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Wii U General Discussion


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Hmm, when do we think the update will land? Surely today's planned maintenance will just prep the system for it, and then the update itself will land, what, Wednesday/Thursday?


I'm betting that a Nintendo Direct will be announced either today or tomorrow (for either Tuesday or Wednesday), while the update itself will be delivered as soon as the maintenance is finished (the idea being that the console will just autodownload it overnight and then during the Nintendo Direct they can say "ooh lookie! As soon as you turn your Wii U on, you'll notice all these awesome new features from the update that downloaded itself to your Wii U!")


Edit: AWWWW YEAHHHHH!!! I'm too good at this malarkey! :awesome:




Who needs Emily Rogers? ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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Despite my general dislike for FIFA in recent years, I had a couple of games of FIFA 13 last night with @dazzybee :heh: The connection was pretty terrible at times but it kinda felt good to play something online on Wii U :indeed:


I didn't play particularly well.. but I never felt entirely comfortable either. I played the first game with the Wii U Pro Controller and the second with the Wii U Gamepad but neither option felt right when it came to playing a football game :hmm: The ergonomics just felt a little off to the point where I was practically thinking about it constantly and taking me out of the game..


It may be that I've just become accustomed to playing traditional football games with the PlayStation pad over the years, but I genuinely feel like this sort of thing could be a problem in other Wii U games too. Does anyone else feel like there's something just not quite right..? ::shrug: Nintendo controllers used to always fit me like a [power] glove..

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System "Autumn" update is LIVE people. I'm going downloading it now.


Download complete, it was 34 minutes to download and a further 20 minutes to install.


It's a fairly sizeable update, it's 648MB.


Update notes from Nintendo Japan (Google Translate):


Major changes due to updates to the 4.0.0J


Add the ability to output to the Wii U GamePad a picture of Wii-only software

  • I was able to be output to the Wii U GamePad the image of the Wii-only software. You can choose from "both the GamePad and TV" or "TV only" the output destination. (※ 1)


Added functionality to automatically receive software to deliver from Nintendo

  • Future, we have to be able to automatically receive in the "communication when did" the software recommended for trial to be delivered from Nintendo.


Corresponding input by USB keyboard

  • In the scene software keyboard is available, I have to be able to use a USB keyboard. (※ 2) Click here for information on the operation has been verified USB keyboard


Added settings Nintendo Network ID

  • It is now possible to set whether to use the services of Nintendo Network such as smart phones and personal computers, from devices other than the Nintendo game console.


When using the Wii-only software, I now supports Dolby Pro Logic II surround output. (※ 3)

"Updating the Wii U menu"

  • Place the Wii U on the menu icon in the "friends list", it is now possible to start the "friends list" from the Wii U menu.


Updating the "Settings"

  • I have to allow the setting of the automatic receipt of the software in the "Internet".
  • I have to be able to select the sound output of cable TV in the "TV". You can if you are connected with an HDMI cable, and outputs it to the speakers of the commercial sound in conjunction and "Wii-only AV cable".Click here for details
  • If the operation of the power supply is OFF is enabled in the "Setting the Power", I was able to be set in hourly operation interval.


"Updating the Wii U Chat"

  • The incoming response time from friends or outgoing to friends, I was able to be confirmed by Miiverse profile opponent.
  • It is now possible to call using the headset that is connected to the Wii U GamePad.


Updating the "Internet Browser"

  • You have to allow the / fast-forward operation rewind a certain time in the L / R button on the Wii U GamePad During movie playback. I can also fast-forward playback Press and hold the R button.
  • If you are logged in to the web site using your user name and password, it is now possible to save the user name and password you entered. (※ 4)
  • If you start the Internet browser by interrupting the software, you can now be uploaded to the web site, such as bulletin boards and blogs, the image of the Wii U GamePad screen tv screens and soft interruption.
  • I have to be able to view a PDF file on the website. (※ 5)
  • As a function of the web site developer, I have to be able to use the developer tools and switching of user agent.


Improved convenience and stability of the system

  • As you can enjoy more comfortable, it has been improved convenience and stability of the system.


(※ 1)

It does not correspond to the operations in the Wii U GamePad. You can instead of the TV screen, playing by displaying the game screen to GamePad. In order to enjoy a Wii exclusive software, operation by the Wii Remote or Wii Remote Plus is required.

(※ 2)

Some, there is also software you can not use a USB keyboard.

(※ 3)

I am limited to Dolby Pro Logic II compatible software.

(※ 4)

The user name and password that are saved, you can delete the "Internet Browser" in the "Settings".

(※ 5)

Depending on the data size and format of the PDF file, you may not be displayed correctly. In addition, you will not be able to save the PDF file.

Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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I just finished the system update! I love that Nintendo can now push software onto my Wii U!


I like the new 'world clock' when opening Miiverse. The friend list icon has finally been added onto the Wii U menu. The website itself is displayed as I write this reply.


The latest version is called 4.0.0E.

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Nintendo has emailed me.


They are holding my gamepad hostage unless I pay them £85.50




That is disgusting!

I'd buy the Zelda £200 bundle and get quidco cashback instead :) Then you can have a spare wii u in another room and use one gamepad!!

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Ummm. What in God's name are those and where is the Peach one? Is this from the Direct? I didn't see. Please tell me there's a Peach one. PLEASE.


Yes they're from the Direct and no there's no Peach version or at least it wasn't shown at this time.

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That Luigi WiiMote looks wonderful! I just wish they weren't always so expensive :(


And I updated my Wii U today, I probably won't use many of the new features but they sound cool. One thing I did hear is that youtube is fixed on the internet browser which was music to my ears. Buuuuuut I seem to be getting 'video can't be played on this device' on like every other video I click on :S Is anyone else getting this?


My internet is usually really weird though, so it could just be me. And I'm slightly disappointed that Nintendo TVii didn't spring to life after this update but i'll still keep the faith.


...I just hope it doesn't turn into another tab cube situation :( I'm still healing after that.

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That Luigi WiiMote looks wonderful! I just wish they weren't always so expensive :(


And I updated my Wii U today, I probably won't use many of the new features but they sound cool. One thing I did hear is that youtube is fixed on the internet browser which was music to my ears. Buuuuuut I seem to be getting 'video can't be played on this device' on like every other video I click on :S Is anyone else getting this?


My internet is usually really weird though, so it could just be me. And I'm slightly disappointed that Nintendo TVii didn't spring to life after this update but i'll still keep the faith.


...I just hope it doesn't turn into another tab cube situation :( I'm still healing after that.


Haven't tried it myself yet but supposedly youtube videos with preceding ads can't be played.

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Shit, if that's the case then YouTube is almost useless on the browser because at least half the videos I watch on YouTube seem to have adverts. It did almost seem too good to be true before though when the browser would let you just skip to the very last second of an advert and then move on to the proper video.

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The fact that YouTube will only allow ad-free vids to play on the Wii U browser now is pretty damn shitty. :nono:


I'm assuming this is just a way to try and force people use the app/watch annoying ads.

All vids still play on that, right? Can't test it myself, deleted that thing ages ago!

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