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Nintendo Direct Today 3:00PM... I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY!


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Karaoke outsells most other forms of entertainment all over the world.

DKC sells gangbusters as Nintendo faithful don't buy Metroid in vast numbers...


Is it really that hard to understand?


No offense, but I think most gamers couldn't care less about sales numbers, it's just that this damn system requires us to care about it.


It's like a necessary evil that one would have to acknowledge, and whilst that which sells can be fun and inventive, it usually doesn't represent risk-taking or trying something different with a product.

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Then maybe buy your console until after the good games are out? Seriously man, chill out it's nothing to get upset about. If you feel that way about it (and I do too I'm just done being annoyed about it) then just sell your Wii U like I am.


Correction: like you're trying to do ;)

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Newsflash: I buy consoles to play video games not some sh1tty @ssed Karaoke puke fest with Wing Han Tsang versions of songs. I don't care how much it sells.


But this narrow thinking serves no one but your way of thinking.


A wider approach to software = a potential wider audience resulting in more possible sales for Nintendo. This should result in more software and more allowances for risk being taken in the future. You could argue that the sales of the Wii resulted in Nintendo being able to restructure and build new offices allowing them to invest in their future business. Or in laymans terms: survive. As gamers we are thinking in weeks and months. Nintendo will be thinking in years, decades.


In an industry flooded with cookie clutter clones Nintendo's ability to think different and release software outside of the 'norms' of gaming with titles like Wii Sports, Brain Training, Nintendogs and yes...karaoke allows them to soldier on and also 'dangle the carrot' of their AAA software at just the right time to maximise sales of software. Even SONY did this with Singstar at one point.


There's no point getting angry about what you can't have - that's what folk with no reasoning skills do. Just try to understand it and if you don't accept it, adopt another console with a different ethos.

As a consumer you have that choice.

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Just a pointer about "Retro wasting their time with Donkey Kong Country instead of Metroid".


Try replacing "Retro" and "Metroid" with "Rare" and "Goldeneye", and you see why that argument holds no water. If a company can do both, they're not wasting their time if they're working on something they're good at.


As a side-note, if Retro really were working on Metroid, I'd call that a waste of time, as that's a dry well.

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KIRBY 3DS AT LONG FUCKING LAST CANT FUCKING WAIT!!! (Hooray for it following in the same style as the OMG AMAZING Kirby's Return to Dreamland as well! :D )


As for DKCTF, the delay hurts big time, but you have to respect a publisher/developer that would delay such an important title (at a time where they're desperate to jump start console sales) for the sake of pure quality.

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you have to respect a publisher/developer that would delay such an important title (at a time where they're desperate to jump start console sales) for the sake of pure quality.


Most of us on here would be able to respect that, yes. Good move in the long run.

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Just a pointer about "Retro wasting their time with Donkey Kong Country instead of Metroid".


Try replacing "Retro" and "Metroid" with "Rare" and "Goldeneye", and you see why that argument holds no water. If a company can do both, they're not wasting their time if they're working on something they're good at.


As a side-note, if Retro really were working on Metroid, I'd call that a waste of time, as that's a dry well.


So true, Metroid Prime is a bit tired. I don't want to see Retro become a one-franchise company.

I'd love for them to make something all-new that they haven't done before. Maybe resume work on one of those titles they had in development for the Gamecube before Nintendo told them to get their s**t together and focus on one project.

But I however do think that making a new DKCR game is a really bad move. The Wii U lacks a lot of stuff, so I don't really see any value in releasing ANOTHER side-scroller. We already have NSMBU, Yarn Yoshi has been announced and this was greenlit when Rayman was supposed to be Wii U exclusive.

Seriously, people are complaining about all the Modern Military Shooters out there, flooding the market. And noone reacts that every second (note: exaggeration) high-profile Wii U game is a side-scroller? And then there's an equal ammount of minigame compilations.


To be honest, I don't know what franchise Retro could take on next. I suppose Starfox needs reinventing, but what I think the Wii U really needs is a spiritual successor to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

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And we're going to get @Josh64 to do a review. Maybe a video review....


I couldn't, in my wildest dreams, match Shibata. I thought he was good after his rendition of Call Me Maybe, but today had me floored.




And I thought the direct was good, 3D Worlds looks MILES better than the first trailer shown. It has thrown all my fears out of the window (those being that it would be pretty rubbish in single player) as a lot of levels look very much like Galaxy just with less gravity trickery (which was pretty much stretched as far as it could go in Galaxy 2 anyway).


I couldn't care less about Donkey Kong Country, I think I've made my feelings clear many times on here why I don't like it so I won't go into details :P But as a whole I think it IS bad that it has been delayed. I know it's good to pace out games but Nintendo need literally all they can to turn the Wii U around, especially with the PS4 and XBONE around the corner.


They'd have had a great christmas with strong advertising for Wind Waker, Mario, Donkey Kong and Sonic. Heck, it's like 4 of gamings most popular characters on one system in the space of 3 months.


I don't think it's the end of the world though. Like you guys said, Wii Sports Club and Fit U will help, and Mario really does look great now, so with the right advertising, it could be the next New Super Mario Bros (sales wise)


And what's all this hate for Karaoke U? If it's not a genre for you then fine but did you really not expect to see these kinds of titles on Wii U? It's stuff like this that made the original Wii the success it was. And it's not like some cheap shit they're churning out at the last minute, it's an inventive way of selling a party experience at a cheap price.


One of the main downfalls of Karaoke games is the price and the music. After a few hours you've exhausted all the songs on there and won't play it again for a year so that £50 feels like a waste. But £1.49 (or whatever it was) for an hour or two is a great idea.

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You can't buy it outright though, you basically rent it for an hour, a day, or a month, after downloading the free app.


I think it's a better sustem. On normal singing games you'll get what, 70 songs? And each new song is about £1. This has nearly 2000 with more added each month. So you could easily spend more than a game (£40) but you actually get more diversity from it and actually only pay what you use.


We were going to do Karaoke in singstar a couple of weeks ago, but that's buy each song at near £1 each. So binned it off and used Rock Band (only to find out the wii rock band singing doesn't work on wii u - argh!!!


But anyway, I can't wait for Karoke, it looks to have loads of stuff to do and customisation; loads of online stat tracking and comparing, and love the idea of people being able to cue up songs on the gamepad while people are singing.

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