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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I'm sorry but you're being completely ridiculous Ronnie.


The Pro conference was to reveal an upgraded piece of hardware by showing it off to the industry people who attended. And the folks at digital foundry were indeed blown away by it, and wrote up their impressions right away. It was not meant to be an E3 show.


I can't help but facepalm when you try to pass judgement on a conference which you viewed in non 4K and non HDR when the whole deal of the conference was to show off just these things! It just makes me think you have literally no clue what you're talking about from a technical perspective. If you went into that conference thinking it would be full of E3 game reveals then more fool you. :lol:

Edited by Sheikah
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I'm sorry but you're being completely ridiculous Ronnie.


The Pro conference was to reveal an upgraded piece of hardware by showing it off to the industry people who attended. And the folks at digital foundry were indeed blown away by it, and wrote up their impressions right away.


I can't help but facepalm when you try to pass judgement on a conference which you viewed in non 4K and non HDR when the whole deal of the conference was to show off just these things! It just makes me think you have literally no clue what you're talking about from a technical perspective.


I'm well aware I'm not able to truly experience the incredible game-changing innovations like deeper blacks and more pixels on a 1080p stream. Thanks.


I personally feel the product itself is a pointless counter productive waste of time but apart from that the presentation itself was just terrible, a feeling mirrored by most of the industry. It's considered a joke in the same way as the Wii Music demo years ago or the Giant enemy crab PS3 showing are.

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The games were good. Highly rated and sold very well considering the small install base. The wii u was toxic however and no games were going to save it. The ports will still sell well.


Thought I'd replied earlier to this one! I do agree that I think the games were good - some of the content on WiiU was excellent - but at the same time I've also not brought myself to fully explore them. It was the system letting me down rather than the games I think; some of what the Switch is doing might fix that for me(a decent online infrastructure will matter, even if it's just to be chatting whilst I'm playing) but the portability possibilities make it interesting. The other plus side - as the WiiU burnt me out I didn't get at least XCX - so having a Switch port may well work for me when it comes to it. Not sure what else I'd get on a port front(Splatoon as I've said needs some desperate fixes, but it's a good shout as a pack-in which I'm sort of not paying for again).

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Just gonna leave this here...


Erm, there's no contradiction between my two posts. Reports from people in the know say Switch's first year will be amazing, without specifying much about the games we can expect themselves.


All we know for sure is what's confirmed, Zelda and some new Mario game. It's hard to judge the thing's launch when we basically barely know anything about it.

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I thought it was pretty obvious what I was getting at by saying 'a bit portable'. It was portable enough for the people who mostly play handhelds at home (which is probably most people in this country). We're not so much like Japan.


That's why I question whether the portability aspect is enough to sell this console, if a lot of games will be ports.


Nope, not to me, the word "portable" made me think about being able to carry it to various locations with out being tethere - sorry!


But sure, those buying the switch with the primary intention of having a home console, yeah it's not as big a deal. Unless the Switch is popular enough to break into their friends group and a local multiplayer mode is incorporated into these games.

The online modes in MK8, splatoon and smash are all perfectly adequate as local multiplayer modes for the switch, so I can see that being fun. Even if the switch is viewed almost as a portable home console, with one player playing on the tv and other players playing on their "gamepads"



if the docked Switch has all the online bells and whistles I guess something like 70% on here desire, again all the better.


And simply market penetration = friends group penetration.

Out of my friends group I think 3 own a Wii U (including one who has gaming systems seemingly more as a museum collection).

that's pretty high for back in the UK, at what, about 1% of my friends group. But up that to a healthier 5/6 and the Wii U starts to become something we could actually chat about as friends. Even better if it pushes towards tens of people like the Wii did. And at that point, games become talking points - hence a selling point for those who enjoyed them first time round!

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I won't be unhappy. If I don't want what Emily Rogers calls a "much better version of Mario Kart 8", I won't buy it. Easy. There'll be plenty more original games to play I'm sure. Ports and remasters are EVERYWHERE in the industry these days, we can do worse than these brilliant games being given a second life, it could be games that have no place in modern gaming like Parappa or Crash Bandicoot.


Dat bait. :D




Well, at least my day has started off with a laugh.

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we can do worse than these brilliant games being given a second life, it could be games that have no place in modern gaming like Parappa or Crash Bandicoot.


I literally had to read that twice! Geez Ronnie, that's pretty crummy bait, even by your standards.

I mean, I don't care as much as you do, but even I can see the appeal behind bringing them back. Just because you didn't like them, doesn't mean they don't have fans. Then again, you think Yooka-Laylee is pointless these days, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

You know, part of me wants them to announce Switch versions just to see the amount of crow you'd have to swallow.


EDIT: Of course they'd announce a time just as I was posting. Where are you, Ninjas? I know you're watching!

Anyway, that's a Friday. I might be able to catch it!

Edited by Glen-i
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I think they wanted to release some info early so that I could make a more informed decision about what to do with any money I get for my birthday on the 15th.


Wait, hold up! 15th of January?

But that's my birthday!

Are you actually me?

Next you're gonna be telling me you were born in 1990!

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Dat bait. :D




Well, at least my day has started off with a laugh.


Watch out. Throwing in snarky gifs like that might get you in trouble :p



Hm, I will probably not watch the presentation. Doesn't interest me that much and it's way too early.

Looking forward to reading up about it in the morning : peace:

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Erm, there's no contradiction between my two posts. Reports from people in the know say Switch's first year will be amazing, without specifying much about the games we can expect themselves.


All we know for sure is what's confirmed, Zelda and some new Mario game. It's hard to judge the thing's launch when we basically barely know anything about it.


You basically said "you don't have enough knowledge to be cynical but we have enough to be positive". We have the same amount of knowledge, how we interpret it is our prerogative. Some will be optimistic, some won't.

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So 4am on Friday 13th of January 2017... :blank:


Quality timing there but I can only assume that it's because it's a worldwide presentation and if it's hosted Live in Japan then that would make it 2PM over there? (At a guess, I haven't bothered to check)


Either way, I'll catch it a few hours later thanks. :heh:

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So 4am on Friday 13th of January 2017... :blank:


Quality timing there but I can only assume that it's because it's a worldwide presentation and if it's hosted Live in Japan then that would make it 2PM over there? (At a guess, I haven't bothered to check)


Either way, I'll catch it a few hours later thanks. :heh:


I work at 7am on Friday so I either wait until I get home that evening or I have an early night and get up at 4am..

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I work at 7am on Friday so I either wait until I get home that evening or I have an early night and get up at 4am..


I would go with waiting until the evening personally if it was me. :)


I work from around midday to 9:30PM on Friday so it wouldn't be good for me to get less sleep and be dead on my feet (even more than usual) :p for that kind of shift.


I'm still looking forward to learning new information though, or in the words of Brandon Jones on Easy Allies...


Oh I, just cannnn't wait, for the Swiiiittttttccch! :D

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Yeah I'll be missing it as well because I'll be playing it later that day and I need sleep. I share everyone's pain.


But seriously, 4am? Even just moving it back two hours would make it 4pm in Tokyo, 2am in New York, 11pm in California and 6am here (if I've got my timezones correct which I probably haven't).

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