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You can tell Nintendo what game they should make next - What is it?


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Metroid as a...(wait for eet)...survival horror.


Take the third person viewpoint from Other M, those segments where you entered a run but had the "over the shoulder viewpoint". Make that the main viewpoint for the game. There are occasions where you can go first person, but the majority of the game is third person. Make it creepy as fuck where you have fewer enemies, but they are more powerful or difficult to evade from. A large focus of the game would be on evasion and hiding, like in Metroid Fusion where you hide from "it". You could have whole underground networks of tunnels where you could hide from enemies on the surface. Maybe some enemies can "track you" and follow you across zones. Would seem scary if they were difficult to shake off.


Take the atmosphere from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Make it slower paced and have a series of locations that are a bit out of the ordinary for the franchise. Maybe you visit an abandoned colony, looking for survivors. Your ammunition could be scarce, such as having to solve simple puzzles to get basic items like missiles. Therefore making them more precious.


I'm thinking it would be a more "mature" title, as in it takes the unsettling aspects of games like Dead Space and Silent Hill, not so much to do with swearing, etc. It wouldn't have to be dialogue heavy, you could have the backstory told through logs ala Metroid Prime, or something to that effect.

Ah yeah! I remember we talked about this once before. Basically imagine the guy you play as in this footage as Samus, and you begin to get an idea of how great a game you could create in the Metroid universe...



Set it against some creepy unknown threat, throw in some Metroid's that burst through glass, smash through vents and basically come flying at you out of the darkness when you least suspect it. The Space Pirates could show up to give it some great moments of action too.


What a game you could create!

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2D Metroid for 3DS. Silky-smooth 60fps visuals and all the best beams, missiles and suits from the series so far. It'd be tight like Fusion and Zero Mission, but be epic enough to surpass Super Metroid as well.


The fact there hasn't been a single 2D Metroid in the entire "DS" era is one of Nintendo's greatest failings in my eyes.


Why? Because there's probably no BETTER series suited to the system and they are completely ignoring that potential.


Annoyingly too I'd have rathered a DS one than 3DS, because I wanted it to be dual screen gameplay. I had vivid images of walljumping up 2 screens, or using the shinespark to blast up them. Or perhaps something like a 2D version of the falling Ridley fight in Prime 3, but falling down both the screens while fighting (shooting Ridley in the top screen for example, see Sonic Rush Adventure extra zone boss). I'm split on the touch screen being used, but it probably COULD be used well with the type of exploration based items Metroid is known for (I have ideas, I just don't want to drag this post forever).


The very fact they don't consider an entry like that important is representative of Nintendo's apathy towards the hardcore fan. Super Metroid is considered one of the finest games in history. A DS Metroid could take that type of design to a new level, but they just don't seem to care at all.


I enjoyed Metroid Blast in Nintendoland, but the fact that's all that Nintendo seems to think Metroid is good for lately is sickening.


Metroid as a...(wait for eet)...survival horror.


Super Metroid to be honest is already a fine example of survival horror. You're completely isolated on an alien world. There's all sorts of moments that were actually genuinely scary at the time too. When you fall into the room with Crocomire and you haven't worked out how to kill him yet and he's pushing you towards a wall of spikes. When you eventually kill him by dropping him into a pit of acid and literally sit and watch his skin melt off. Then there's what happens next. I mean sweet Jesus, that was a Nintendo game.


Metroid Fusion was on the right track with the SA-X, but the narrative stripped the game of the feeling of isolation.

Edited by James McGeachie
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Get Capcom to do a Nintendo vs. Capcom game. Dat shit would be tight.


An idea more in like with this thread would be a Zelda MMO adventure game:


-Could be 2D, 3D, whatever, just make a big world to explore, a few dungeons scattered through the world, as well as a few secret places with the traditional collectibles (including pieces of heart);

-Speaking of collectibles (such as the heart pieces), there would be a limited number of them throughout the world. Make it so each collectible stops appearing after a specific number of them has been collected (Basically, an "MMO action/adventure game" equivalent to the usual MMO RPGs);

-Instead of level ups, employ a system where items can be found depending on how much of the world you've explored (and vice-versa);

-Adopt the forging system from Skyward Sword, and develop it from there;

-Make combat genuinely skill-based. You don't get stronger, only your combat skills do;

-Several races to choose from (Hylian, Deku, Zora, Goron, Sheikah, Twili, etc.), each with their own abilities. This would make each part of the world only accessible to each race... for a while, at any rate. The rarest items would allow you to visit places your race normally couldn't;

-Have characters from throughout the series appear! Tingle makes your maps, Linebeck ferries you through water, Sahasrahla gives you quests, etc.

