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Wii U 2014 and beyond upcoming releases


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I must admit I'm really confused as to what is 'next-gen' or 'Wii U' about DKCTF... it really does just look like a direct Wii sequel.
Feels like it, yeah. But looks like a direct Wii sequel?... Not so much:




Still not hyped for it though. :hehe: Reggie, what's wrong with me? :heh:

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Feels like it, yeah. But looks like a direct Wii sequel?... Not so much:





That's weird. Not that it's a big deal or anything but why does Diddy look like he's got sleaves? Surely it would be easier all round if the model of him just made his arm blend straight into his wrist?

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Feels like it, yeah. But looks like a direct Wii sequel?... Not so much:




Still not hyped for it though. :hehe: Reggie, what's wrong with me? :heh:

Yeah I'm aware of the whole fur thing, Retro have bigged it up since the game was announced, but Nintendo did something similar in Galaxy




You can't tell me that's where all the Wii U's extra power is all being diverted to!


Fur aside, you can't tell me the games don't look very similar.


Believe me I'm not putting the game down, I'm really excited for it!... I just think more could be done with it to really showcase the Wii U. Put the same effort they're putting into the fur into the rest of the game.


EDIT: Plus this IS Retro Studio's we're talking about here!! They get the most out of a console don't they?!

Edited by Retro_Link
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That's weird. Not that it's a big deal or anything but why does Diddy look like he's got sleaves? Surely it would be easier all round if the model of him just made his arm blend straight into his wrist?
That's always been the case with the 3D models since DKC:



Wow, it's pretty mad how the characters now look better than that in-game. :awesome:


You can't tell me that's where all the Wii U's extra power is all being diverted to!
I can't, no. Because I really don't know. :blank: I assume it takes quite a bit of power to produce that quality of fur though. ::shrug:

And comparing it to that screen you posted from Galaxy, you can see how much more organic looking it is in DKCTF.

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That's always been the case with the 3D models since DKC:



Wow, it's pretty mad how the characters now look better than that in-game. :awesome:


I can't, no. Because I really don't know. :blank: I assume it takes quite a bit of power to produce that quality of fur though. ::shrug:

And comparing it to that screen you posted from Galaxy, you can see how much more organic looking it is in DKCTF.

Come awwwwn, DK looked better in Jungle Beat than that ;p


Oh yeah there can be no denying the fur looks beautiful, I'm just left expecting a little more from the game. Still, it's splitting hairs when the games gonna be so much fun! :)

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Come awwwwn, DK looked better in Jungle Beat than that ;p
Yeah, but Jungle Beat is special. :wink:

Not to mention much better than any DKC game. :woops::heh:


I'm just left expecting a little more from the game.
I hear ya. I still need convincing to keep my pre-order for it. :hmm:

Mind you, I'm sure come February (or whenever it gets released in Europe) I'll be in such desperate need of a new Wii U game, that I'll have to get Tropical Freeze regardless. :laughing:

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Yeah I'm aware of the whole fur thing, Retro have bigged it up since the game was announced, but Nintendo did something similar in Galaxy





Fur aside, you can't tell me the games don't look very similar.


the ears have more detail ;) in general DK looks crisper, the Wii versions look blurry. Now artistic issues will be human fault, not machine incapability.

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MK8 all day long and 90's arcade racer could be brilliant.


Apart from Watchdogs which I don't think we are actually going to get anymore, nothing else is floating my boat. Never got Smash Bros at all, although my boy loves it. But just purchased SM3DW and AC4 and already have at least 6 Wii U games to play through and I think I'll get Deus Ex, so my new years resolution is to get all these games played and finished before MK8. My aim is to not be propping up the MK league next year so once it's out I need to playing that bad boy to death.

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I didn't mean to start a 'next-gen' or graphics debate, I meant DKC hasn't evolved in a gameplay sense, it's gone back a few steps, which is why it's as bad as New Super Mario Bros.


DK64 was a huge step forward. Whilst Jungle Beat went back to 2D, it was very different and the bongo controls were great. DKC Returns is just another case of Nintendo simplifying a great series for sales. Not to mention that they ruined the controls for DK himself, he slips and slides around like every level is an ice level. And they really did tone down the whole DK World, making it a lot more generic for the mass market.


But back on topic - Other than the usual suspects (Mario Kart and Smash Bros.) I'm not too excited. As I said, I have plenty to play so it's fine for me personally, but I hope we see a bunch of new and exciting things from Nintendo, even if it's just in the form of trailers for games in the far distance, as the future of Wii U looks a bit grim in comparison to the buzz surrounding PS4ONE.

