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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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I really liked the world of The Witcher in the first 2 games, really looking forward to exploring the open world in this. Hopefully it'll have lots of side quests with whacky stories inspired by the original novels.


Just a question of which platform to get it on. New gaming PC, Xbox One or PS4?

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I really liked the world of The Witcher in the first 2 games, really looking forward to exploring the open world in this. Hopefully it'll have lots of side quests with whacky stories inspired by the original novels.


Just a question of which platform to get it on. New gaming PC, Xbox One or PS4?


How is this even a question? PC is base version, looks and runs better and will be cheaper. If you have a PC that can handle it... it's the obvious choice.

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I'd probably get it on PS4 if I do. I'd rather not have the hassle of trying to find the right settings to make it run smoothly. The Witcher 2 is the only game where I've not been able to just click "maximum" and play, and it looks rather ugly on the settings I have.

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How is this even a question? PC is base version, looks and runs better and will be cheaper. If you have a PC that can handle it... it's the obvious choice.


My current PC is about 6 years old, it'll probably scrape by on minimum specs, but won't look or run that great.

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My current PC is about 6 years old, it'll probably scrape by on minimum specs, but won't look or run that great.


Go PS4 then. :P If your PC is 6 years old the PS4 version will blow it out of the water. As for the Xbone, forget it exists. Ignore it and let it die.

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I'd probably get it on PS4 if I do. I'd rather not have the hassle of trying to find the right settings to make it run smoothly. The Witcher 2 is the only game where I've not been able to just click "maximum" and play, and it looks rather ugly on the settings I have.


True dat, fucking Ubersampling is a system killer.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm currently trying to play through the first game (had it on steam and never used it, my old pc couldn't play it well) and its good/bad


it looks good, combat is good, but its buggy/disjointed


After the prologue intro level, you go your seperate ways and you get to a village under attack, and the cut scene seemed a bit disjointed, you go te defend and then it sort of very quickly seemed to be in a conversation at the end of the attack, with very little in the way of explanation of how all the enemies died


thats just one example, i've had a few conversations randomly end, or the character animation not follow the voice


i'm about 3/4 hours in and the bugs are annoying


someone tell me it gets better, tell me the witcher 2 (which i also have) is an improvement given everyone raving about it



also any texture mods for characters? the hair on some NPC's are shocking (the witch in the first village comes to mind)

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Are you sure you applied all the necessary (and correct) patches? I had never such issues, and I loved the game.


Its the steam version, it updated when i reinstalled it....i assume its up to date ::shrug:


I've no idea why its a bit buggy, i might remove and reinstall it, its done it several times while i've been in combat...for example i encountered the barmaid being hassled by bandits, i fought them off and during my conversation with her, a hell hound spawned, the conversation ended and after i'd disposed of it, all she said was "my granny told me not to talk to strangers" or similar, so the questline broken, needing a reload.


and still loads of people during conversations their faces remain static and aren't animated as talking, or its out of sync


i can run the game on Ultra with power to spare, its just odd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the first two games are on sale on Steam (not to mention there are free trial versions), so I suppose it's a good time to ask about this series.


First, my computer isn't running the second game properly. Terrible slowdowns everywhere (I'll move the mouse, and the camera will follow 2 seconds later). The first game runs just fine, but the combat is weird (animations aren't showing. I just click a bunch of times, a few red numbers pop up, and they're dead. Maybe it has to do with some option that I missed)


So, I considered trying to figure out that issue with the first game, and buy only that one, but... I've also heard that Witcher 2 improves on the first one in every way, and considering I still have a backlog, maybe I could leave it for later (like, for a time when I'll get a new PC).


So yeah, in general, is it worth it to play the first game in this series? Or should one skip to the second one?

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I wouldn't say The Witcher 2 improved upon the original in every way. It's kinda like the difference between Mass Effect 1 and 2, I'd definitely still recommend playing the original first.


Except for the fact it has full controller support (huge deal for me) I've found the first one so cumbersome in the two hours I've played.

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Mass Effect should be played from the start even if only for the story, right? Is it the same thing with Witcher, then, the plot should be followed from the start?


The full controller support is a non-issue for now.


Oh no I totally agree storywise just for me the first game has been real hard work but I will stick with it.

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You can pick up the story very easily in the Witcher 2 though, and it's not as though either games start with the genesis of your character. Also, in Mass Effect the important part of starting with the first one was that you made decisions which carried over to the second one.


I loved Witcher 2 but I couldn't get through the first game because it's aged badly.

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