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Nintendo 2DS


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This is blatantly aimed squarely at kids who would be buying the system for Pokemon X&Y, it's launching on the same day.


It's a terrible idea that stinks of desperation. They REALLY want to remove any possible barriers to entry for Pokemon players, but in doing so, they're gonna end up damaging the system in the long run (watch as 3rd parties stop supporting S3D in their games now that they have this thing as an excuse)


Fuck you Nintendo, fuck you very much! :mad:


3D is a gimmick, anyway, what's the problem in it going away?

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The 3D has actually been quite good in a lot of games, a few even benefit from it, but if you don't want it then the 3D slider is there for a reason. No need for a redesign like this. I mean the battery hasn't even been improved over the XL.

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After watching that a few times, its not that bad.


Doesn't look awkward to hold, I think this is going to surprise a lot of people when they eventually get to hold it.


You're right, it's not bad.


It's fucking awful. Look at eet. It doesn't look comfortable at all. It's ugly as sin. Am disappoint that Nintendo could make something like this.


Oh, Nintendo, just when I think I have you all figured out, you do this.

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The 3D has actually been quite good in a lot of games, a few even benefit from it, but if you don't want it then the 3D slider is there for a reason. No need for a redesign like this. I mean the battery hasn't even been improved over the XL.


Yeah, the 3D is well implemented... but it adds absolutely nothing. At it's best possible use, it's still completely useless. I don't get it. :P


As for this, yeah, it's completely absurd, not getting this at all.

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I mean who really drops hundreds of dollars into devices that you can damage by dropping these days?


People who buy iPads and other tablets, as well as smartphones.


I'm surprised about the battery - they could stick a colossal one in that design.

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reading GAF this caught my attention and kind of opened or rather closed my eyes to this


This device makes a lot of sense:


- Tablet design to play into the booming tablet market, less intimidating for children/familes that are only used to tablets.

- Unessential features (3D, stereo sound) cut to drive production cost down, so it can be sold to children/families for cheap.

- Sell alongside Pokemon for mass casual appeal.

- No vulnerable hinges kids can easily damage.

- No second stick because that would be stupid. This is a budget 3DS, not an upgrade.

- No 3DS brand to avoid "why can't this [3DS Lite] not play 3D? I want my money back!" questions.


The only two things I can't wrap my head around are


- It's designed to cut production costs as much as possible, yet there's still a 3D camera in there?

- Pokemon is a system seller, it's gonna sell a shit ton of 3DSs anyway. If I was Nintendo, I wouldn't want to give them a cheap option.


If you are not a kid/don't have kids/already have a 3DS (XL) you are not supposed to be interested in this device. You are not the target audience.



its not designed for us its designed for children young children and cheap ass adults, my girlfriends sister being one of them,now she can buy more laytons


Nintendo are trying to release a revision of the 3DS to conquer all areas of consumer desires for the market,the only place left now is for a super premium model

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How's that Wii Mini working out for you Nintendo?


While your at why not introduce the I Wii(on) U? You place the Gamepad on the ground and stand there and wee on it while you watch Nintendo's stock price plummeting on the TV screen.


Why would you fix the problems of the Wii U when you can release this uggofug? Have you not learned from spreading yourselves too thin?

Edited by Wii
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reading GAF this caught my attention and kind of opened or rather closed my eyes to this





its not designed for us its designed for children young children and cheap ass adults, my girlfriends sister being one of them,now she can buy more laytons


Nintendo are trying to release a revision of the 3DS to conquer all areas of consumer desires for the market,the only place left now is for a super premium model


I can maybe understand it for younger kids. Maybe. What exactly does this model have that the others don't, apart from no 3D...which you can turn off in the original model/XL anyway.


I can't seriously see a kid holding that. It's awkward as hell. Doesn't look comfortable. If they can hold this, then surely they could have held the original 3DS/XL quite fine, too? It doesn't really have any advantages over the others.


Basically, it's a waste of time for everyone.

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Nintendo have clearly lost their bloody minds (as if that wasn't already apparent). Seriously, calling it the 2DS? Yes, well done Nintendo. Even despite the memories of issues with the 3DS name causing confusion with the masses at market (which they were finally getting over) and the fresh wounds of the Wii U, you'd think they'd have the common sense to not call it that.


