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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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We got some 'MAXIM' light bulbs delivered to work the other day and it made me think of Maximillian Roivas and, therefore, Eternal Darkness :heh:


I'm gonna nominate you for the "Best lame excuse to play a game" award!




Recently, I replayed Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS.


For those not in the know, Tales of the Abyss is an action RPG in the long running "Tales of" Series that Namco own.

This particular one is a port of the PS2 game, which never came out over here.


The game revolves around some bloke called Luke, a noble who spends his days wasting his time stuck at home because he got kidnapped 7 years ago and his parents are too scared to let him out.

The only time he ever has any excitement is when his Sword mentor, Van, comes to help him train.

During one of these training sessions, a woman tries to assassinate Van and when Luke intervenes, the woman and Luke get teleported off to some valley far, far, away.


The story is pretty good really, with a good cast that are voiced particularly well for the most part. And considering this was a game that came out in 2005 originally, that's quite impressive.

The only main character I have issues with is the actual main character, Luke, who develops from a whiny, punchable little git into a mopey, punchable little git.

He's right up there in my "worst RPG protagonist" list.



He's gonna need that Free Run when Tear snaps and tries to knife him.


Luckily, the other characters are genuinely interesting. But the true star of the show is Jade. A mid-30's colonel with a hilariously sarky sense of humour.



Also, he has a very awesome belt!


(Go on, click that link, it's timestamped!) It's helped further by having a good voice actor as well.


And naturally, he's the most useful character in the game!




Enough of that, on to the gameplay.

It's your typical RPG fare, run around a gigantic world and fight stuff to level up, etc. But the thing that differentiates the "Tales" series are the battles.


As you might have guessed from the video above, battles are done in real time, with you controlling one of the party members and engaging the enemy using a combination of attacks and special artes.

I do really like this system, as it encourages good use of placement and co-ordination with team members, as with good timing, you can lock enemies in a stagger and really lay on a combo of pain.

You can also give commands to your teammates to use one of their skills in times of trouble.


It's genuinely fun and feels more like a fighting game than an RPG.

But unfortunately, the gameplay outside of the battles is pretty basic and has a tendency to be interrupted by cutscenes, especially near the end of the game. Of course, if Jade's around, this isn't a problem. But otherwise, it might be annoying to the impatient players out there.


Being a 3DS port of a PS2 game, the loading times are much better then the disc-based PS2 version, there's also a more stable frame rate, although it dips a little on the World Map sometimes.

However, there is no multiplayer co-op feature like the PS2 game had, but good luck finding someone with this game anyway, so it's not a big deal breaker.

Other than that and a few tiny gameplay tweaks, it's a straight port.


Visuals are nice, they've aged better than most PS2 games due to adopting a kind of cel-shading style.

The 3DS version naturally has stereoscopic 3D effects, but they're pretty average and don't really add much to the game.


Music is nice too, nothing truly memorable, but nothing painful either.


The 3DS has a few RPG's and this certainly isn't a bad one. But if you've ever tried a "Tales of" game and didn't enjoy it, this isn't going to change your mind. (You play one "Tales of" game and you've pretty much played them all.)

If you haven't tried it and like action RPG's, you should give it a go, I'm sure you could find it for cheap these days.

...Or maybe not...


And with that...


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 3DS

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - 3DS

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe - 3DS

Banjo-Tooie - N64

Metroid Zero Mission - GBA (Not 100%)

Child of Light - Wii U (Single Character challenge)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Everything, baby!)

Super Mario World - SNES

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 3DS (Credits seen)

Super Mario 64 - N64 (120 stars)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - 3DS

Final Fantasy 8 - PS1

Tengami - WiiU

Earthbound Beginnings - NES

Puzzle & Dragons Z - 3DS

Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition - 3DS

Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies - Wii

Pokemon Blue - GB

Kirby Dream Land 2 - GB

Kirby's Fun Pak - SNES

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - N64

Kirby: Nightmare In Dream Land - GBA

Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - GBA

Kirby's Epic Yarn - Wii

Super Smash Bros. - Wii U (100%)

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - DS

The Last Story - Wii

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise - Wii

Rhythm Paradise - DS

Shin Megami Tensei IV - 3DS

Super Mario Bros. - SNES (Super Mario All-Stars Version)

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - NGC

Super Mario Maker - WiiU

Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows - 3DS

The Beginner's Guide - PC

Undertale - PC

3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - 3DS

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - 3DS (100%)

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - 3DS

Tales of the Abyss - 3DS


Edited by Glen-i
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@Glen\-i talking about Tales of Abyss and not mentioning Karma by Bump of Chicken is a disgrace! For shame! It's a brilliant song and one I have on my phone as part of my running/jogging playlist.


