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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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If Nintendo use architecture in-line with the others (that rumoured x86 is music to my ears), catch up in the online/social space and develop titles with a sense of how they did in the post Wii era (less mini-games compilations and wider use of their IP etc), I'll be more than happy!


pre wii era maybe? tbh I don't care about the architecture, I suspect that none of us do - it's more the presumed consequences most (all?) of us want. Are there outright clear statements officially put out that state the architecture is the issue? What if Nintendo go x86 and next generation there is a shift to another architecture?


Definitely want more use of their IP, as well as more stuff along the lines of splatoon!

In terms of feel I actually find the Wii U is superior to the Wii.. but I do wonder if life situations govern our sentiments to a machine more than the actual quality?

Anyway, if the Wii U trajectory away from Wii like games and back towards GC/Snes feel games I personally would be happy!

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If it's x86 architecture then porting will become many times more feasible for third parties as it'll:


A. Cost less to develop for

B. Be faster to develop for

C. Be more in-line with the quality of its counterparts


That's only a good thing.

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Think thats a pretty safe bet. Splatoon and Smash Bros remasters with all DLC included could be big system sellers and could be done with little effort, freeing up teams to develop all new NX titles.


I'd have no problem with the release schedule in the first year having staggered re-releases of Wii U games, Ninten do need to do everything they can to appeal to a large audience so giving people who don't own a Wii U a chance to play the best games is a no brainer.

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This generation has shown people are more than willing to buy remasters of games from the previous generation. It wouldn't really be a surprise if Nintendo follow this trend and try to get some money out of this.


The Wii U has sold very poorly, so if the NX does succeed, there will be a lot of people who missed out on these games.

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Ports mean nothing in terms of BC. Nintendo literally just released a remaster of a game that is already playable on the same console just last month.


I'd also like to point out that Emily is more often wrong than right. Hell, her "leak" of Paper Mario Wii U was actually already leaked a whole year prior. At an Intelligent Systems job fair back in 2015 (why do you think I was so certain with my bet that we'd see Paper Mario Wii U this year? And that was before Emily's tweets ;) )


Anyone seen this uncovered patent on GAF?




Oh and that patent is blatantly a smartphone powered popcorn maker. Nintendo's TRUE QOL breakthrough product!

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Ports mean nothing in terms of BC. Nintendo literally just released a remaster of a game that is already playable on the same console just last month.


Yeah, but how many have there been over the lifetime of the Wii U?


If there are four in the works before the NX is even released then surely that says something, especially when they are ports of games that have only been out for a couple of years, unlike Wind Waker and Twilight Princess which are 10+ years old.


Getting rid of BC also means they can get rid of the whole mess of controllers they've built up over the last 10 years. As far as I'm concerned they need to distance themselves from the Wii brand and that means dropping compatibility for the various amounts of controllers and making things simple for the consumer again.

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Yeah, but how many have there been over the lifetime of the Wii U?


If there are four in the works before the NX is even released then surely that says something, especially when they are ports of games that have only been out for a couple of years, unlike Wind Waker and Twilight Princess which are 10+ years old.


Getting rid of BC also means they can get rid of the whole mess of controllers they've built up over the last 10 years. As far as I'm concerned they need to distance themselves from the Wii brand and that means dropping compatibility for the various amounts of controllers and making things simple for the consumer again.


GC was toxic and yet the Wii had BC and was not hurt for it.

BC is an incentive to buy into the new hardware. If the NX won't run my Wii U software then why shouldn't I get a PS4/X1 which also don't run my existing library of games... BC has been a big reason for my buying into the next gen of consoles and if it is scrapped I am more likely to just stick to my Wii U and then maybe just drop out of console gaming altogether/switch to another console. Not that Nintendo will miss my custom so much (unless the NX flops as much as the Wii U is :P)


With BC... I think if they go for it they don't need to support Wii Controllers, only the Wii U pro pad and the gamepad. It won't be a mess as they are both wireless. Have the wii remotes only work on the gamepad with it's sensor bar.... then NX2 ditches Wii U, and as a result Wii Controllers. simple.

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Yeah, but how many have there been over the lifetime of the Wii U?


If there are four in the works before the NX is even released then surely that says something, especially when they are ports of games that have only been out for a couple of years, unlike Wind Waker and Twilight Princess which are 10+ years old.


