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Nintendo Direct: The Legend of Buffering


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X, Bayonetta 2 and Smash are miles off. What are they going to release in the meantime? 1 third party game, Child Of Light shown. Sorry state of affairs. Nothing new announced and no NES Remix 2 doesn't count. I'll look forward to Metroid Fusion on eShop if the price is right but f#ck things are bad.

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And now we return to the Nintendo is doomed posts


The positivity was good whilst it lasted.


Haha, But nintendo bring on themselves. The Wii U has been an absolute disaster for them, one of the biggest reasons is there are absolutely no games to play. Supposedly all change for 2014 and what happens? They release two games (one of which was supposed to be last year)... I have never known a home console with such an awful release list!!


Aren't they supposed to be convincing people to pick up a console? Or connive people who have to stick with it? People thinking about it surely aren't going to bother, and people with one may think FUCK IT, there's nothing to play, sell and it pick something else up!

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But its the Wii U that needs the saving. Lmao... I mean, I know putting up expectations are not advised - but this was garbage for the Wii U. Long trailers for titles we already knew, one downloadable game.... Still lol.


I almost pity Iwata. Nothings, sales wise, will change.


Pretty much! Even a Bayonetta port and a HD remake of F-Zero would have been something.


I think it's obvious that even Nintendo know that the Wii U is beyond saving tbh.

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That right there is reason enough to own a Wii U.


Really? I know I'll be bashed to death, but:


It was boring. Looking at that trailer I can say: Graphics are nice, but I've played that game already. 10 times.



Well, didn't expect much from this Direct.


E3, last chance?

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Fucking hell, I almost fainted during the new Mario Kart 8 trailer! Absolutely incredible. :o :o :o

That right there is reason enough to own a Wii U.


I need to watch it again, my eyes were rolling back so much after seeing the koopalings. (was hoping for Nntendo Kart for the second fucking direct in a row :D)

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Why are people shocked at the wii u. I own one but this console is toast.


Nintendo need to find the least expensive way to ride out a few years. Nothing can save this console.


WTF GBA VC on wii u but not 3DS. That's ridiculous!!!

Edited by liger05
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Why are people shocked at the wii u. I own one but this console is toast.


Nintendo need to find the least expensive way to ride out a few years. Nothing can save this console.


It would help if Nintendo appeared enthusiastic about the console but they just dont.

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God I can't wait for handheld Smash.


I've still got plenty to play on my 3DS but I'm not even a little sorry that I got rid of my Wii U right now... I think we're going to see stuff for the second half of the year announced at E3 although I doubt it will be more than 1 or 2 new titles. There was far too much in that Direct that was without a solid date, so I expect the Nintendo conference to be a string of confirmed dates.


I must say though.... with the amount of development grunt that they have, the output is bizarre at best atm.

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so the 3DS is awesome

the WiiU games we knew about are awesome.....but are few and very far between.....to tide us over we get GBA VC games at nintendo's leisure


i'm glad i got my outlandish predictions out of the way and dehyped because really that was disapointing


I thought at one point when he talked about bayonetta's combat and in Bayonetta 2 theres this special attack thats new, that he was going to say something like "but you can compare the to combat styles when Bayonetta one is release on eshop right after this nintendo direct".....

I let myself get briefly hyped



still DKTF looks as epic as i imagined

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I am not excited about the line-up, that is, I am looking forward to the few big games already announced, but I´d like to have seen some new stuff that said, I don´t actually own a WiiU, and this persistent drought lets me actually catch up more easily, my backlog isn´t growing that fast. So it has its advantages! I think there are like 3 WiiU games I actually want from the ones already out. Well, maybe a few more.


Anyway, I skimmed the rest of the direct..

- Little Mac.. Objectively, he looks like a good addition, but I´m not a fan of him, having not played any Punchout games.

- That pocket football club looks to me like what some of you are playing in the Playground, although with a much better presentation. It´s that presentation that makes this a bit more interesting to me.. But it´s definitely not high priority.

- Etrian Odyssey looks cool. Never played those games before, looks like a good game to get into the franchise.

- Lots of already announced games: I am already interested, so I don´t need to see any more videos of them.

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I just don't know what's going on with Nintendo... They've barely released anything on the Wii U and have nothing in the near future, two of the games later in the year isn't even made by them... Either they are holding back ready for a second half of 2014 blitz, or they're killing it off slowly... Didn't we say this last year? Slow start ready for a marketing and game blitz, that never came?!


I really wish Nintendo were just a little more open about things. Explain what there plan is. The thing is, though I'm fine with Wii U being a first party console with a dozen great games year, we're not even getting that. It looks like not even they are supporting it (Steel Diver was a wii u game, moved over to 3DS!!!)... this makes publishers not want to support it, and the public not want to buy it!!


Would just love an honest interview with Nintendo to talk through it all, but it never seems to happen!

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For a second I thought we were getting a new PunchOut, that would have been something at least, if not the most desirable franchise and a questionable decision... 'but that's Nintendo' I thought. Nope. SSB trailer.


Oh and then I thought other Nintendo characters in Mario Kart, when he said 'may not be what you're expecting'... and whilst the Koopalings are cool additions :D ... they're not Smash Kart!

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Either they are holding back ready for a second half of 2014 blitz, or they're killing it off slowly... Didn't we say this last year? Slow start ready for a marketing and game blitz, that never came?!


I'm not sure that Nintendo have met or even exceeded anyone's expectations of their line up in recent memory, with the exception of the 3DS.


There is now a long list of big franchises that Nintendo haven't seemed to have addressed in a time frame of will be 18 months on into the Wii U's life cycle. Part of me is quite glad. I get the feeling that if we saw a Metroid, Starfox or F-Zero game at E3 that it would be a bit shit...

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