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i don't know what x86 is, I assumed it's reference to a processor or chip or something that the consoles both use, in which case what's wrong with that?

Is X86 a derogatory comment used to describe Sony and Microsoft consoles?


x86 generally refers to 32-bit processor architecture/instruction set iirc, used mostly by PCs(and x64 to 64 bit). It isn't really derogatory(unless trying to imply the 64 bit system is more like a 32 bit system/outdated) but I think the idea of referring to the competition as 'twins' and moreso 'x86 twins' was more the point. Implying the competition is essentially two identical consoles, that are essentially just PCs anyway. The type of processor determines everything, as the instruction set for it obviously underpins the whole system. So people refer to x86, x64, RISC, ARM, PowerPC etc(i might be wrong about these last few).


But would you look at that. We're once again doing a spectacular job of derailing the WiiU thread to non-WiiU talk. Knew it'd be too good to last.


Though whilst we're at it - what sort of architecture WOULD the WiiU be classed as? It's neither x86 or x64, right? I know the DS/3DS used ARM processors(is that right?) - what about WiiU? Is it PowerPC? I'm a bit shallow on that whole side of things, beyond a basic and potentially shaky understanding.

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Especially since these games, like Lego games, have actual precedence of selling better on the Wii U than the x86 twins


Do you have a figure for these? The various sources I can find on Disney Infinity say it was best selling on 360, and that both Wii and Wii U made up for 31% (with Wii sales double of Wii U).

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Apart from that it was wrong. Yeah, statement of fact. :p

Erm no. They run 64 bit x86 processors. My statement is correct. Once again your attempt to attack me is flawed due to your lack of research and/or knowledge.


Do you have a figure for these? The various sources I can find on Disney Infinity say it was best selling on 360, and that both Wii and Wii U made up for 31% (with Wii sales double of Wii U).

It was in the NPDs, mostly for Lego titles though. I may have been mistaken for Disney Infinity, but it is a very decent seller on Wii U.


@Serebii makes statement of fact - he is defacto troll, lord of evil and an all round bad guy disrupting the show.


At the same time people post 30fps is better than 60fps and those who disagree are the trolls.



Really goes to show. People say I derail threads, sometimes I do, but what usually happens is someone takes what I say and makes a mountain out of a molecule, often by reading things into what I said which aren't there, or attempting to attack me with flawed "facts".


It really is getting trying.

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Technically it's x86-64 ;)


And yet, you reworded your answer when challenged.


I'm willing to say you probably weren't saying this with any intended malice/bad meaning, unlike what some people are saying. Although originally you did make them sound worse than they probably are.

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"the x86 twins" reads, to me and seemingly only me (:p), as a snide comment about the similarity in their architecture being a bad thing. Along the same lines as terms such as "Sony Ponies".


Maybe it wasn't the intent, but given his past comments deriding many companies it was hardly a giant leap but perhaps one I shouldn't have made.


Let's just both agree we made mistakes in our understanding and wording. But Liz Lemon gifs are always welcome so...it's not all bad.

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Nintendo Minute – Smash-tember: Super Smash Bros. for N64 Battle for Glory


&ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="615" height="360">



Everybodys favourite Kit and Krysta are here again and this week they're joined by a couple of others, JC Rodrigo from the Nintendo of America Treehouse and Twitch user Scar trying to sell us Smash Bros. for the N64 for the VC on Wii because as everyone knows there's still no N64 games on eShop. I couldn't play this game today, it's too rough looking but I did watch all of the video. A couple of things, Krysta is crap, really crap and the last KO is awesome.

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So what exactly is the deal is with automatic software updates? A few days ago I decided to chuck a disc in my Wii U for the first time in ages (to check the drive was still functional after such a long break :heh:) which happened to be The Wonderful 101, and I was surprised when it started downloading and then installing an update. :blank:


I've had standby connection and automatic updates enabled on my Wii U for quite a while now, and always thought that meant the console kept everything up to date automatically (@Dcubed, pretty sure you mentioned this on here before) but that definitely didn't happen in this case. :hmm:


Anyone else had to manually update a game since enabling standby functions?

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So what exactly is the deal is with automatic software updates? A few days ago I decided to chuck a disc in my Wii U for the first time in ages (to check the drive was still functional after such a long break :heh:) which happened to be The Wonderful 101, and I was surprised when it started downloading and then installing an update. :blank:


I've had standby connection and automatic updates enabled on my Wii U for quite a while now, and always thought that meant the console kept everything up to date automatically (@Dcubed, pretty sure you mentioned this on here before) but that definitely didn't happen in this case. :hmm:


Anyone else had to manually update a game since enabling standby functions?

Yeah a couple of times. It is weird. Sometimes a game is automatically updated, other times it's not.


Could be a deal in that it only does it for patches issued since automatic updates began. Think the last W101 patch predates it.

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So as if I've only just realised that the game pad can be used as a screen in conjunction with the Pro Controller! I knew you could use a Wii remote and nunchuck and the gamepad as a set up but didn't think to try it with a Pro controller until I got DK Tropical Freeze. Good for me when I have to keep an eye on our puppy and I'm home alone! (He isn't allowed upstairs!)




Very cool!

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And everyone thought the biggest problem with the basic Wii U was the 8GB memory...








I'm not actually a dirty bastard with mucky hands. :laughing: Though this would suggest otherwise.

How I only just noticed this, I have no idea. The Dettol wipes are now out. :heh:


I really want a white pro controller


Change your mind? Brings a new meaning to dirty backside. :laughing:

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So I've actually been playing my Wii U a bit more recently(read:Kirby Superstar on VC) but man is it slow. Just...wow. I counted about 30 seconds for a transition, which is a bit ridiculous really.


Another annoying thing - gave my mate Superstar to play(with the gamepad) then thought I'd jump in with the Pro pad(as, under my previous 'testing' the night before I'd been told it wouldn't work with Wiimote) - what they neglected to mention to me is that it won't fucking work straight off with a spontaneous extra controller either, rather it'd sync the 'Pro' pad as player one, meaning it was totally sharing, and interrupting, my mate's gameplay with the gamepad! How can you seriously justify that bullshit. In the end had to savestate, reset, synch, launch, restore. What a bunch of jokers.

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