-And in the same vein, fetch the bosses that the series is already ripe with. You could get interesting match-ups such as "defeat Morpha as a Goron", or even challenging the Hero of Time himself to a duel;

-Zelda has so many locations it can use for such a game! Not just Death Mountain and Lake Hylia, but also Holodrum, Labrynna, Subrosia, Termina, Skyloft, Lorule, the Twilight Realm... timewarps (or even an entire expansion) could get you to New Hyrule and the Great Sea. And the hardest place to find: Koholint Island.



So yeah, a Zelda MMO would have an awesome potential. A Metroid MMO could also work, but I have less ideas about what to do with that franchise.


Finally, a Pokémon Fighting Game in the style of Power Stone.

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StarFox Wars


It's a new StarFox - but mixed with Gears of War. A huge third person shooter set in the StarFox universe. You venture from planet to planet taking part in huge planet battles that are raging all over the planetary system. Missions range from small tactical skirmishes to retrieve information from enemy bases to giant all out fire fights that will tip the balance in epic conflicts. As you venture from planet to planet the focus shifts to the typical StarFox 64 style on-rails space shooting gameplay. There are around 25+ missions split between the two styles of play and different routes you can take through the galaxy like in StarFox 64. Online is done via a horde mode for Co-Op play and a standard VS mode.


F-Zero Retribution


Captain Falcon is a washed up drunk. He's been stripped of his titles and has lost all his sponsorships. He lives for his memories and his former glory. But his fall from grace isn't all what it seems. He was set up and framed by his arch nemesis. This game see Captain Falcon partaking in a quest to restore his honour, clear his name and regain his crown. A mixture of an open world investigation game and a racing game, Captain Falcon must discover who set him up and how whilst simultaneously working his way back up the racing leagues from the bottom upwards to earn cash, better cars and eventually to reclaim the Blue Falcon, clear his name and regain his crown. Game contains racing, some 3rd person shooting and an open world set in the F-Zero universe.


Battalion Wars Supreme Commander


@Cube nicked my idea from the other thread :heh:


But I would allow you to play as any of the factions - each one with its own story - like in C&C. Multiple endings, multiple paths and different ways to play. If you want to get in there with the grunts you can specialise in leading your forces and the tactics can take a back seat. Alternatively, if you prefer the tactics you can use the gamepad to make broader movements and control the flow of battle. Full online, with leader boards, co-op and VS play as well as a Conquest mode where you join a faction and see how the overall control of a global map changes as you and your fellow factional allies compete against others over set objectives over the space of a week.


Super Metroid Reborn


Super Metroid remade in full 3D like the Prime game by Retro Studios. They have full license to tweak and change things a little to suit the new perspective, but the core of the game stays the same. Not much more to be said here other than it would have online co-op (via a horde mode) and online VS mode. The online VS mode would feature plenty of double jumps, different beams and fully changing environments giving the game a totally different feel to other competitive FPS games.


Kid Icarus: Solar Flare


A third person Devil May Cry styled game set in a beautiful ancient Greek styled world full of mythical beasts and epic architecture that takes you from the land right to towering cities in the sky. The gameplay is fast and frantic with the ability to specialise in hard hitting melee attacks or lighter but faster ranged attacks. The game features full single player Co-Op for the main game which is online. It also features a horde mode like in Mass Effect 3. The single player is a story driven quest which is heavy on boss fights which take the form or giant creatures inspired by legend. The final conflict is of course with a towering Medusa!

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@ReZourceman - you can have the key to my heart. That Donkey Kong game you described is all I've ever wanted sinc DK64! I can't bare to look at new trailers for tropical freeze now, it's such a step back.


For me, I'd love to see the original DKC trilogy in HD. Using the original uncompressed assets (if that's possible, but this is a fantasy anyway so let's just go for it) or using beautiful stylised framework like Rayman Legends with orchestrated renditions of all the classic songs.


Unlockables in the form of concept art from the original games, and extras such as a remake of the AMAZING fishing minigame from DKC 1 on the Gameboy Color.

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Going by this thread, Nintendo's biggest problem are it's own undemanding fans...


I'm not sure that's the case. It's just harder to imagine something that doesn't currently exist. Then there is the great stable of franchises/characters that Nintendo have left out of the cold for so long that surely deserve new games.


It's probably not about being undemanding...if anything Nintendo fans can be over-demanding. :laughing:


New IP would be great but we have also seen a ton of great new IP on the 3DS e-shop. I think it's more about genre expansion with new IP for Nintendo. If they made a new platformer with a new character, people would still shun it based on the fact that it's another platformer by Nintendo.

