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Think it's more likely the ones they can't restock are third party characters. It's possible that the contract only allows for a certain amount of those characters to be produced. That's my theory, anyway.


Or Nintendo are just batshit crazy. Either way

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Fred Meyer retail system claims Silver Mario amiibo due out May 29th (UPDATE)


UPDATE - Target is also listing the same date.




This is the best info we have to go on right now. I'm sure Nintendo will clear things up soon, but as for now, get ready for another retailer rush!



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My life is henceforth dedicated to forever searching for a Ness amiibo that is sold at a normal price. It is a sad and hopeless journey, but I must not cry until the end. It's the first time I've actually more than glanced at people reselling amiibo, and geez, it's a sorry thing to look at.


Broadcast Yourself



Why would 14 people buy at this price you are part of the problem.




Since taking this image, the price for the top one has dropped 3 quid, which has made 11 people think "Yes this is a bargain now I'll take it."

(Or maybe they just took 11 off to make it look like it's high in demand).




"I can't possibly afford postage!"




*screams internally and externally and eternally*


The world is full of Porky Minch... Porky Minches? Porky Minchi? Whatever. The world is full of jerks. Jerks and baby bodysuits.


I just keep on posting sad music recently, heh.

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Why is there a baby bodysuit of the Ness Amiibo?

Seriously, I need to know this.

That's going to keep me up at night.

You're buying it, right? :p


Aaaaanyway...my amiibo collection is starting to look like the screen after you beat Classic Mode in Smash Bros...

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It's a disgusting situation now. So many lowlives making profit and so many people failing to see that buying for inflated prices is not just part of the problem but actualy the root of the problem. Just wait and NEVER pay more than RRP, please!! :(


That and Nintendo should make a very clear statement about restocking ALL amiibo, not just in card form.

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It's a disgusting situation now. So many lowlives making profit and so many people failing to see that buying for inflated prices is not just part of the problem but actualy the root of the problem. Just wait and NEVER pay more than RRP, please!! :(


That and Nintendo should make a very clear statement about restocking ALL amiibo, not just in card form.


It's making a few quid on a plastic toy...

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It's making a few quid on a plastic toy...


Haha, I know that it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things, it's just toys. But I've seen resellers who've bought 100+ Ness amiibo via an automated script and reselling them the day of release for €80,-

I find that utterly disgusting and appaling.

And the worst thing: people even seem to buy them for those ridiculous prices...

No wonder the amiibo releases attract so many scalpers, people who buy from them make it appealing to do so.

I seriously think the situation would be a lot less dire if people would stop buying from scalpers for inflated prices. If they can't make a margin, than why should they buy them?

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It's a disgusting situation now. So many lowlives making profit and so many people failing to see that buying for inflated prices is not just part of the problem but actualy the root of the problem. Just wait and NEVER pay more than RRP, please!! :(


That and Nintendo should make a very clear statement about restocking ALL amiibo, not just in card form.

The root problem is that Nintendo aren't making enough to satisfy demand. The people that can't/don't wait for new stock are collateral damage.

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The root problem is that Nintendo aren't making enough to satisfy demand. The people that can't/don't wait for new stock are collateral damage.

Of course more than enough supply would be the best solution, that doesn't change my opinion though that I find this type of scalping very appaling. And people buying amiibo for these ridiculiosly inflated prices from scalpers should really understand that it makes it worthwhile for these scalpers by doing so.


I'm not defending Nintendo here, that's besides my point :)

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The root problem is that Nintendo aren't making enough to satisfy demand. The people that can't/don't wait for new stock are collateral damage.


I'm sure if they were able to get enough made, faster, they would. They obviously can't, at the moment anyway.

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I'm sure if they were able to get enough made, faster, they would. They obviously can't, at the moment anyway.


I'm sure if they were able to get robust online with voice chat into their games, and the OS, they would. They obviously can't, at the moment anyway.


(before you get hung up on the subject matter I've chosen - the point is to highlight how weak that argument is, and can be substituted with whatever takes your fancy, if you really want to)

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You call my argument weak then substitute manufacturing more physical products in order to make more money with 'better online features'. :indeed:


Nintendo realise the demand. They want to make as much money as possible. If they were able to resupply amiibo every week, and sell ten times more, they would. Obviously manufacturing these things in 40+ different variations is proving a challenge.

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I'm sure if they were able to get robust online with voice chat into their games, and the OS, they would. They obviously can't, at the moment anyway.


(before you get hung up on the subject matter I've chosen - the point is to highlight how weak that argument is, and can be substituted with whatever takes your fancy, if you really want to)


To be fair to Ronnie (and I don't know if this is exactly the truth), if they can only physically manufacture these things so quick based on their current setup then his argument kinda makes sense. We could probably argue that they could have prepared better for making amiibos but that ship has sailed.

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It's not just amiibo they underproduce. Where's the Gamecube controller adapter for the Wii U? What about their games as well? Some of them are next to impossible to find(e.g. Wind Waker HD, The Wonderful 101). You know what they've all got in common as a result? High prices.

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