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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I've had most of the day now to contemplate my overall thoughts of the Switch at this point but unfortunately those feelings aren't great :hmm:


The presentation began with promise and after speaking of how the Nintendo Switch was something of a culmination of all of their innovations from NES to Wii U, it felt like the perfect opportunity to express how amazing it is to have a new system that allows you to play Nintendo classics from throughout the last 3 decades on this one device and take it anywhere on the go. The Virtual Console aspect was, however, unmentioned and I'm still not sure if ZL and ZR are actually analogue triggers! The worst part of this section was that when they did decide to show software that was a result of the excellence of the Switch, it was a simple 'quick draw' game followed by a wackier version of Wii Sports Boxing :blank:


I actually now really like the appearance and versatility of the Joy-Cons and the HD rumble is probably pretty cool, especially after the weak rumble present in recent Nintendo hardware, but we really need to see the software to back up the potential.


Super Mario Odyssey, originally a little jarring, looks really fun (as expected :heh:) as does Splatoon 2 and Breath of the Wild. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe needs a significant injection of tracks to make me dip into it again though it's obviously still a great game, just like on Wii U. Unfortunately, nothing else really excited me and this meant the reveal of the price was particularly galling. With analysts predicting something in the region of 25,000 yen, seeing a price of over 29,000 yen flash up made me fear of what the UK price may ultimately be. At £279.99, I'm definitely not jumping in based on what we know so far (which is still frustratingly little :mad:) but I felt so disappointed by the presentation overall that even £199.99 would be a push for me to be tempted, especially given the price of the games and accessories :shakehead


I really had to laugh at the EA section, though, when it was claimed FIFA would be "the most immersive, social, authentic sports game ever created.. for Nintendo players". The fact they even had to put that little disclaimer in at the end of that sentence was everything I needed to know :indeed:


Ultimately, the presentation made me thankful that I purchased a PS4 at the end of 2016. I was going to hold out for Switch but I'd have been ripping my hair out now after what we've seen over the last day :nono:


I'm sure I will get a Switch within the next 12-24 months to experience the great Nintendo software that I simply can't miss out on but I don't think this is going to be a success :sad:

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Bandai Namco really quietly announced Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is coming to the Switch along with new Tales and Taiko Drum Master games.


How quietly you ask? Well, read the press release: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/pressreleases/289195/BANDAI_NAMCO_Entertainment_America_Inc_Confirms_Dragon_BallXENOVERSE_2_Working_Title_Coming_to_Nintendo_Switch_in_theAmericas_with_Tales_of_and_Taiko_Drum_Master_in_Development.php


I somehow managed to make our story longer than the press release.

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They're scrapping the best original feature of the 3DS and best original feature of the Wii U? I was expecting an expanded Miiverse with video clips. And StreetPass 2.0 to encourage people to take their Switches out with them. Meh.


Very annoyed by this. I guarantee most of the people who follow me on Social Media don't give a toss about the silly screenshot I posted on the game I'm playing. At least when I posted about a ridiculous scenario in Explorers of Sky, there was a good chance that people who were interested in Explorers of Sky would see it.

It was a great way to look back on a playthrough after I was done. And it certainly helped for writing up summaries in the Gaming Diary Threads.

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I am pretty disappointed with this. I watched the presentation (woke up for an unrelated reason) and initially started getting a little hyped... it didn't last long :D I tried being positive, but hearing the cost put me off. Having said that, I do think it is largely a pricing issue.

Having said that, looking at Wii U prices, the switch isn't so bad.

It's a Wii U with extra power, and full portability. I think it is worth the extra £££.

The issue is the Wii U is too expensive :D


Anyway... Tired as I am I think the number one barrier right now for me is pricing.

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No multiple accounts? That would suck


I'm pretty sure there's multiple accounts.

The three icons on the top left of the UI give me the impression of different Ninty accounts. You tap one, it switches to that account.


I'm like 80% sure on that.

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Does anybody know/ able to translate what Japan's reaction to the Switch has been?


It just feels such a Japan orientated console, hopefully they have taken to it for Nintendo's sake!


I'm heading over to the event in Tokyo today. Anything I should try to investigate while I'm there?


Just linking these two comments.

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Does anybody know/ able to translate what Japan's reaction to the Switch has been?


It just feels such a Japan orientated console, hopefully they have taken to it for Nintendo's sake!


I had a quick look at several new sources from Japan both in English and Japanese. Most of it is the same info that every else has seen and I didn't see much else.