Nintendo could do with bringing their genius to new genres - like they did with Pikmin and the RTS genre and Wii Sports and the Sports genre. Both of which were genre defining/expanding with new IP's.


F-Zero Retribution


Captain Falcon is a washed up drunk. He's been stripped of his titles and has lost all his sponsorships. He lives for his memories and his former glory. But his fall from grace isn't all what it seems. He was set up and framed by his arch nemesis. This game see Captain Falcon partaking in a quest to restore his honour, clear his name and regain his crown. A mixture of an open world investigation game and a racing game, Captain Falcon must discover who set him up and how whilst simultaneously working his way back up the racing leagues from the bottom upwards to earn cash, better cars and eventually to reclaim the Blue Falcon, clear his name and regain his crown. Game contains racing, some 3rd person shooting and an open world set in the F-Zero universe.



Replace Captain Falcon with Nintendo themselves and you've just described the company! :laughing:

Edited by tapedeck
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Pokemon Snap needs to be something much more substantial and worthwhile an experience. And being on-rails was just so bad, and just seemed so unlikely a scenario!


Set it on an unexplored island/group of islands like that of FarCry3's... the Madagascar of the Pokemon world... that features all the climatic environments you need.


Give it a beautiful animated look, give you a back pack with your gamepad pokedex camera inside and just set you free to explore.


There could be a main town and villages on the island to give you a narrative. You could come across other explorer's or photojournalists for sidequests or to team up with to obtain certain photographs/the rarest pokemon, with one of you luring them out and the other photographing it.


Maybe you'd find clues to a Pokemons presence and have to come back at a certain time of day, hide and wait for it/set a trap


An open world exploration game where you can just sink in and relax into the world.

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Super Mario Bros: The Movie: The Videogame.


Just kidding. A real nice new 3D Mario with a good hub world and a bit more open-ness is what I'm after. Pack a few secrets and stuff in there too of course. I want the feeling of a wholly crafted game/world/hub etc that SM64 gave me, with maybe even just a tad more open-ness to it.

Edited by Rummy
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Pokemon Snap needs to be something much more substantial and worthwhile an experience. And being on-rails was just so bad, and just seemed so unlikely a scenario!


Set it on an unexplored island/group of islands like that of FarCry3's... the Madagascar of the Pokemon world... that features all the climatic environments you need.


Give it a beautiful animated look, give you a back pack with your gamepad pokedex camera inside and just set you free to explore.


There could be a main town and villages on the island to give you a narrative. You could come across other explorer's or photojournalists for sidequests or to team up with to obtain certain photographs/the rarest pokemon, with one of you luring them out and the other photographing it.


Maybe you'd find clues to a Pokemons presence and have to come back at a certain time of day, hide and wait for it/set a trap


An open world exploration game where you can just sink in and relax into the world.


Actually scrap my idea, this is way better. It's the exploration aspect that I like rather than the battling, so I would play this game in a heartbeat. Our possibly two, if my heart rate was heightened due to the excitement of playing this game.

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I know it's not really a nintendo franchise, but I would really love to see a new Crystal Chronicles game for the WiiU or 3DS.

The gamecube game is already about a decade old, but it's still fun to play and looks gorgeous.

The world always seemed so enchanting and the atmosphere was great.

I would love to dive into that world again someday :) (not the crystal bearers' one, I hated that game haha )


It would be a good fit too for the gamepad, and 3DS cross console play.

Edited by M_rock
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If I could have my way, I'd ask them to pause the production of every game they're currently making for a year and get them to localise EVERY single JPN only game in their history for release on the Wii U VC.


Mother 1 & 3, Fire Emblem 1-6 (&12), Marvelous: Another Treasure Island, Shin Onigashima, Captain Rainbow, Famicom Detective Club 1&2, Kiki Trick, the whole BSX Satellaview and 64DD libraries, E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!


Then resume what they're currently doing and build some small teams to work on quirky new IPs, like what Game Freak did with Harmoknight! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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Pokemon Snap needs to be something much more substantial and worthwhile an experience. And being on-rails was just so bad, and just seemed so unlikely a scenario!


Set it on an unexplored island/group of islands like that of FarCry3's... the Madagascar of the Pokemon world... that features all the climatic environments you need.


Give it a beautiful animated look, give you a back pack with your gamepad pokedex camera inside and just set you free to explore.


