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Do you want the Turok games on VC? Then speak up.


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Classic Media open to the idea of putting the Turok games on the Virtual Console


Interested in seeing the Turok games on the Virtual Console? Then let Classic Media know!


Classic Media now owns the rights to the Turok franchise and the company is open to the idea of Virtual Console releases. One fan has apparently been told that now is the time to speak up, so if this is something you’d like to see, send an email to [email protected].


It sounds like the Turok titles would head to the Wii U as opposed to Wii, which makes sense since Nintendo’s older console is out of the picture. Still, things could be tricky givem how the N64 VC hasn’t launched on Wii U just yet.




I'd definitely want the sequel over the original. It would be even better if it could get a remake. I'd love to know how much Classic Media paid to buy the rights.

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Didn't Disney buy the Turok licence when Acclaim went bust?


Yeah I think you're right. Maybe Classic Media own the old games just. Why Disney bought the ip to leave it in the grave makes no sense?

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There seems to be no source (it links to GoNintendo who says "Brad" gave them the news).


On top of that, Classic Media were purchased two years ago by Dreamworks and renamed DreamWorks Classics.


Edit: Looking into it more, Classic Media have owned the Turok license since 2004, so it seems that Disney just helped to publish it.


Still, it's still odd that they use their old name.

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There seems to be no source (it links to GoNintendo who says "Brad" gave them the news).


On top of that, Classic Media were purchased two years ago by Dreamworks and renamed DreamWorks Classics.


Edit: Looking into it more, Classic Media have owned the Turok license since 2004, so it seems that Disney just helped to publish it.


Still, it's still odd that they use their old name.


Yeah, according to the wiki for Valiant Comics (the creators of the 1990's rebooted Turok comic book series - who licensed the character from its original owners), they bought back the rights to all of their comic boom series after Acclaim went bust - but the rights to Turok reverted to Classic Media; who had previously bought the IP catalogue of Western Publishing/Golden Book Comics (who were the original creators of the Turok character and the first run of comics)


Western Publishing's IP catalogue was then subsequently purchased by Classic Media, who were then themselves bought by Dreamworks Animation in 2012...


So it seems that a release would rightfully come down to the guys in charge at Dreamworks... But they're probably looking for some support to get the ball rolling internally.

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Those were the days though eh? Three sequels on one console... Never really got into Turok though.


It was pants to be honest, nice to have a FPS early on in the life of the console, but truly not an outstanding series of games in any sense. I had the original and the sequel, and neither got much more than 5 hours play time.

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It was pants to be honest, nice to have a FPS early on in the life of the console, but truly not an outstanding series of games in any sense. I had the original and the sequel, and neither got much more than 5 hours play time.


The biggest problem with the N64 games were their ridiculous save systems (something which would actually be rectified by a Wii U VC release funnily enough!). The levels were far too long and convoluted to have such sparse save points.


The first two games were actually very forward thinking for their time; in many ways they laid the groundwork for the Metroid Prime series (which is oddly fitting, considering that Retro initially consisted of most of the staff behind Turok 1 & 2 - most of them ended up leaving before Prime 1's development started proper, but a good few like Mark Pachini were kept on), what with their open ended environments, focus on exploration and light platforming, boss battles and they even share a lot of the same subtle touches (like being able to shoot birds out of the sky, tricking enemies into killing each other etc).


I'd love to see them hit the VC. Not only could it fix the framerate problems, but we could finally play them without those ridiculously spartan save points! :D

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Enjoying reading the history of who owns what. Interesting to think that early Turok had some influence on Metroid.


Those were the days though eh? Three sequels on one console... Never really got into Turok though.


Wasn't there another, multiplayer only, Turok as well?

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I think I only played one of the Turok games but no idea which one. When I had my N64 it was also around the same time I was doing a lot of PC gaming so I was never all that impressed with shooters on the consoles by comparison. Its the same reason I dont have the same love for Goldeneye that a lot of others do I think.

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Yeah, that was Rage Wars. Me and my mates used to play the hell out of that one. It's probably the one I enjoyed the most.


Never did get Rage Wars, but I'd love to give it a go. Turok 2's multiplayer with the monkey and the playable raptor was always a guilty pleasure of mine :hehe:


I remember hearing that there was some sort of game breaking bug with one of the final challenges that made it impossible to complete the game though... Supposedly there was a fixed version (I think it was the grey cart version), but IIRC, they're ridiculously rare... (Of course, that would be the version that would use for a potential Wii U VC release ;) )

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Turok and I have an odd history.


1996, and like any 6 year old kid, I asked for an N64 with Super Mario 64 for Christmas.


I got an N64, but I got Turok 1 (and Extreme G, but that's for another time).


My Dad didn't seem to mind the '15' rating it had, must have been desperate because Mario 64 had sold out. At least, I hope it sold out... I never did find out, it's quite possible my dad got me it because he wanted me to play a game like that.


Turok was my first ever FPS, and I couldn't get past the tutorial. My poor 6 year old mind just couldn't grasp the concept of jumping in first person. I could finish Super Mario World, but this just felt foreign.


I went back to it one day, when i was like, 14 or something. Got past the tutorial pretty easily then actually felt excited to see what the game was like...


...It's crap.


Now, I pretty much hate FPS games with a passion (Perfect Dark multiplayer is good for a laugh, but anything else? Nah...) But this was bad even with that in mind. It's just not very fun.


Now I'm all for bringing Turok to VC, if only because there aren't any N64 games yet, and I can't figure out why...

But don't go expecting me to shell out for it.

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I got an N64, but I got Turok 1 (and Extreme G, but that's for another time).


My Dad didn't seem to mind the '15' rating it had, must have been desperate because Mario 64 had sold out. At least, I hope it sold out... I never did find out, it's quite possible my dad got me it because he wanted me to play a game like that.

That is weird... My brother and I used to save money for a new game and we alternated on the choice. I chose Turok 1 but Mum came back with Mario 64!


Eventually bought Turok 2, couldn't get past the first level because the first decent checkpoint was about 90% into the level. Used cheat codes.


Multiplayer was fun but basically abused the Cerebral Bore. It's a bit like the alien gun thing in South Park, as soon as the effect wears off you hit them again. Nothing anyone can do about it.

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Barely played Turok 1, but I own Turok 2.


Back in the day, I also found it "too hard" even though I never actually tried beating it. Like others, I messed around with cheats to see the bosses, but I had no clue how I was supposed to defeat them without cheats.


Like I said, I never actually tried beating it, I finished the first 3 levels without any problems, than simply stopped because I was dreading those later enemies and bosses.. After this talk and watching a let´s play, I´m almost inclined to play it again to see how hard it actually is (or how much I´ve improved ;)).


Anyway, apart from that, there were things I really loved about the game. Atmosphere is great, and so was the music. Most people will remember the game for its awesome weapons, but for me the highlight were always the animations, which were somewhat tied to the weapons, but still. Every enemy had various death animations, depending on what kind of weapon you used and where you dealt the killing blow. Seeing one of the standard enemies commit suicide for the first time when succumbing to superior fire power.. was simply amazing. And that was just one of many death animations.

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