to make. And less durable for children


This direct was pure awesome for 3DS fans. But for Wii U owners, it was a bit of a let-down. That new jrpg seems cool, but beyond that, meh.


I was however pleasantly surprised to see Donkey Kong 64 appear on the Virtual Console. I thought that would never happen due to Rare being owned by Microsoft. Wonder if this means we might see Diddy Kong Racing and Starfox Adventures HD someday.

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Didn't see a single mole suplexing a bowling ball into the sun 0/10 would not watch again :mad:




I'm actually super-glad to see Lucas and Mewtwo.


Also, I love that Fire Emblem is such a big franchise these days to warrant two spots on this direct. Fire Emblem If sounds pretty good, and assured me that the series will have a steady future.


Loved this Direct. No big-budget games were announced (technically), but fuck it, that's what E3 is for.

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