There could be a main town and villages on the island to give you a narrative. You could come across other explorer's or photojournalists for sidequests or to team up with to obtain certain photographs/the rarest pokemon, with one of you luring them out and the other photographing it.


Maybe you'd find clues to a Pokemons presence and have to come back at a certain time of day, hide and wait for it/set a trap


An open world exploration game where you can just sink in and relax into the world.



and I hadn't thought of this - but it could be awesome. Love this idea - Nintendo should do this now!


I can just imagine climbing up a cliffs, navigating jungles, lifting rocks, snorkling on the shore, boating, night time explorations!

Maybe it could have weather forecasts, like in harvest moon wonderful life, with some pokemon being easier to find in certain weathers.

And as an off shoot, say a pokemon loves the cold weather, if you snap it in hot weather, say full sun, no snow around, that gets you extra points?


A library in the town about pokemon (perhaps miiverse link for contributions, so it would be a truely expanding library (although this would have to be policed carefully).


A bar/cafe in the town where you meet up with other online players and discuss finds etc?


Maybe some features could be locked depending on parental controls?

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and I hadn't thought of this - but it could be awesome. Love this idea - Nintendo should do this now!


I can just imagine climbing up a cliffs, navigating jungles, lifting rocks, snorkling on the shore, boating, night time explorations!

Maybe it could have weather forecasts, like in harvest moon wonderful life, with some pokemon being easier to find in certain weathers.

And as an off shoot, say a pokemon loves the cold weather, if you snap it in hot weather, say full sun, no snow around, that gets you extra points?


A library in the town about pokemon (perhaps miiverse link for contributions, so it would be a truely expanding library (although this would have to be policed carefully).


A bar/cafe in the town where you meet up with other online players and discuss finds etc?


Maybe some features could be locked depending on parental controls?

Great ideas.


I love the idea of just exploring, learning and living amongst the landscape. There could be discoveries, puzzles and clues to collect and piece together across the islands too, to learn the location of some of the very rare or ancient Pokemon etc... like ruins/hieroglyphs, maybe things you can only see from the air or up high. Secret locations to find.


Finding Pokemon like Mew would be a real challenge, with loads of elements to piece together from things you find as you adventure, find in books, and from speaking to inhabitants of the island who think they've seen something.


Checking the weather forecast for electrical activity, you could venture out at night to the top of the mountains in the pouring rain, to capture that elusive photo of the legendary Zapdos, the source of the rare lightning storm in the area.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Regarding the new IP discussion, I think we shouldn't forget that, next to gameplay, a new and interesting setting plays a vital role in many a person's enjoyment of a game.


Getting to know a new lore, a new world with new characters, a new set of rules and a different design choice is very welcoming to me instead of just reusing the 'Mario World' or the 'Kirby World' and adding some new enemies.


The fact that people talk about Pikmin being one of NINTENDO's last original in-house IPs is a bit of a narrow view, but I can find no fault with it because what we've gotten since then from NINTENDO themselves hasn't shown us "a new lore, a new world with new characters, a new set of rules and a different design choice" in a grand worthy-of-a-home-console way.

At least not to my knowledge, but I could be wrong.


Again, I think it boils down to the fact that, as much as a game is about gameplay, the medium has become much more than that and everything around it, from the music right down to the graphics and characters you interact with, aren't all that satisfying when it is kept within the same setting.


One of my favourite games of all time, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, or even the series as a whole (same with the Mario&Luigi series by the way) is a very good example of how you can use your existing franchise but still give a whole new spin to it.

You just get to look at the Mushroom Kingdom in an entirely different way and when that was all said and done Mario and co. set out to discover new worlds with even more stranger folks and habits (Bean Bean Kingdom says hi :D) Why aren't we seeing a 3D Mario game set in the Bean Bean Kingdom, or in the Dimensions of Super Paper Mario?


Anyway, bottom line is that I would love to see a new in-house franchise or two which introduces a whole new set of rules, characters and what have you to take its place amongst the NINTENDO greats.


Ever since Miyamoto said that he was really into swimming (or helping out a the pool or something like that) I've been thinking that there really hasn't been a full-fledged underwater action/adventure/puzzle/explorer game.

Think Star Fox meets Finding Nemo. Giving all sorts of sea creatures a personality and whatnot with an Endless Ocean joke here and there :laughing:

Perhaps make it 'dark' in the sense that humans are devastating the 7 seas and that you and your fellow sea dwellers have a job to do and clean up this mess. The final boss could be a plastic mass the size of Texas.


I feel this could be a really cool game with lots of interesting things to do, lots of interesting characters to meet and to absolutely nail water physics/graphics. It would also be one of those game in which just swimming around and exploring the seven seas would be very satisfying. A bit like Zelda underwater perhaps?

