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@yesteryeargames to say Battlefield is like 99% of all shooters out there is nonsense. Not with all the vehicular combat and destruction in the game.


Sure they're different types of shooters but it still doesn't mean I don't see it as laughable in comparison. The number of maps/game-modes/options etc is far too different to even try to convince me Splatoon isn't woeful.


You may find it fun, but like I find MK8 and Smash, I'm fairly certain I'll just find it utterly soulless thanks the lack of voice-chat and also because of how much of an empty shell of a game it is.

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I take issue with anyone who says the likes of Battlefield, CoD, Halo, Gears of War and Uncharted are all the same type of shooter and play the same. They all play very differently and bring something to the table.


But none of them have colour!

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Incredible. I was thinking exactly the same before you posted :heh:


Not sure what's worse; the generalisation of shooters, or you missing the obvious pun...;)


@kav82 although if you haven't played Splatoon, how can you say it's woeful? It may be lacking features on launch, but at least it's playable unlike Battlefield 4 and Halo MCC to name a few, and what it does offer is fun gameplay. Just because it's missing one feature that you require in your games (and I have no problem with that at all) doesn't mean it's woeful :)

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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I'm loving the single player game in this. I've just beat the 4th boss and am heading to the next area. Whilst the levels are short they are fun to play. I really do hope we get more levels or a fleshed out single player game.


Still loving online too, been in some matches that have really swung in the last minute or so. It really isn't over until that counter hits 0.

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I can't see Battlefield 5, or Halo 5 or Call of Duty 12 being called the "freshest online shooter in ages" like the majority of reviews have called Splatoon. Gameplay wise they may all do things a little differently but they're much of the same in general. And who can blame them, that's what sells these days.

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...@kav82 although if you haven't played Splatoon, how can you say it's woeful? It may be lacking features on launch, but at least it's playable unlike Battlefield 4 and Halo MCC to name a few, and what it does offer is fun gameplay. Just because it's missing one feature that you require in your games (and I have no problem with that at all) doesn't mean it's woeful :)


It's not just one feature though, it's a whole host of them, far too many and we don't know how many of them will be addressed. That's why I can say I feel it's woeful.


I can't see Battlefield 5, or Halo 5 or Call of Duty 12 being called the "freshest online shooter in ages" like the majority of reviews have called Splatoon. Gameplay wise they may all do things a little differently but they're much of the same in general. And who can blame them, that's what sells these days.


They're not much of the same in general. Those 3 games you've listed are vastly different to each other. Not as different as Splatoon, but it's silly to say they're much of the same in general.

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I can't see Battlefield 5, or Halo 5 or Call of Duty 12 being called the "freshest online shooter in ages" like the majority of reviews have called Splatoon. Gameplay wise they may all do things a little differently but they're much of the same in general. And who can blame them, that's what sells these days.


mm.. I'm not the biggest fan of console shooters and I'm really low on experience. But there is a different feel to each of those franchises that even I am aware of, with very limited experience.

But if you look at it that way, mario, sonic and megaman are all the same too, gameplay wise they may all do things a little differently but they're much of the same in general. Doesn't make them bad games, nor would it be strange for a gamer to own titles across all 3 series... And then if a "fresh" franchise platforms in a fresher way, it isn't automatically the best platformer ever.

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So in conclusion it's a shame we're both missing out on well loved games.


Yes, it's just that glaring issues get sorted on the non-Nintendo games. :p



I think the thing that annoys me most with Splatoon is that it had so much potential. So much!

I'm gutted that they've come to the table with such a missed opportunity to really name a AAA blockbuster title and make it the game it deserves to be.

As soon as I saw it I had so many ideas for game modes etc. but it's just so lacking in anything like that it's untrue!


Then they only go and bork all the options online for yet another game. It's so saddening.

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They're a different genre completely, too. You're comparing three different FPSes which play very differently to a third person shooter which is unlike anything we've had before. Just because it is original doesn't make every other shooter poor/obsolete. They all have their place in the market.


It's a shame that Kav isn't giving Splatoon a chance, as I think it's great and we're all having a lot of fun on it. I think he'd love it. But it's clear that online gaming and being able to communicate with his friends is a lot more important to him than it is to you, Ronnie. For me, the missing features aren't a deal breaker, but for him, they are.


(note: I started writing this before the last 5 or so posts!)

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Ronnie hasn't played any of the samey grey brown FPS' and action adventure titles that he compares everything to. It's how things roll dude.


Except that I never judge the quality of those titles. I haven't played them so have no idea if they're actually a good game or not. I do feel confident enough speaking in broad terms about the styles of games they all are, which is all I ever do when I bring them up.

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I really don't know why Splatoon is even being compared with other shooters, it's like comparing apples and oranges. :blank:


Just pick what you like to play and have fun. ::shrug:


Personally I find Splatoon to be fun and COD/Battlefield to be *dire. :hmm:


*This is something I offer no apology for as there is no need, it's just how I feel about certain games.


I've played examples from all of the above as well, this is merely my taste in games, nothing more. :)


*goes back to playing Splatoon*

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I really want to like the other weapons, they are so much cooler. But I just get higher scores with the Splatter Shot Jnr.
I generally do better with the Splattershot Jr. too, but have been sticking to the Roller for a while now, just for the comedy value of squishing unsuspecting inklings with it. :heh:
That alone is worth the drop in points. :D
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Why are we comparing Splatoon to COD again? They are pretty much completely different experiences. Just like Halo, Battlefield and COD are completely different experiences. Play any of them for more than 5 minutes and you'll realise that, wow.


I personally love Halo, but COD can go fuck itself. Battlefield is a game I have barely played so can't really comment beyond a very general "It was pretty interesting".


Anyway... back to the Ink.


Roller is a God-tier troll weapon. I have been decimated so many times by sneaky Squid popping out and hammering me with a jump attack, glorious.


I'm using one of the Airspray weapons at the moment, the silver one. Works well for me with those Seeker projectiles and the Inkzooker... although I find the special a bit hit and miss, quite literally.

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Roller is a God-tier troll weapon. I have been decimated so many times by sneaky Squid popping out and hammering me with a jump attack, glorious.


I'm using one of the Airspray weapons at the moment, the silver one. Works well for me with those Seeker projectiles and the Inkzooker... although I find the special a bit hit and miss, quite literally.


I found a pretty effective way of getting an roller with my bombs, just requires a little inattention on their part, but so far the tactic scores 3 out of 4 attempts for killing the roller guy. The failed attempt involved me not quite having the amount of ink I hoped I had :(

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Dude.. that's beautiful :love:


I don't think anyone appreciated my subtle Fresh Prince reference :red:


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I definitely got a kick out of seeing it on the wall of one of my online matches, though :grin:




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