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Bit of off-topic, but I thought this article was quite fun read: http://pietriots.com/2014/01/26/nintendo-a-good-problem-to-have/


Never heard of the site before, though.


Everything he says it's true except for one thing...


It absolutely IS my concern as to how well Nintendo does and it WILL affect my game experience because the current industry landscape is killing them. They might still be putting out some of the greatest games ever made, but that won't continue for much longer if they can't improve their financial performance :(


In a world of corruption, Nintendo is the one big good guy still standing and that's a fucking miracle! But at this point it looks like a fight against time...

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It lost a lot of credibility around here:


mobile apps rotting people’s brains


But the article puts forward a good argument about why Nintendo should go third party. That's what it was arguing, right? :p


And before anyone gets too het up, it was more the closing paragraph that read that way to me. I know earlier it spoke about the need for dedicated hardware.

Edited by Ashley
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In a world of corruption, Nintendo is the one big good guy still standing and that's a fucking miracle! But at this point it looks like a fight against time...


What do you mean by that? There's plenty of developers still releasing games on dedicated hardware that that lack an in-app purchase model...

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Name them. What major publishers do not insist on such a model these days.?


Nearly all of them. Most console games (not companies) aren't like app store / free to play games in their models. Most are 'pay £30 to get the game, no in app purchases to boost your character'. Even if some companies have done that, they still release an awful lot of games that aren't like that.


The majority of home console games don't have in-app purchases; DLC is usually different to what I'd call an in-app purchase. More like PC expansion packs of old that come out way down the line after a game releases and don't usually affect the game you've already played. They give people more content, which is usually what they want.


In terms of the article that sparked this, with Candy Crush type purchases - no, the vast majority of console games do not do this. A game that did do this was Mass Effect 3, but really, that was very unusual and hasn't been widely adopted by other games.

Edited by Sheikah
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Nearly all of them. Most console games (not companies) aren't like app store / free to play games in their models. Most are 'pay £30 to get the game, no in app purchases to boost your character'. Even if some companies have done that, they still release an awful lot of games that aren't like that.


The majority of home console games don't have in-app purchases; DLC is usually different to what I'd call an in-app purchase. More like PC expansion packs of old that come out way down the line after a game releases and don't usually affect the game you've already played. They give people more content, which is usually what they want.


In terms of the article that sparked this, with Candy Crush type purchases - no, the vast majority of console games do not do this.


Clearly someone hasn't seen the vast majority of the Xbox One launch titles (surely you've at least seen the Forza 5, Crimson Dragon and Ryse controversy!?) or almost all of EA's titles, or Sony's push for F2P style mechanics with Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3's multiplayer or with Gran Turismo 6, or the shit that Square Enix have been pulling with Sleeping Dogs and FF13-2 and all of their mobile games, or the bait and switch that Namco did with Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, or what Capcom have been pulling with Street Fighter X Tekken and the DLC explosion in almost all of their games, or the subscription-in-disguise that Activision get away with with their regular supply of COD DLC map packs that you pretty much require to carry on playing online with the rest of the community (cant be getting left behind!), or the F2P-in-disguise mechanics involved in Grand Theft Auto online (the money packs that can be purchased with real money and how the online game is tuned to encourage people to buy them to avoid the grind)...


It's happening right under your nose and has been for the last few years. It's only going to get worse from here on too...

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One console's launch titles, so what's that - 5-10 games max?


Nothing to suggest it will become the main way of doing things either. The vast majority of games aren't doing that. Uncharted 3 and KZ you can just buy the game as usual and play as usual (you somewhat conveniently forgot that...). Seems weird to criticise an alternative model that might mean some people can play it for cheaper with less content, while other people can still play the way they're used to. Hello Wii Sports!


Additional maps are new content. Of course you should expect to pay for new content, really.


Just to reiterate - in app purchases are the kind of 'boost your character for 50p per use' kind of garbage. DLC maps, levels or missions that has had resources used to make long after the original game released isn't an in app purchase that has been popularised by smartphones. This model has existed for decades with PC expansion packs. See Baldur's Gate!

Edited by Sheikah
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Mayabe micro-transactions would have been a better term to describe it.


Yeah, that would be a better term. It's worst when they're related to something 'online' (like Mass Effect 3 or F2P MMORPGs) - anything where there is an economy or where you interact with others that have paid their way to success, since otherwise you can generally ignore it.


Games like Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us and Borderlands that release DLC many months after the game came out that have cool extra missions/stuff is something to be appreciated I think. Given you've most likely completed the game by that point it's not going to affect your enjoyment of the main game if you don't want to buy the DLC, but it's there if you want to do more in the game.

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One console's launch titles, so what's that - 5-10 games max?


Nothing to suggest it will become the main way of doing things either. The vast majority of games aren't doing that. Uncharted 3 and KZ you can just buy the game as usual and play as usual (you somewhat conveniently forgot that...). Seems weird to criticise an alternative model that might mean some people can play it for cheaper with less content, while other people can still play the way they're used to. Hello Wii Sports!


Additional maps are new content. Of course you should expect to pay for new content, really.


Just to reiterate - in app purchases are the kind of 'boost your character for 50p per use' kind of garbage. DLC maps, levels or missions that has had resources used to make long after the original game released isn't an in app purchase that has been popularised by smartphones. This model has existed for decades with PC expansion packs. See Baldur's Gate!


you are a corporations dream punter,the kind of guy that spends £400 on a new console, £60 on a second controller, £60 on a game that's already available on a console you own for £30, £40 subscription to play the thing and then another £20 in DLC and all the while, happily trotting along oblivious (or just in plain denial) to the fact you are getting butt fucked.


They are greedy bastards who's only objective is to empty your pockets.

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