Getting rid of BC also means they can get rid of the whole mess of controllers they've built up over the last 10 years. As far as I'm concerned they need to distance themselves from the Wii brand and that means dropping compatibility for the various amounts of controllers and making things simple for the consumer again.


I'd say that it says more about how much manpower is needed to make games these days.


From the beginning I said that the NX will probably not get its own exclusive Super Smash Bros game (at least, not for about 3-4 years). They'll just port the Wii U one, add all the 3DS content (since the NX is both a console and a handheld), add a few more characters and stages and boom! Super Smash for NX.


Making a new Smash Bros from scratch this soon is ludicrous! Why bother? They'll sell just as much by releasing an enhanced version of Smash 4 and they'll be able to get it out within a reasonable timeframe; freeing up their staff to work on something new in the process.


Same with Splatoon and Mario Maker. Very easy to make enhanced versions of those, rather than sequels from scratch and they'll free up their dev staff. Starting something new from scratch will take far too long; they need this software right out of the gate, not a year or two after the NX is already out!


As for controllers? You can bet on them all being supported on NX. Why wouldn't they? It's all just USB, WiFi and Bluetooth; things that the NX would have anyway.

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GC was toxic and yet the Wii had BC and was not hurt for it.

BC is an incentive to buy into the new hardware. If the NX won't run my Wii U software then why shouldn't I get a PS4/X1 which also don't run my existing library of games... BC has been a big reason for my buying into the next gen of consoles and if it is scrapped I am more likely to just stick to my Wii U and then maybe just drop out of console gaming altogether/switch to another console. Not that Nintendo will miss my custom so much (unless the NX flops as much as the Wii U is :P)


The Wii ran GC games because it essentially was a GC. :D I doubt it took very much effort on Nintendos part to make sure these games ran on the Wii.


If the innards in the NX are very different to the Wii U then it may not be worth the hassle and cost to make the console backwards compatible.

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Getting rid of BC also means they can get rid of the whole mess of controllers they've built up over the last 10 years. As far as I'm concerned they need to distance themselves from the Wii brand and that means dropping compatibility for the various amounts of controllers and making things simple for the consumer again.


I really hope they don't ditch the controller support.


Once a week, I take my WiiU down to the local community center and a whole bunch of kids come along and play games. Mostly 8-player Smash Bros. It's great, and it provides a place for kids to get together with their friends and play games in the same room, which is always the best way to play multiplayer.


The only reason I'm able to do this is because of the wide variety of controllers I have access to.

I have the Gamepad, my 3DS and 3 Wiimotes. Some of the kids are comfortable with the Wiimote on it's own, others prefer the Classic Controller, which I have 2 of.

Oh, and because of the success of the Wii, it's very easy for some of the kids to bring their Wiimotes, quickly bumping up the controllers to 8.


Take away that controller support, and that plummets to 1. And if Smash 4 gets ported to NX with new content (That's a hypothetical), then the only way to get 8 people playing with everything it offers is...


1. Buy 7 more controllers (Very expensive for me)

2. Hope some of those kids get an NX (Completely up to chance)


And even if that happens, what about the players who like using the Wiimote? It's unfair on them.


Sure, I may be an isolated incident, but I'd be a bit bummed if the controllers were dropped.

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The Wii ran GC games because it essentially was a GC. :D I doubt it took very much effort on Nintendos part to make sure these games ran on the Wii.


If the innards in the NX are very different to the Wii U then it may not be worth the hassle and cost to make the console backwards compatible.


And also with the success of other consoles it shows that backwards compatibility is not necessarily a system seller.


For me, its a feature that is nice to have.

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And also with the success of other consoles it shows that backwards compatibility is not necessarily a system seller.


For me, its a feature that is nice to have.


This is another good point. The One and PS4 have done good numbers without the need for backwards compatibility. Granted, Microsoft added it last year but it didn't exactly boost the numbers of consoles sold.


It's not necessary in terms of making a console a success but it is nice to have.

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Take away that controller support, and that plummets to 1. And if Smash 4 gets ported to NX with new content (That's a hypothetical), then the only way to get 8 people playing with everything it offers is...


1. Buy 7 more controllers (Very expensive for me)

2. Hope some of those kids get an NX (Completely up to chance)


And even if that happens, what about the players who like using the Wiimote? It's unfair on them.


