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NINTENDO @ E3: Towards Hype and Hyperboles

Fused King

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Gold with wii motion plus and loads more courses would be amazing. Tennis with nuncuk support to control player, more options in what length of matches and again wii motion plus would be amazing. Bowling is perfect as is. All of Resorts events wouldk be great, some new ones. Online support. The whole thing would be fantastic!!

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I have a request, if anyone is able to grant me it.


Basically, I'm in work when the direct is starting. I won't be able to pick up Ine until after the Direct has finished and our plan is to order some chinese food and watch it.


If possible, will anyone be able to email me the link to the direct once it has finished and been put online. I don't want a PM of the link because that would involve coming here and we'll see spoilers. Do Nintendo usually put the directs up to watch after they've been shown live? In full?


If it's possible, I would be eternally grateful.

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I have a request, if anyone is able to grant me it.


Basically, I'm in work when the direct is starting. I won't be able to pick up Ine until after the Direct has finished and our plan is to order some chinese food and watch it.


If possible, will anyone be able to email me the link to the direct once it has finished and been put online. I don't want a PM of the link because that would involve coming here and we'll see spoilers. Do Nintendo usually put the directs up to watch after they've been shown live? In full?


If it's possible, I would be eternally grateful.

You'll find it here :)



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I have a request, if anyone is able to grant me it.


Basically, I'm in work when the direct is starting. I won't be able to pick up Ine until after the Direct has finished and our plan is to order some chinese food and watch it.


If possible, will anyone be able to email me the link to the direct once it has finished and been put online. I don't want a PM of the link because that would involve coming here and we'll see spoilers. Do Nintendo usually put the directs up to watch after they've been shown live? In full?


If it's possible, I would be eternally grateful.


At the risk of pimping NeoGAF, this will be useful for you.




Bookmark it and head there without heading anywhere else when you get home.

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i really hope and pray they announce a price drop for the WiiU, with the PS4 so closely priced its needed not only to compete, but also to help fire the killing blows at the Xbone! Nintendo could perform the coup de gráce here and get this industry back on track with a two horse race!



all aboard the hype train!

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i really hope and pray they announce a price drop for the WiiU, with the PS4 so closely priced its needed not only to compete, but also to help fire the killing blows at the Xbone! Nintendo could perform the coup de gráce here and get this industry back on track with a two horse race!



all aboard the hype train!


If they do make a price cut I hope they give something to those who have supported the console from Day 1. :cry:

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*collapses after only having a few hours sleep*



See I knew going to bed after the Ubi Conference had some advantages :p


although I would loved to have been on NE Chat at the Tretton announcements last night.



I've somehow gotta try get the chat window open and hidden & the Nintendo Direct somewhere on my work monitors. Gunna be tough :blank:

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Have set myself up so I'm only having a half day in the lab at uni today so I should get home in time to get a cup of joe brewed and sit down to watch this ND.


Although I must say there is a distinct lack of hype coursing through me right now. Just this feeling that Nintendo have already blown their load and the only reveals will be what the new Mario (Kart) will actually look like. I hope I'm proved wrong but something tells me there'll be little in the way of new surprises, or a price drop for the Wii U as everyone (including myself) hopes for in light of the PS4 price point.


And similarly, I'm struggling to see anything out doing EA making Mirror's Edge 2 official. For me, that along with the PS4 stuff (and Destiny which looked great!!!) may well be the highlights. But like I say, I hope I'm wrong.

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It's kind of bittersweet getting ready to watch this. On one hand, there's absolutely no chance in hell of Nintendo beating Sony this year and no way for them to win this generation now (PS4 has it all nice and neatly wrapped up and bagged, ready to go).


On the other hand, at least they wont come last this generation! Nowhere to go but up from here as the Xbone takes the Wii U's place! :laughing:

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I only caught a few clips of the Microsoft Conference and went to bed after being incredibly disinterested in the first hour of Sony's show. Unless something magical happened in the second half which, going by what I've read so far, doesn't seem to be the case, then it's once again up to Nintendo to remind me why I play games..


As usual, I don't feel any connection to the other companies and none of the games revealed have got me excited.. certainly not any of the ones I've glanced at this morning :indeed:

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I only caught a few clips of the Microsoft Conference and went to bed after being incredibly disinterested in the first hour of Sony's show. Unless something magical happened in the second half which, going by what I've read so far, doesn't seem to be the case, then it's once again up to Nintendo to remind me why I play games..


As usual, I don't feel any connection to the other companies and none of the games revealed have got me excited.. certainly not any of the ones I've glanced at this morning :indeed:


I personally thought the MS show had a better line-up of first and third party exclusives. The games that Sony actually focused most heavily on - Watchdogs, Black Flag and Destiny - were all multi-platform. Sony's conference was still strong on the software side though.


Sony did however knock it out of the park when it came to the positioning of the console. It's very well priced and consumer friendly. They have totally made a Saturn of the XBO.


I'm still more hyped for what Nintendo is going to show later today though as I find that Nintendo are still the company that bring the most interesting and most polished games to the market. There's nothing like a new Mario, Zelda or Metroid to set me on fire.

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It's got to be done, really... a few predictions from me


  • No unified account, but better cohesion between devices. eShop across platforms - buy WiiU games from 3DS and vice versa and discounted cross-platform VC, buy a game on WiiU, 3DS version is discounted. Cloud saves for cross platform games.
  • Miiverse to expand to 3DS. No app, not firmware based, but baked into games to save 3DS resources.
  • Wii U summer update revealed, available to download from today.
  • Retro not working on Starfox or Metroid. Cherished IP from NES or SNES days. Perhaps Kid Icarus?
  • New IPs announced, perhaps not shown. Or aquisitions.
  • Brain Training: Dr Kawashima's University for Wii U
  • "Join" feature added to WiiU Friends list, Miiverse and Friends list integrated.
  • Mario Kart Unlimited/Mario Kart milked. 8 characters, 16 tracks. Massive DLC push with this one, new characters, new track packs.
  • 3D Mario not Mario 'Universe', drops the Galaxy style for a new, openworld playground. And its massive.
  • Web eShop is dated, shown.
  • Virtual Console Monthly - subscription service.
  • More on Zelda Wind Waker and LTTP2, 'new Zelda' not discussed.


Did I say "predictions"... perhaps more of a wish list.



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