How did I know you'd have something to say? It always seems to happen whenever I play an RPG that was on a Playstation console.

Don't ever stop, I like a bit of debate.


You mean this?


Fun fact: Half of the stuff here doesn't even happen in the game!


Yes, I chose the English one, because it's the one I saw and the one N-Europe is most likely to see.


Yeah, it's a great song. But it kind of hypes up the soundtrack to be a lot more than it actually is. The rest of the OST doesn't even stand a chance after that and it leaves a kind of forgettable taste in my mouth.


The quality of the song hurts the actual games soundtrack more than it helps it. That sounds weird, but maybe you'll get what I'm trying to get at.

Granted, it's a really great opening and I probably should have mentioned it.

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The story is pretty good really, with a good cast that are voiced particularly well for the most part. And considering this was a game that came out in 2005 originally, that's quite impressive.

The only main character I have issues with is the actual main character, Luke, who develops from a whiny, punchable little git into a mopey, punchable little git.

He's right up there in my "worst RPG protagonist" list.


Funny, we seem to have opposing views, here. I actually like Luke as a protagonist, but I feel the writing of the main plot needs some serious work (then again, I played the PS2 version, maybe the villain's motivations are more clear in the update).


Jade was definitely the best character, though. I love that learning about his backstory is optional, too.

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Just finished South Park: The Stick of Truth. Thought it was fantastic. The end went on a bit too long, with a few too many final bosses, but ultimately i thought the difficulty was just perfect. There were a few bosses who were a little bit tricky and required dying a few times and coming back to re-think (looking at you Al Gore), but it never felt unfair. Loved the humour too, especially the Canada levels. I'm a bit sick of RPG's now though, they get a bit tedious towards the end.


Borderlands: The Pre-sequel

South Park: Stick of Truth



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I've had a lousy month for gaming. The games I wanted to play aren't working (goddammit GOG, get your shit together), and I've had little motivation to play any alternatives.


So, a 0.89€ game popped up on GOG, and I thought, fuck it, let's take a look.



"Lilly"? Why the extra L? Who knows?

A nice, short point&click. Two hours, tops. Gorgeous animations, and great music. Consists only of a few neat puzzles. However, the pace is slow, the story is only vaguely implied, and the whole thing feels like a demo/prequel, really. 90 cents is the right price for it.


But after the somewhat shitty month, this might've been the game I needed.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb Beaten (Last played: 11th January)

-Hitman Contracts Beaten (2nd February)

-Sonic CD Completed (19th February)

-Puzzle Agent Completed (17th February)

-Teslagrad Completed (8th March)

-Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut Beaten (14th March)

-The Whispered World Completed (11th April)

-Rogue Legacy Beaten (6th May)

-Kirby's Dream Course Beaten (4th June)

-Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Completed (7th June)

-Out There Somewhere Completed (26th June)

-Spelunky Beaten (29th June)

-Kuru Kuru Kururin Beaten (19th July)

-BEEP Completed (20th July)

-Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament Completed (8th August)

-Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator Completed (16th August)

-Polarity Beaten (19th August)

-Back to the Future: The Game Completed (27th August)

-A Bird Story Completed (24th September)

-Mega Man VII Completed (26th September)

-Camera Obscura Beaten (26th September)

-To the Moon: Sigmund Minisodes 1&2 Completed (28th September)

-Binding of Isaac (Round 2) Beaten (12th October)

-Puzzle Agent 2 Completed (13th October)

-Lilly Looking Through Completed (10th November)


Currently Playing:

-Plants vs Zombies

-Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

On Hold/Hiatus:

-Shadow Man



-Enemy Mind Needs gamepad (25th March)


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Symphonia is still my favourite, but Abyss is good stuff as well. It really needs to be cut down tremendously though, at least by half its length. Good god that game is padded out to hell!


It was also one of the few 3D Tales games that actually had a somewhat interesting overworld, before they sucked all the gameplay out of the out-of-battle sections and turned all the dungeons into linear corridors with nothing of interest in them.