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It's almost been a year since I received the Wii U as an awesome surprise gift from my brother last Christmas. It may have been a slow year, with my attention being diverted by finally making some use of my brother's old PS3 along with taking care of some 3DS, Dreamcast, N64 and PS1 games, but my focus is now firmly on Wii U towards the end of this year and into the next.. and I'm excited :yay:


I picked up The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD last week and already know that Super Mario 3D World is sitting below my Christmas tree, along with another game I'm not yet aware of :eek: I would love it to be Pikmin 3 but I will certainly be picking it up soon if it happens to be something else. For me, that's gonna be an awesome line up over the festive period that I can take my time with and enjoy. In addition to this, there's Wii Fit U that I'm looking forward to getting back to now that my ankle is improving, and Earthbound that I've been able to pick up since the eShop balance has carried over from 3DS! There's also the option of picking up passes for Wii Sports Club, should I feel the desire, and the promise of the other 3 sports on the way :hehe:


All of that will keep me going for a good while, certainly up until Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8, and then there's the excitement of games being unveiled that we're not yet aware of and the first glimpse of the new Zelda game! I also like putting Nintendo Land on now and again and have a real desire to go through Zombi U again..


I'm very happy to be a Wii U owner and hopefully there will be many more of those after Christmas :heh:

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Yeah I'm aware of the whole fur thing, Retro have bigged it up since the game was announced, but Nintendo did something similar in Galaxy




You can't tell me that's where all the Wii U's extra power is all being diverted to!


Fur aside, you can't tell me the games don't look very similar.


Believe me I'm not putting the game down, I'm really excited for it!... I just think more could be done with it to really showcase the Wii U. Put the same effort they're putting into the fur into the rest of the game.


EDIT: Plus this IS Retro Studio's we're talking about here!! They get the most out of a console don't they?!

It gets worse than that. Look at what Rare managed to do in their first (and only) Gamecube game:



But yeah, I'm having a really hard time to feel hyped about this. Yet another 2D game, when what the Wii U really needs is is a big, exclusive blockbuster.

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With regards to donkey kong, I admit that a 2d platformer is the last thing the wiiu needs and me torrid is exactly the thing it Could Do with... But saying that, I think it looks incredible and I loved dkcr. I thought dk64 was pretty bad and although jungle beat is amazing, it's a gimmick spinoff, it's a ones of a kind and leave it at that. I think 2d is the best fit for DK, but after mario, mario 3d, rayman and the upcoming yoshi, surely retro could've been working on something to diversify the lineup more.

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I was looking at picking up a couple of gamecube games yesterday that I missed out on first time around and after some searching realised just how many classics were on that system. And it dawned on me that this is where Nintendo need to get back to. Don't get me wrong I love Wii Party/Fit/Play etc. They are great games that work really well for the whole family, BUT what has happened to Wave Race, 1080 & F-Zero? I know they are are in effect racing games but they were all so brilliant and have all been replaced by dumbed down family versions and imagine how awesome 8 player online would be for these, especially the F-Zero game where you have to knock everybody off the track until only one car remains, that would be insane online.

Likewise Mario Golf & Tennis were brilliant and deep sports games, which have been dumbed down for Wii Sports. If we are not getting 3rd party games like Tiger Woods & Top Spin then Nintendo need to give Wii U owners an equivalent.

Edited by Clownferret
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I don't care for Hyrule Warriors, I've never been a Dynasty Warriors fan, but it's a great move for Nintendo and I'm sure lots of people will be hyped for it. This is just the kind of thing I was hoping from Nintendo Direct :D Nintendo reaching out to other developers to get more games on the market. It takes me back to the GameCube wonder years, where we had F-Zero from SEGA and Donkey Konga from Namco. It's weird that, given how this last year has been a really bad one for Nintendo in sales, it's been amazing in software. I was just starting to get worried about 2014, as my post above proves, but Nintendo Direct has given me faith once more, and surprises like Hyrule Warriors and NES Remix are a breath of fresh air!

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Are there any third party games planned for 2014, Watch Dogs aside? The list looks worryingly small...


That's because it is worryingly small. Unfortunately, if you want 3rd party games then the best bet would be to get another console. The Wii U may get a few cheeky 3rd party exclusives here and there but I imagine it will miss out on a lot of other stuff.


I think the key thing for Nintendo is to space out their releases in a manner which won't leave droughts for months on end. Easier said than done when you haven't got 3rd parties plugging the gaps.

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Are there any third party games planned for 2014, Watch Dogs aside? The list looks worryingly small...


There's Watchdogs, Project Cars and another exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog game (Iwata said that Nintendo had secured the next 3 Sonic games when they announced Sonic Lost World and Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics 2014). That's about it as far as announced US/EU bound 3rd party retail games go...


There is always a chance that we might see some surprise localizations like Dragon Quest, X, or Puyo Pop Meets Tetris, but I doubt we'll see anything else new announced - especially not from any western developers (Nintendo could always moneyhat some Japanese developers though...)


On the plus side, there's plenty of great indie games coming to the eShop! Games like Shovel Knight (Wii U & 3DS exclusive), Rusty Pup (Wii U & 3DS only), Scram Kitty (Wii U exclusive), The 90s Arcade Racer (Wii U & PC only), Tengami (Wii U and iOS only), QUBE: Director's Cut (Wii U exclusive - original version was PC only), Oddworld: New & Tasty (multi-plat), Shantae: Half Genie Hero (multi-plat), 1000 Spikes (multi-plat), Mighty No 9 (multi-plat), Teslagrad (Wii U & PC only) and even more should be on everyone's shopping list!

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