Sure, I may be an isolated incident, but I'd be a bit bummed if the controllers were dropped.


Or you just carry on using the Wii U version as you are now...


Nintendo cannot carry on with all these controllers forever, continually adding new controllers with each new generation just gets more and more confusing.


The failure of the Wii U is the perfect chance to make a break from it all and start again. I can understand why the Wii U kept support with Wii accessories - it was the most successful console ever and they wanted to try to keep that going. They didn't manage that and now I feel they need to distance themselves from everything Wii branded - drop the controllers, drop BC and have a clean break.


If they don't match the architecture of the other consoles then the NX will run into exactly the same problems with third parties, it will be too much effort to port games, third party support will be minimal and we will just have to rely on Nintendo to fill out the release schedule.


The PS4 not being able to play PS3 games doesn't seem to have affected sales so I really don't think it would be a major issue if Nintendo dropped it. If they continually insist on dragging the past along with them then it will hinder their future.

Edited by Eddage
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Backwards Compatibility is great as long as it doesn't hinder the actual current generation capabilities of the console. That even means if they don't make the console as powerful so they can also include the Wii U chip in there. We saw with the PS3 they quickly got rid of the PS2 chip to reduce costs. It's a nice feature to have, but shouldn't be the priority.


Having the controllers compatible is useful, though, especially as new controllers these days cost a bloody fortune.

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Or you just carry on using the Wii U version as you are now...


But that would suck, what if this NX Smash has new characters and stages?

You wouldn't believe the amount of excitement that these kids had whenever a new character was added through DLC. It was mental! I'll never forget the week Bayonetta was released.

8 people all choosing Bayonetta, and none of them had ever played the actual game Bayonetta.

There is very little that is as funny as 8 people trying to learn a new character all at once.


Once again, I'm an isolated incident. I understand that, but ditching easy to implement Bluetooth Controllers just because the "Wii brand is toxic" or "it's too confusing!" seems a bit of an overreaction. As long as using non-NX controllers remains completely optional, why should it be an issue?

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The Wii ran GC games because it essentially was a GC. :D I doubt it took very much effort on Nintendos part to make sure these games ran on the Wii.


If the innards in the NX are very different to the Wii U then it may not be worth the hassle and cost to make the console backwards compatible.


Didn't they do something in one of their consoles where they had the old hardware inbedded but it was set to run system functions, while the new hardware dealt with the games themselves? So they could dedicate the Wii U hardware to dealing with voice chat and running the o/s gui etc, miiverse, web browser? Then we can be playing on the NX, pass the controller to a friend or w/e, pick up our game pad and browse the net/access miiverse/eshop from the gamepad without impacting on the performance of the game in anyway? (unless our personal net connection is weak!)


Maybe even one person can be playing an NX game on the tv, while someone else plays an off tv wii U game on the gamepad...


Ok so I'm dreaming a bit here, but it COULD work :D As you said though, if the innards of the NX are too different from the Wii U I guess not.

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Didn't they do something in one of their consoles where they had the old hardware inbedded but it was set to run system functions, while the new hardware dealt with the games themselves? So they could dedicate the Wii U hardware to dealing with voice chat and running the o/s gui etc, miiverse, web browser? Then we can be playing on the NX, pass the controller to a friend or w/e, pick up our game pad and browse the net/access miiverse/eshop from the gamepad without impacting on the performance of the game in anyway? (unless our personal net connection is weak!)


Maybe even one person can be playing an NX game on the tv, while someone else plays an off tv wii U game on the gamepad...


Ok so I'm dreaming a bit here, but it COULD work :D As you said though, if the innards of the NX are too different from the Wii U I guess not.


That's what they do in their handhelds. The GBA used the GBC CPU for sound and other processes. The DS used a GBA CPU clocked at double the speed for all WiFi operations and includes an enhanced version of the GBA's GPU for all 2D Sprite graphics, while the 3DS uses the DSi's hardware for background related tasks.


Considering that the NX is to take over from handheld and console, it wouldn't surprise me to see them do something similar here.


Even if it is based off of the Wii U architecture like Iwata alluded to before, it could still happen. The Wii U uses an ARM CPU that is seperate from the main CPU to run OS operations in the background. I could see them making use of the New3DS hardware for something similar...

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