How did I know you'd have something to say? It always seems to happen whenever I play an RPG that was on a Playstation console.

Don't ever stop, I like a bit of debate.


You mean this?


Fun fact: Half of the stuff here doesn't even happen in the game!


Yes, I chose the English one, because it's the one I saw and the one N-Europe is most likely to see.


Yeah, it's a great song. But it kind of hypes up the soundtrack to be a lot more than it actually is. The rest of the OST doesn't even stand a chance after that and it leaves a kind of forgettable taste in my mouth.


The quality of the song hurts the actual games soundtrack more than it helps it. That sounds weird, but maybe you'll get what I'm trying to get at.

Granted, it's a really great opening and I probably should have mentioned it.


Agreed with this as well. That's like the one good song in the game :laughing:


Really, the music in Tales games outside of the openings hasn't really been noteworthy since Symphonia and Legendia. That's not really Sakuraba's fault though as he is apparently being asked to stick with making bland music at the request of Namco


Though he definitely does have a recognisable signature style, he actually does have some range. You wouldn't believe that the same composer who does the Tales games also does the music for Dark Souls and Baten Kaitos!


Also as many of you know he composed some of the music for Kid Icarus Uprising, including Dark Pit's theme...



It's a shame that he gets typecasted so much because he clearly is capable of delivering something much more interesting when he gets the chance!

Edited by Dcubed
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Finished Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) last night. Not bad, but not great either. It felt like I was playing Halo 2 all over again. I never cared for Locke as a character and wasn't happy that most of the game is spent playing as him. The ending, while not as bad as Halo 2s, was still disappointing due to the cliffhanger. I now have to wait another 2-3 years to finish the fight...again.


Gameplay wise the game was great. The areas are a lot more open now, which branch paths that allow for flanking and other approaches. I think 343 done a really good job of creating levels based around co-op. Sadly, I had to play this on my own but I could appreciate the level design regardless.


I think your team AI is a bit iffy in places. There were numerous times where I got downed and called for someone to come pick me up, yet all then done was either stand there or charge straight into a bunch of enemies and get killed. Very annoying.


I think the soundtrack also lacked any real good tunes. Halo 4 got blasted by fans for not having a good soundtrack but at least they had Arrival, which is a fantastic tune and another one I have on my phone for running/jogging routines. This game just lacked any memorable track.


It was a decent game but I was hoping for a little more from the story. If I had read the books leading up to the game then I probably would have enjoyed it more.

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Finished up Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 on the PS4 last night and still wondering what the hell was going on with that story in the campaign.


First impressions really weren't great as it took near enough 2 hours to "install", patch and then actually install the components of the game before I could crack on with it. It's a bloody console, not a PC so why does it have to install Zombies first before you can boot it up, then leave you hanging for 40 minutes or so to install Multiplayer next and then another 40 minutes for the Campaign. :mad: I thought Battlefield Hardline was bad for installing but this one took the biscuit. Nearly decided to stop the installation and uninstall on first boot up I was that annoyed with it.


Anyway, after that farce, I got on with the Campaign. The last Treyarch game I played was the first Black Ops and I remember it being good on the narrative front. I don't know what happened with the second one as I didn't end up playing it but this is a self contained story from what I got out of it, which wasn't much. The general premise is a good one and I can see how it would make for an interesting narrative but Treyarch squandered it with using it in a Call of Duty setting and not really giving enough depth to take much from the story.


The story is a mess right from the off as there's no real explanation for the first mission and its wider implications. Essentially you rescue an Egyptian General and some of his squad from a prison in Ethiopia for the sole purpose of setting up the latter half of the game where you're fighting in Egypt against some anomalous enemy referred to as the NRC and that's it. In between that, there's something about an outbreak of something in Singapore which is contained behind a wall and the people still living there are being oppressed by another enemy force, the 54 Immortals, and members of your Black Ops group going rogue due to the digital neural interface thing in their heads.


Some exposition to explain things would have really helped the story because, as I say, the premise of it is a good one: we've become so reliant on technology, what happens when it starts to develop itself, especially when we put that technology in our heads and connect it to a network of people and communications devices. It's something that would have worked far better outside of a Call of Duty setting as it doesn't mash up with the level of destruction and fighting going on right from the off.


Not to say there aren't some good bits to the story. There was a very weird sequence involving taking data out of a people's head and going through her memories as she tried to hang on to them. But they were really few and far between.


