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  Hero-of-Time said:
Wow! That sucks. :(

Indeed :( Bound to be an amazing game, though. I was on the fence thinking "I know it'll be good but I'm not excited", but then I saw the videos yesterday. Bring it on.


WHAT!? Really!? WHY!? Why would they doooooo that!? :cry:


What a missed opportunity :( I was really hoping we'd see more animal buddies this time...


The rest of the game had better be fucking amazing to make up for it! (Though I'm sure it will be regardless...)


So just Rambi as the animal buddies? /sigh/


Though at this point I don't know why I expected anything more. At least it has David Wise I guess, and the video replays could be good it they're implemented right but we'll see.

  Andyliini said:
GameXplain shares some juicy new info & video:


Strange thing, when you pause this video at 3:02 it seems to hint at 5 playable Kong members and 5 animal buddies...


But ofcourse, the empty spots might also just be Candy, Funky, Squawks and other NPC/A's...

  markderoos said:
Strange thing, when you pause this video at 3:02 it seems to hint at 5 playable Kong members and 5 animal buddies...


But ofcourse, the empty spots might also just be Candy, Funky, Squawks and other NPC/A's...


Maybe DLC could add levels and characters? Or they originally planned more characters and they cut back for what ever reason?

Although NPCs does sound most likely.

  Retro_Link said:
That's one crappy pre-order bonus.

Even more so considering you'd be paying more for the game, probably not getting in on the release date, and possibly not even getting the pre-order bonus, a la SM3DW cat sleeve. :indeed:

  Serebii said:
GAME are offering this as pre-order bonus






Yet another pre-order bonus that I'll track down on eBay and then buy when I spy one that's dirt cheap - around £3 inc postage - as there's no way I'll pre-order it there (Game) and pay probably £7 more than I would if I went with ShopTo...

  Retro_Link said:
That's one crappy pre-order bonus.


Yep. You'd think they would have great pre-orders to attract some buzz.

Great music on that last video though...

  Serebii said:
11.4GB to download. Crikey, that's almost as big as a Dead Rising 3 patch :p


Can use all controllers except Classic Controller. Weird.


11.4... that's over a third of the on board memory. I know it can be deleted then redownloaded for free... but still, Nintendo really should have added more capacity. Having siad that, if I get an SD card it has potential other uses as well.


Is it possible to save Wii U data from a SD card onto a regular PC? Or would it need a less than official program to get past formatting issues or something like that?

  Pestneb said:
11.4... that's over a third of the on board memory. I know it can be deleted then redownloaded for free... but still, Nintendo really should have added more capacity. Having siad that, if I get an SD card it has potential other uses as well.


Is it possible to save Wii U data from a SD card onto a regular PC? Or would it need a less than official program to get past formatting issues or something like that?


You can't save data to the SD card. You need an external HDD or USB drive (but it's not recommended)

  Pestneb said:
why's it not recommended? sucks that sd's can't be used - why not? are they too slow?


USB drives are very volatile, they aren't designed to read/written to in high volumes and it's very likely you'll kill the drive fairly quick. You can do it and it'll probably be fine but your running the risk of losing your data.

  Serebii said:
11.4GB to download. Crikey, that's almost as big as a Dead Rising 3 patch :p


Can use all controllers except Classic Controller. Weird.


That IS weird... You'd think they'd support it, given that DKCTF doesn't use the clickable sticks...


Oh well I don't care anyway. I shall be playing it like God intended; Wiimote and Nunchuck in hand! :yay:

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