I did find some comments from one website (toyokeizai). Very loosely put/translated one person complained about the lack of titles, another the lack of real info about the machine and whether Nintendo can pull this off? Another was talking about was it necessary or needed for the Switch to be linked to Nintendo's mobile phone offerings like Pokemon Go? Another comment said it would be difficult to predict how well the system will sell. Someone else said the price was similar to the PS4 but not as powerful. Finally someone started talking about Nintendo selling consoles and mentioned the Wii U and the VirtualBoy.


These are just a few comments that I quickly found and not to be taken as what everyone in Japan thinks.


(not many comments here so far) Edited by sumo73
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The general consensus of the guys in the office was that while the console itself looks pretty cool there aren't enough games of interest to justify getting one at launch. I think most people will wait until Mario comes out to pick one up with a few titles.


I haven't read any articles on it from here but will try to look into it more. I imagine the people at the event today will be far more positive on it though.

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I don't know but the more i think about it, aside from miscommunicated online features the main issue with the Switch is the price and even then its not that bad a price - Everyone intially expected such a price with the original rumours, but then fairly believable rumours from a variety of different sources started saying £250 (possibly with a pack in) then rumours of £200 - i think because so many leaks were spot on everyone was taken in


The issue however over price is highlighted perfectly with the accessories/controllers - £40 a control, £69 a pair, £69 for the pro controller, games relating at £60, we are talking a good 30-40% more than the competition offer the same sort of products with similar tech and games which value is entirely subjective!

If you can get over the console cost (which i think i am) its that additional hidden cost that is the real stinger, especially since Nintendo have had a hard on for additional peripherals since the Wii era


i cynically think nintendo is doing a soft launch and testing the waters on die hard fans, with a price drop and more games post E3 and more towards the holidays

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Yeah I think the issue with price is less the machine (although I imagine people expected an included game) and more everything else, particularly as I suspect a lot of people will want a pro controller and a game (adding at least another £100).


Also not reassuring that Zelda is the price it is because let's face it, you can't wait for that to become cheaper because it won't for a few years. And something like 12 which at this stage seems fairly light on content but is the same price as many other current gen games.

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I don't know but the more i think about it, aside from miscommunicated online features the main issue with the Switch is the price and even then its not that bad a price - Everyone intially expected such a price with the original rumours, but then fairly believable rumours from a variety of different sources started saying £250 (possibly with a pack in) then rumours of £200 - i think because so many leaks were spot on everyone was taken in


The issue however over price is highlighted perfectly with the accessories/controllers - £40 a control, £69 a pair, £69 for the pro controller, games relating at £60, we are talking a good 30-40% more than the competition offer the same sort of products with similar tech and games which value is entirely subjective!

If you can get over the console cost (which i think i am) its that additional hidden cost that is the real stinger, especially since Nintendo have had a hard on for additional peripherals since the Wii era


i cynically think nintendo is doing a soft launch and testing the waters on die hard fans, with a price drop and more games post E3 and more towards the holidays

As I've said to others, I reckon it's the ambassador program all over again. Try their luck with the fans to begin with, then drop the price dramatically a few months down the line and offer a few free games.


I like the console but the price, features and games seem like madness. Such a shame. I think people comparing this to phones as a way of justifying the price are kidding themselves. It's not a phone, it's a games console, so inevitably it will be compared to other games consoles. It's very expensive.

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The more I think about it, the more I wonder why Nintendo continue to put up with EA's muck.


I know I know they are a huge 3rd party publisher, but if Patrick Soderlund is going to turn up and look like someone bundled him in the back of a van, flew him to Japan and had Bill Trinen holding him on stage at gun point...why not drop FIFA in a sizzle reel, or just put the logo up?


Why embarrass themselves with I that when Yves guillemot or michel Ancel would at least probably look excited announcing something for Switch. The presentation as a presentation was actually fairly solid but to a lesser extent the translator for Suda who clearly lost his nerve and this EA tripe were really shoddy.

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Oh sweet jesus, the pack in joycon grip is not the charging grip! its just like a wiiwheel and holds them! its £30 extra for the charging grip!

THIS this is what im talking about with nintendo's fetish for unnecessary peripherals that you sort of need and thus have to give them more money for!

I can live with out it, most could, but actually including the USB C connection a tiny circuit board and the connectors to allow charging is an absolute pittance of extra components to manufacture, its hilarious in that producing two items but one with tiny electronics, probably costs nintendo more than it would to just make one with the power pass through and just pack that in! no wonder they want £30 for a glorified adaptor to charge the joycon off the tablet


fuck me nintendo, you've been toking that joint too long! Puff puff Give motherfucker! puff puff give!

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What the fuck is this? Is this legit?


This is just the WiiU all over again.


Starting to think it's not EA's fault. If Nintendo keep releasing under powered machines they're going to have to accept shitty ports.


Nintendo needs games like FIFA to be successful in the 14-25 market in the U.K.. Can't see that happening now.

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