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@Pestneb, Serebii isn't right. They spoke about going from the hub to online, why not mention it there? Even something as simple as "from there you can connect to lobbies and chat with friends, and you can chat during the battles too." How is that not a missed opportunity?!


That is a way they could have addressed the topic of communication. They could also have maybe told us how the gamepad was used in the hub. They didn't as far as I recall - although my memory is far from infallible - does this mean it isn't used? They introduced the hub, and they explained player customisation. Short and focused. It may have left a lot of information out... but not half as much as project treasure did!


I understand you wanted them to include information that is important to you, but this is mainly to keep the game in peoples minds before they are ready to give out more info. I'm guessing we'll find out about voice chat etc. in april/may possibly

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Anywaaay, about the actual game... looks fantastic IMO. Really like the hub world, and just visually the whole game looks lovely. Can't wait.


I'm glad I don't really care about this game because it's really fugly looking.


Facepalm. I'm glad you don't really care about this game either. Carry on ignoring the gems that Nintendo have to offer while the rest of us have a blast playing them.

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Tbh I think voice chat isn't important to any game, really.


If you really think that then you can't have played many different types of games. There's a lot of co-op games where voice chat can be pretty crucial. Raids in Destiny are a great example.


Looking at the screenshots for this, I actually find myself agreeing with Wii a little. From a visual perspective it looks pretty dire. Could still be a fun game though.

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If you really think that then you can't have played many different types of games. There's a lot of co-op games where voice chat can be pretty crucial. Raids in Destiny are a great example.


Looking at the screenshots for this, I actually find myself agreeing with Wii a little. From a visual perspective it looks pretty dire. Could still be a fun game though.


I said that exact same thing to Ine earlier when watching the direct. I don't know what it is exactly, but it looks quite "off". Don't know whether it's the models or the colours, but just something about it seems cheap. I'm half tempted to blame the video and maybe it'll look better when it's actually there in front of you.

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I'm finding all this talk of it looking 'cheap' rather bizarre based on today's showing. Prior to now, I've actually felt that it appeared to lack the polish of a top quality title but I came away from the Direct more interested in it than I've ever been :smile:


I'm by no means sold on it just yet, but it has creeped onto my radar..

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The games looks amazing, and voice chat in general doesn't bother me, however in this it's kind of vital and will dampen my excitement for it if it doesn't have it.


As for wasnt relevent... It on,y wasn't relvenet in your eyes because they didn't mention it. they chatted about various elements, including an online hub, they could've, and should've easily mentioned. In the smash direct the specifically said you can voice chat in lobbies, it in game as it'll affect performance. They should've mentioned it, Nintendo know people want it.


It HAS to have it. But it being Nintendo it wouldn't surprise anyone if it didn't.

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Surely, for the love of gawd, the voice chat discussion has been exhausted by now?


Good luck. People are desperate to know, so it'll keep getting brought up every time nintendo talk about this gsme and don't mention it. Then when they do, either way that'll co to ue the chat in positive / negative ways.


I feel this game is an opportunity to show they're learning and understsnding. A mini statement of intent. Just fear they are completely clueless as to what they need to be doing. But hopefully they see sense.

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It could also mean that the developers want to implement voicechat and trying to get it to work but haven't figured out yet?


They have figured out a way but haven't had approval yet?


There are a lot of possible explanations for not mentioning it (yet).

They showed a game currently in development, you will never know everything about what a game will have on offer until it releases.


Then again, I can understand the feeling of frustration when you so desperately want to know if something is in or not. Especially when the past has proven it was more often less than more of what you wanted.

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I'm more delighted with the hipster design of the characters and how Nintendo have their 'gun and run' genre game.

Great they are showing a modern slant in their (usually traditional) designs. And finally they have a shooter title that fits their style/ethos.

It's all good in my opinion. Art style look stylised and fresh/modern/relevant to young and old. Graphics are that balance of style and function (looks clear and it could easily have been a mess with all that paint flying around), and Gameplay looks inventive and fun. Looking forward to this tons.


Amiibo functionality ALA MK8 (IE: Mario hat etc) would be cool too...

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I think it looks fantastic, but that hinges on voice-chat. If it doesn't have it then it just dampens the experience of the team-play online and that's a big no-no for me.


The irony being that you enjoy playing some online multiplayer games by yourself. In other words you are more often than not when playing multiplayer games don't invite or ask anyone to game with you and therefore not voice chatting to a soul for hours at a time.


In light if this it still makes me chuckle how you bang on about voice chat being the thing that makes or breaks a game for you.


I know you enjoy the gameplay of games like BF and CoD so you treat it like a single player game whilst online but it still makes me laugh.

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The irony being that you enjoy playing some online multiplayer games by yourself. In other words you are more often than not when playing multiplayer games don't invite or ask anyone to game with you and therefore not voice chatting to a soul for hours at a time.


In light if this it still makes me chuckle how you bang on about voice chat being the thing that makes or breaks a game for you.


I know you enjoy the gameplay of games like BF and CoD so you treat it like a single player game whilst online but it still makes me laugh.


Your last sentence is key though. I enjoy BF and CoD enough to play on my own. I don't enjoy MK8 or Smash enough to play on my own.

Also, the big thing what you're not appearing to grasp is that when people do join me online in those games, we actually do chat and it becomes even more fun. In MK8 and Smash and probably Splatoon, you fucking can't!

It's this that shows your post holds no water and that you're laughing at nothing. There's no irony in my comments at all.


To show you what I mean, to better help you understand, when we're online together I'll not go on chat with you and we'll game in silence. See how you enjoy it in comparison to being able to chat.

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Your last sentence is key though. I enjoy BF and CoD enough to play on my own. I don't enjoy MK8 or Smash enough to play on my own.

Also, the big thing what you're not appearing to grasp is that when people do join me online in those games, we actually do chat and it becomes even more fun. In MK8 and Smash and probably Splatoon, you fucking can't!

It's this that shows your post holds no water and that you're laughing at nothing. There's no irony in my comments at all.


To show you what I mean, to better help you understand, when we're online together I'll not go on chat with you and we'll game in silence. See how you enjoy it in comparison to being able to chat.


Oh I completely understand and we have gamed before without voice chatting and I agree it isn't as good.


Still cannot deny the fact that you choose to play some multiplayer games knowingly without voice chat.


That is what I find funny.

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Oh I completely understand and we have gamed before without voice chatting and I agree it isn't as good.


Still cannot deny the fact that you choose to play some multiplayer games knowingly without voice chat.


That is what I find funny.


You're not grasping it, evidently.


I don't choose to play those multiplayer games without voice chat, because they have voice chat and so I use it. I use it with randoms sometimes too. Just because I'm not gaming with anyone on my friends list it doesn't mean I'm always silent.

The big thing is voice chat IS in those games.


Really Blade, so that you grasp it, I'll not chat when we play. I actually think it's the only way you'll get it.

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