Regarding charactes, they could bring in all sorts of references such as the White Whale, mermaids, crazy Japanese monsters, Zoras, The Kraken, The crazy world of deep sea creatures, James Cameron, etc...

Perhaps you could also play as multiple characters with different abilities such as a Whale, a Stingray, Engarde :laughing:, a Krab, the possibilities are endless. Playing as a huge school of fish in order to beat much bigger fish. They could divide it in a different character per sea (there are 7 seas remember) and have them come together for the final 'battle/exploration'. Each Sea has a totally different vibe just like in Little King's Story.


Oh dear, I've gone and done it. Got to contain myself now.



Anyway, I'd love to see a grand underwater 3D adventure exploring game :D

Edited by Fused King
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Maybe we could be Nintendo's Western developer!

Certainly getting more excited by ideas in this thread than I have official announcements lately ;p


Anyway, I'd love to see a grand underwater 3D adventure exploring game

It would be cool if the entire game was set in the underwater world, and then at one point later in the game and only once and for a few seconds your character jumped above the waves and you and your character saw the world you are on for the first time, be it this one or another! Like in The Matrix when they go above the clouds.
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We've definitely got the artistic side covered, if there's someone here that can program then we're good to go. :grin:


In the early day hardware limitations meant that games had to focus on game play in what was possible. I suppose that rudimentary programming skills could be enough to get a VC indie title rolling? who knows :D

I did program a couple of games a few years back, but really nothing to write home about - they were written in pascal and delphi... a variant of snake (which I will say, for a snake game, was the best I ever played) which was largely programmed by a friend, I then played around with the code to make it more fun! Actually, for a £1 on VC shot if I could adapt that to the Wii U. Actually... I'm seeing that friend this weekend... I may see what he thinks :D


anyway, aside from that I started on a rudimentary pokemon open world game, which never got completed because I was busy with my studies... I got an event that you could wake a sleeping monster, to no real consequence other than the screen went red :D and you could enter 3 buildings.


probably my favourite game was a mix between the original GTA, Spy hunter and burnout :D It got to an arcade game level, but it was just a concept program, I never got it to a commercial level (I took lots of short cuts just to test game play, so the code was quite clunky and refresh rate could suffer as a result).


Oh, I also started on a spaceship flying style game. That one died when the PC it was on was decommissioned :(



Just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting I can now program... just that I used to be able to at a basic level... So I don't imagine it would be TOO hard to put together a nes/snes quality vc title. Obviously that depends on the programming language being used - delphi very much can be used with very little training to make rudimentary games like the ones I described... it has been over 4 years since I last dabbled with making a game, so that skill set is rusty now to say the least!

Edited by Pestneb
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In the early day hardware limitations meant that games had to focus on game play in what was possible. I suppose that rudimentary programming skills could be enough to get a VC indie title rolling? who knows :D

I did program a couple of games a few years back, but really nothing to write home about - they were written in pascal and delphi... a variant of snake (which I will say, for a snake game, was the best I ever played) which was largely programmed by a friend, I then played around with the code to make it more fun! Actually, for a £1 on VC shot if I could adapt that to the Wii U. Actually... I'm seeing that friend this weekend... I may see what he thinks :D


anyway, aside from that I started on a rudimentary pokemon open world game, which never got completed because I was busy with my studies... I got an event that you could wake a sleeping monster, to no real consequence other than the screen went red :D and you could enter 3 buildings.


probably my favourite game was a mix between the original GTA, Spy hunter and burnout :D It got to an arcade game level, but it was just a concept program, I never got it to a commercial level (I took lots of short cuts just to test game play, so the code was quite clunky and refresh rate could suffer as a result).


Oh, I also started on a spaceship flying style game. That one died when the PC it was on was decommissioned :(



Just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting I can now program... just that I used to be able to at a basic level... So I don't imagine it would be TOO hard to put together a nes/snes quality vc title. Obviously that depends on the programming language being used - delphi very much can be used with very little training to make rudimentary games like the ones I described... it has been over 4 years since I last dabbled with making a game, so that skill set is rusty now to say the least!

Nice. icon14.gif

I used to dabble with BASIC back in the 80's/early 90's, but never really got good enough to write an entire game. I then got into Flash when that came about, managed to make a few simple games with that, including one (based on Punch-Out!) that I made for a banner on this very site. :)

But yeah, I'm very much out of the loop now. The last games I made were in WarioWare: D.I.Y. :heh:

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