Wasn't keen on the inclusion of robots this time around as a variant of enemy. Too much cannon fodder, especially towards the end where there is continuous spawning of them from their 'monster closets'. Thought we'd moved passed this but apparently not.


Overall, the campaign plays well but feels like they're thrown the standard Call of Duty motifs (and even these are lacking in comparison to previous entries) on top of what could have been an interesting story.


Multiplayer is solid, thankfully. The improvements to the movement system brought in with Advanced Warfare make it a much faster paced game and do lend more strategy to how you flank your enemies. Sadly, lag compensation is still a massive issue and there are still quite a lot of people out there using lag switching to get the upper hand.


And Zombies is, well, Zombies. Never been that fussed with it to be honest so haven't really put much time into it and probably won't, same for multiplayer from now on.


Definitely feel that Advanced Warfare last year was the stronger title, even if the movement is more refined here. Does feel like a big drop in quality despite a longer dev cycle and does make me wonder if the series is slowly on its way out now.


Thomas Was Alone + Benjamin’s Flight DLC

Never Alone + FoxTales DLC

The Unfinished Swan


Rayman Legends

White Night


Broken Age


Pneuma: Breath of Life


Sound Shapes

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture


Tembo the Badass Elephant

Qube: Director’s Cut

Infamous: Second Son

Valiant Hearts

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tearaway Unfolded

Life Is Strange


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3


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Nabbed the platinum and finished Teslagrad (PS4) yesterday. Certainly a fun, yet tricky, little game. I probably wouldn't have purchased it myself but this is one of the joys of PS+, you get to play games you otherwise wouldn't have tried.


Some of the trophies/scrolls were a right pain in the butt to get, even when using a trophy guide. This one here...




...took me ages to nab. I died so many times trying to get to the top. The first time I reached the top I was too slow and missed the scroll. This also caused a checkpoint to hit, so I had to wait a while before I could make my way back down to the bottom and have another crack at it.


Not sure what to play next. ::shrug:

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Not sure what to play next. ::shrug:
Looking at your trophy list there's quite a few PS+ titles you don't appear to have played which are worth checking out: :)


The Swapper


Yakuza 4

Rogue Legacy

OlliOlli 2

Papo & Yo


Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Super Time Force Ultra


: peace:

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Managed to finish up The Talos Principle last night.


Always enjoyed a good puzzle game and really enjoyed first person offerings like the two Portal games and Qube before it, so this was right up my street. And I loved every second of it.


The puzzles were great throughout the whole game, something that from playing these types of games is something that some games struggle to manage. It eases you into the basic principles and mechanics well but doesn't do much hand holding; you're left to experiment with the stuff you're given and the environment to figure things out. While some might not be too keen on that, I felt it added to the experience and definitely gave me a strong sense of satisfaction upon completing the puzzles.


It also slowly adds in new mechanics as you go along and slowly ramps up the difficulty in terms of using things in conjunction with one another to get to the solution. It starts out simple with Jammers which halt barriers as long as they're in place and then adds in laser connectors, blocks, fans and then a record/play mechanic that lets you spawn a double of you to place items or stand on pressure pads to help you progress. They're all handled really well and you get eased into them slowly enough that you don't feel too overwhelmed.


I thought the game managed to strike a good balance in terms of having a broad spectrum of difficulty for the puzzles. Some are straight forward and you'll figure out quickly, some of them will leave you scratching your head for a bit and then others require some thinking about not just what needs to be done immediately but what needs to happen immediately after you make your first move and beyond. Some of the latter puzzles particularly act as a perfect example of this and though there were times were having to be very precise with the placement of items got a bit irritating, I never felt hard done by.


The whole philosophical idea behind the setting and the logs and entries you find on computers through out the world, as well as a conversation with what I'm guessing is an AI in a computer, were very interesting. I always looked forward to hearing the computers blipping and blopping to see what the next conversation would bring and how it would try to poke holes in the beliefs and answers you present. The overarching theme of consciousness and what it is to be conscious was used well and it didn't feel like you were being force feed the stuff. I enjoyed it anyway as it was a fascinating idea for an underlying plot that is something most games would never touch.


So yeah, overall a very good game and happy to have finally gotten the chance to play in on the PS4, even if it did take nearly a year to come out. Have got the expansion, Road to Gehenna, to play at some point but think I'll take a little bit of a break from breaking free from computer simulations and get back into finished up the Uncharted Collection or starting season 1 of The Walking Dead.