Hell, it looks as though it's being aimed at younger gamers just going by the form factor and from what people are saying about the build quality in impressions so far. Call it the 3DS Junior or something. That would most likely stop the inevitable confusion in stores as parents won't need to constantly have to ask whether games with "3DS" on the box will run on the 2DS or where the 2DS games are.


It's obviously not going to be marketed at people like myself and others here so it doesn't matter that this doesn't really float my boat or what have you. But genuinely, a lot of Nintendo's decisions over the last few years have pretty much turned me to look elsewhere for my gaming needs now. Think their glory days, thanks to the DS/Wii (the latter to an extent/mid point of its life cycle), are well and truly over and would seem to me like they need A LOT of fresh blood to pull them out of the gutter. That's just my opinion but no doubt someone will take umbrage at it.

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It's designed to cut production costs as much as possible, yet there's still a 3D camera in there?


Because games use it. Without it, it would cause even more confusion.


One thing that bugs me is the lack of a tilt between the screens. Using the DS/3DS fully folded out is horrible.

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Will be trying this out tomorrow afternoon so send me questions!


Well, @ me instead of PMing me :p


Is the d-pad more like the original 3DS or 3DS XL?

Do the Shoulder buttons feel more like the ones on the Wii U game pad or are they more like those on an original GBA?

Will the battery last any longer?

Can we have one to review? :heh:


Think that covers everything. : peace:

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i agree, but i think its obviously not aimed at us, its a budget model aimed at people who are tight, or parents who got sick of DS hinges breaking - a lot of my friends who had kids complained about that a lot and used to say why couldn't Nintendo keep doing gameboys (meaning no clam shells)


Like i said i understand your point, i dont understand the 2DS but maybe its because its really not aimed at proper gamers, this is a causal console (for want of a better term)

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As an idea, this is great. A budget entry-level version of the console just lacking the bit that had The Sun etc. claim caused eye cancer, which damaged the console's image in the view of parents. This is perfect as we enter the world of Pokémon X & Y.


Name wise, it's absolutely and utterly horrible. Nintendo made a stupid decision by not calling it the 3DS Flat or something like that. I get why they did it, to remove the connection of 3DS and stereoscopic 3D, but it's going to cause more issues than possible.


The other stuff, such as lack of a second stick is irrelevant and counter to the point of this iteration.

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An unbelievable announcement; I just don't get it. They should have worked at lowering the 3DS price a little more rather than confuse people with a 2D-only 3DS. If it does anything, its not going to boost sales but canibalise their market.


I'm not against the overall design though - I loved the Sony Tablet (this is suspiciously similar) and would like to see the overall design carried over to a single screen gaming device but cramming in that second screen, that hiddeous button placement is nothing short of a joke - and a bad one at that!





Edited by david.dakota
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Initial reaction:


"This is horrid, why would Nintendo make such a thing?"


After letting it sink in abit I "kind of" understand their reasoning.



As has been mentioned the proper "gamer" is not the target of this thing. It is targetted at young kids and adults who maybe want a 3DS (for the games) but want it a bit cheaper.

The tablet look of it will appeal to younger kids too.... obviously not to people like us.


I do find it odd that they say the lack of hinges makes it less breakable to kids but the screens are now fully exposed 100% of the time.

I let my 2 year old son and 3 year old nephew play with my 3DS they know how to open it, they know not to open it too much... so if those two can understand can learn and understand the clamshell design surely any younger child could so long as someone teaches them how to use it.


That said depending on price (have they announced price yet?) I might recommend it to my sister as my nephew has been asking for a 3DS for Xmas but she thinks it'd a bit expensive for her to be getting him..... though on the other hand I don't think he would like the tablet design haha


The name....2DS... while amazingly cringey does make some sense in how they have dropped the 3D feature (to lower costs/be more friendly to under 8's) they would be in even worse shape had they called it the "3DS Lite" or "3DS Cheap" or "3DS Tablet" or whatever else you could think of and for it to not have the 3D feature would just make more confusion.

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