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I will when they release some games.


2 High reccomendations from me would be


ZombiU - if you like survival horror


The Wonderful 101 - The only reason to not own this game is if you don't enjoy a fun game with lots of charm and offers a hell of a challenge to test your skills and some devilish puzzles that seem hard till you work them out and then turn yourself into Wonder-Facepalm




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I'm not a member, and its about £10 worth of petrol away.


I don't really see the problem guys....I got it for the best online price I could find. I'm happy. :)




What's specific/different about a Waitrose and Home, anyway?


Also what kind of games do you actually like. There are some good games.

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I'm not a member, and its about £10 worth of petrol away.


I don't really see the problem guys....I got it for the best online price I could find. I'm happy. :)


No hate, braaah. We're just trying to save you some monies so that you can spend that shit on games.


Get ZombiU, Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3. OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE.

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What do you mean Josh?


I want LEGO, but thats about it. Not sure Id like ZombiU as I only like FPS's if they're very very good.


Not really into Pikmin.


Won't be getting stuff like NFS on the Wii U....I actually got the Vita version which is bloody awesome and all the challenges and records crosses over with PS3.




So yeah, definitely want to get LEGO (non special edition) so Im keeping an eye out for that on the cheap.

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Aonuma Says Twilight Princess And Skyward Sword May Yet Come To HD


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD might not be the only Zelda game to receive the HD treatment. In an interview with Polygon, series lead producer Eiji Aonuma has reiterated that they once experimented on both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword when looking into high-definition remakes but only got a semi-realistic version, so ultimately settled on the Wind Waker with its gorgeous aesthetic design. However, Aonuma has said that there would be a small chance the HD redesign may be given the go ahead on those titles, seen as they were previously tested, but it’s wise not to hold our breath on this one. Do you think there’s room for another HD title, and which one would you prefer?


“I can’t say that the possibility is zero that those will be made into HD, but right now I need to work on the next installation in the series so I don’t have the bandwidth to do that right now. But maybe it will happen if someone else does it.”



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