Thomas Was Alone + Benjamin’s Flight DLC

Never Alone + FoxTales DLC

The Unfinished Swan


Rayman Legends

White Night


Broken Age


Pneuma: Breath of Life


Sound Shapes

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture


Tembo the Badass Elephant

Qube: Director’s Cut

Infamous: Second Son

Valiant Hearts

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tearaway Unfolded

Life Is Strange


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

The Talos Principle


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Looking at your trophy list there's quite a few PS+ titles you don't appear to have played which are worth checking out: :)


The Swapper


Yakuza 4

Rogue Legacy

OlliOlli 2

Papo & Yo


Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Super Time Force Ultra


: peace:


I started Papa & Yo but stopped due to how rough and janky it was.

Apotheon is supposed to be a glitchy mess, even with patches.

Yakuza 4 I wont play as I want to play the first 3 before that one.

STFU looks too chaotic for my liking.


I think the only one out of them that I would probably play is Guacamelee. Lostmario keeps telling me to play Grow Home. I started it and quickly knocked it off due to the amount of screen tearing that the game suffered from. Easily one of my biggest pet peeves when playing a game. Apparently a patch fixed this so I may give it another try.


I'm closing in on the big 100 and would like play a memorable game for that milestone.

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I started Papa & Yo but stopped due to how rough and janky it was.

Apotheon is supposed to be a glitchy mess, even with patches.

Yakuza 4 I wont play as I want to play the first 3 before that one.

STFU looks too chaotic for my liking.


I think the only one out of them that I would probably play is Guacamelee. Lostmario keeps telling me to play Grow Home. I started it and quickly knocked it off due to the amount of screen tearing that the game suffered from. Easily one of my biggest pet peeves when playing a game. Apparently a patch fixed this so I may give it another try.


I'm closing in on the big 100 and would like play a memorable game for that milestone.

I couldn't get into Grow Home at all. The screen tearing (which I'm usually not too fused by) was really off-putting, and having to re-climb the vine after falling got pretty dull too. :hmm:


Guacamelee is great, you should definitely check it out.

Probably an easy plat for you as well, seeing as I got it. ;)

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Jesus Christ...how much freetime do you have? :D


Haha. The crazy thing is not much. You'd expect that I'm some lazy SOB on benefits when actually I work a 40 hour week ( 50 if you count the time I need to drive to and from work). I play with X-Rays for 8 hours, drive home, go to the gym, make something to eat and then relax with gaming.


I usually plan my time well ahead. Like if I want to get home earlier to play a game then I will either go swimming at half six in the morning before work or go for a run on my lunch break. It saves going to the gym afterwards.

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I started Papa & Yo but stopped due to how rough and janky it was.

Apotheon is supposed to be a glitchy mess, even with patches.

Yakuza 4 I wont play as I want to play the first 3 before that one.

STFU looks too chaotic for my liking.


I think the only one out of them that I would probably play is Guacamelee. Lostmario keeps telling me to play Grow Home. I started it and quickly knocked it off due to the amount of screen tearing that the game suffered from. Easily one of my biggest pet peeves when playing a game. Apparently a patch fixed this so I may give it another try.


I'm closing in on the big 100 and would like play a memorable game for that milestone.


Play The Witcher 3.

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Nabbed the platinum and finished Teslagrad (PS4) yesterday. Certainly a fun, yet tricky, little game. I probably wouldn't have purchased it myself but this is one of the joys of PS+, you get to play games you otherwise wouldn't have tried.


Some of the trophies/scrolls were a right pain in the butt to get, even when using a trophy guide. This one here...




...took me ages to nab. I died so many times trying to get to the top. The first time I reached the top I was too slow and missed the scroll. This also caused a checkpoint to hit, so I had to wait a while before I could make my way back down to the bottom and have another crack at it.


Not sure what to play next. ::shrug:

Oh man, don't get me started on that checkpoint in Teslagrad! Aside from that though, the game was pretty cool. Kinda funny how you go gold trophies just for finding one item.

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Play The Witcher 3.


I actually cancelled the Amazon order not long after I ordered it. I've been good this year in terms of buying games only when I'm ready to play them. I still have other stuff on the backlog that could be played and figured I don't actually need Witcher yet.


I'm sorry Flinky. Go easy on me....

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1-up Mushroom

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